Hi, I am running this code:
<br />
string fullFilename = "\\\\server\\share\\DL_JP_462153474_461535959_attest.JPG.pdf";<br />
byte[] bytes = File.ReadAllBytes(fullFilename);
and get this exception:
"Could not find file '\\\\server\\share\\DL_JP_462153474_461535959_attest.JPG.pdf'."
The only problem is that the file does actually exist! Also, it works on files with shorter filenames in the same folder. For example:
Does anyone know what this is all about?
It's *highly unlikely* that System.IO.File is wrong, but more likey that the path provided is incorrect in some way.
try replacing this:
string fullFilename = "\\\\server\\share\\DL_JP_462153474_461535959_attest.JPG.pdf";
with this
string fullFilename = @"\\server\share\DL_JP_462153474_461535959_attest.JPG.pdf";
If you use the string with the @ symbol rather than your escaped version, you can copy the contents of the string you set fullFilename and perform some manual checks( such as pasting the path\\server\share\DL_JP_462153474_461535959_attest.JPG.pdf into explorer).
CCC solved so far: 2 (including a Hard One!)
So that is what the @ is for
Thank you for your answer, but I have to admit that I screwed up, and the file actually doesn't exist
I am working with some testdata, and someone placed an error there (possibly on purpose?)
That is a lot of hours wasted...
the difference_:
Thomas ST wrote: That is a lot of hours wasted...
We've all done this sort of thing!
CCC solved so far: 2 (including a Hard One!)
Good day
I am trying to serialize/deserialize a class (for the first time), and the serialization works fine, but as soon as I try to deserialize it, it gives me the exception:
System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException was unhandled
Message="Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation."
InnerException: System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException
Message="Member '' was not found."
at Trainer.BoostedClassifier..ctor(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
The class I'm serializing contains a List<int> type, could this be the source of the error?
I would appreciate any ideas to what this exception might be hinting at. (let me know if more info is needed)
Sorry, I forgot to mention why my heading is called serializing an inherited class;
My class I am serializing also contains a list of my own object type (List<Object>), but the objects themselves are inherited instantiations.
In other words, I'm serializing:
MainClass <-- being serialized. Which contains,
List<Object> <-- where an the objects are of type,
InhertiedObj : Object
If that makes any sense?
I would post the code, but it is unfortunately very long.
Is it possible to create a word document without using third party libraries and the interop object in c
# programatically??
modified on Thursday, September 24, 2009 5:02 AM
I have a form that gets data from DB,
i created an event when the form deactivate the current form gets this.Hide() and a new form is open.
my problem if how i can reopen the first window?
if i write-
FirstWindow frmFirst = new FirstWindow();
a new form is open, but not the first form (the one that i turn to Hide()).
How can i solve this????
You will have to either
1) Keep a reference to the original form and pass it to the new form when you create it, and before you hid the original.
2) hook into an event from the second form to the original form which causes the original to re-display itself.
The second is better practice as it doesn't require form2 to know anything outside itself - it just throws an "I'm done" event.
Niether is too complex, the second is a few extra lines of code.
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main Form
MiniForm frmMini = new MiniForm( sender);
frmMini.TopMost = true;
private void MainForm_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
MiniForm frmMini = new MiniForm( sender);
frmMini.TopMost = true;
private void MiniForm_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
I have a grid and some textboxes
Grid have data from database and i added a EDIT button with fields.
The thing i want is---->
Whenever i click on edit button the data associated with it will get display in textbox.
I hope u all got what i want.
Thanks in advance.
So whats the problem?
In the button click event, get the info from the selected cell of the grid, and put it in the text box.
Which bit are you having difficulty with? What have you tried?
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Nothing clicking in my mind, what code to write in it?
lalit14 wrote: Nothing clicking in my mind, what code to write in it?
Write a button click event handler, hooked to your button.
In the handler, write the code to:
1) Find the selected cell in your grid.
2) Get the text from the cell.
3) Put the text into your TextBox.
At least two of these are simple, one-line-of-code-at-the-most bits of software.
What have you tried?
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Thanks dude
its working....!!
You are welcome! Glad to hear it.
No trees were harmed in the sending of this message; however, a significant number of electrons were slightly inconvenienced.
This message is made of fully recyclable Zeros and Ones
OriginalGriff is Correct, if you want to edit the gridview in ASP.net, you must enable the appropriate properties that will show you the edit,Delete and update per row and if you click on Edit,you do not need to write a code to do that, ASP.NET already will do it for you. The Values will be Presented in a Textbox , and in edit more for you to edit and the Update and Cancel Button will be available options for you.
Vuyiswa Maseko,
Few companies that installed computers to reduce the employment of clerks have realized their expectations.... They now need more and more expensive clerks even though they call them "Developers" or "Programmers."
i have two forms
i want after 3 seconds the first form is hiden and the second one is appeared
sorry for that silly question but the first form has user control that playing a movie
i trying to use the usually code to hide the first one
it is not disappeared and the second is appeared
thanks very much
Hard to tell without seeing the code. Could you post relevant code here?
in form1 this code
public partial class Form1 : Form
public Form1()
Form2 gv = new Form2();
private void dd()
Form2 ss = new Form2();
sorry i can not write the design of form 1 part but it an user control that represent a .avi video
thanks very much
I believe Form1 is your start-up form. When Application.Run(new Form1()) is executed, it sets the Form1 's visibility to true. This happens after your call to this.Hide() in Form1 's constructor. This is the reason why first form is still visible.
Are you looking to implement a splash-screen? If yes, this is not the correct method. Try the following points
- Show the Form1 before the call to
Application.Run - Keep a timer on Form1 with interval as 3secs and when timer ticks, unload the form.
- Instantiate Form2 and start message loop on that.
Application.Run(new Form2()) .
modified on Thursday, September 24, 2009 4:47 AM
Hello All ,
I have windows media player contrl. Now i will have 4 buttons when i click one butoon it should play the video , second one should pause , third one should do step forward and fourth one should step backward .
can u please me tell me how to achieve these functionalities.
var c = yourMediaPlayer.Ctlcontrols;
HelloNaveenth ,
Thanks for the help.
Can u tell me how to implement Pause and play form the same location
If i pause and then i click play it should play form there only .
I tried with that play method but it is playing from the Start.