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GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
hrishiS24-Sep-09 4:26
hrishiS24-Sep-09 4:26 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
David Crow24-Sep-09 4:33
David Crow24-Sep-09 4:33 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
hrishiS24-Sep-09 5:02
hrishiS24-Sep-09 5:02 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
David Crow24-Sep-09 5:09
David Crow24-Sep-09 5:09 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
Chuck O'Toole24-Sep-09 15:46
Chuck O'Toole24-Sep-09 15:46 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
David Crow25-Sep-09 2:41
David Crow25-Sep-09 2:41 
GeneralRe: Property sheet and page Pin
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:02
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:02 
AnswerRe: Property sheet and page Pin
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:04
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:04 
Originally posted as a reply to a reply when I meant it as a reply to the original poster. Hope this one's in the right place.

In MFC, PropertySheet and PropertyPage are intertwined classes, PropertyPages can only be placed on PropertySheets and there is some expectation on the operation of the parent class. Trying to mimic this behavior with your own Dialog / TabControl and Dialogs means trying to replicate many of the functions and interactions provided by the PropertySheet / PropertyPage classes.

What you seem to want to do can be easily done with managed C# and WPF so, unless you are totally committed to C++, I'd say switch languages.

QuestionHow to hide SIP with mutiple dialog boxes? Pin
Rushikesh12324-Sep-09 2:55
Rushikesh12324-Sep-09 2:55 
Questioni have written create process now i want to terminate process but it is not terminated Pin
prerananit24-Sep-09 2:42
prerananit24-Sep-09 2:42 
AnswerRe: i have written create process now i want to terminate process but it is not terminated Pin
Nuri Ismail24-Sep-09 2:45
Nuri Ismail24-Sep-09 2:45 
GeneralRe: i have written create process now i want to terminate process but it is not terminated Pin
CPallini24-Sep-09 3:01
mveCPallini24-Sep-09 3:01 
GeneralRe: i have written create process now i want to terminate process but it is not terminated Pin
Nuri Ismail24-Sep-09 3:14
Nuri Ismail24-Sep-09 3:14 
AnswerRe: i have written create process now i want to terminate process but it is not terminated Pin
CPallini24-Sep-09 3:02
mveCPallini24-Sep-09 3:02 
QuestionAutomatic cell change event in Excel Pin
NarVish24-Sep-09 1:59
NarVish24-Sep-09 1:59 
QuestionMFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 1:13
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 1:13 
AnswerRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
Franck Paquier24-Sep-09 1:24
Franck Paquier24-Sep-09 1:24 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 2:46
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 2:46 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
David Crow24-Sep-09 3:03
David Crow24-Sep-09 3:03 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 3:09
melinda_mel24-Sep-09 3:09 
AnswerRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
Chuck O'Toole24-Sep-09 15:58
Chuck O'Toole24-Sep-09 15:58 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
melinda_mel25-Sep-09 1:39
melinda_mel25-Sep-09 1:39 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 3:48
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 3:48 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
melinda_mel25-Sep-09 4:06
melinda_mel25-Sep-09 4:06 
GeneralRe: MFC - Passing data between dialogs in Tab Control Pin
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:12
Chuck O'Toole25-Sep-09 4:12 

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