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AnswerRe: Saving an image of a control Pin
PIEBALDconsult23-Sep-09 6:10
mvePIEBALDconsult23-Sep-09 6:10 
QuestionEvent timer_Tick in thread Pin
tamir10123-Sep-09 0:15
tamir10123-Sep-09 0:15 
AnswerRe: Event timer_Tick in thread Pin
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:25
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:25 
GeneralRe: Event timer_Tick in thread Pin
tamir10123-Sep-09 1:50
tamir10123-Sep-09 1:50 
QuestionPicturebox Image to be stored in Sql Database Pin
amaankhan23-Sep-09 0:03
amaankhan23-Sep-09 0:03 
AnswerRe: Picturebox Image to be stored in Sql Database Pin
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:08
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:08 
AnswerRe: Picturebox Image to be stored in Sql Database Pin
carlecomm23-Sep-09 16:36
carlecomm23-Sep-09 16:36 
QuestionRead row value from previous DataRowView Pin
kanchoette22-Sep-09 22:19
kanchoette22-Sep-09 22:19 
If I want to grab a DataRowView I use:

DataRowView arrangement = (DataRowView)BindingContext[debtorDataSet, "Debtor.FK_PaymentArrangements_Debtor"].Current;

How can I get a DataRowView for the previous position without changing the position to do so please?
AnswerRe: Read row value from previous DataRowView Pin
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:07
N a v a n e e t h23-Sep-09 0:07 
QuestionAdding the result of two Anonymous Type LINQ queries Pin
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:15
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:15 
AnswerRe: Adding the result of two Anonymous Type LINQ queries Pin
Ravi Mori22-Sep-09 21:56
Ravi Mori22-Sep-09 21:56 
GeneralRe: Adding the result of two Anonymous Type LINQ queries Pin
Programm3r22-Sep-09 23:14
Programm3r22-Sep-09 23:14 
QuestionHow to save a web page opened in Mozilla using c# Pin
svt gdwl22-Sep-09 21:10
svt gdwl22-Sep-09 21:10 
AnswerRe: How to save a web page opened in Mozilla using c# Pin
Calla22-Sep-09 21:51
Calla22-Sep-09 21:51 
Questionhow to know which control is focused Pin
meghamaharshi22-Sep-09 21:03
meghamaharshi22-Sep-09 21:03 
AnswerRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
OriginalGriff22-Sep-09 21:31
mveOriginalGriff22-Sep-09 21:31 
GeneralRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
meghamaharshi22-Sep-09 21:56
meghamaharshi22-Sep-09 21:56 
GeneralRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:57
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:57 
AnswerRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:38
Programm3r22-Sep-09 21:38 
AnswerRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
benjymous22-Sep-09 23:30
benjymous22-Sep-09 23:30 
AnswerRe: how to know which control is focused Pin
Henry Minute23-Sep-09 1:20
Henry Minute23-Sep-09 1:20 
Questionget GUID from Assembly Information Pin
Jassim Rahma22-Sep-09 20:56
Jassim Rahma22-Sep-09 20:56 
AnswerRe: get GUID from Assembly Information Pin
Ravi Mori22-Sep-09 21:00
Ravi Mori22-Sep-09 21:00 
AnswerRe: get GUID from Assembly Information Pin
0x3c022-Sep-09 23:42
0x3c022-Sep-09 23:42 
QuestionIBasicVideo2 GetCurrentImage returns black frames Pin
smilefishcc22-Sep-09 20:45
smilefishcc22-Sep-09 20:45 

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