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AnswerRe: RFC 868 Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 11:05
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 11:05 
AnswerRe: RFC 868 Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 13:45
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 13:45 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:30
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:30 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
Joe Woodbury17-Sep-09 17:40
professionalJoe Woodbury17-Sep-09 17:40 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 20:59
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 20:59 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:28
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:28 
QuestionRe: RFC 868 [solved] [modified] Pin
CPallini18-Sep-09 9:42
mveCPallini18-Sep-09 9:42 
AnswerRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 9:47
David Crow18-Sep-09 9:47 
What is the difference between 1 and 2? I simply tried with and without the call to ioctlsocket(). The former failed (i.e., recv() never updated the buffer) while the latter succeeded.

"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown

"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons

GeneralRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
CPallini18-Sep-09 10:37
mveCPallini18-Sep-09 10:37 
QuestionRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
David Crow21-Sep-09 4:05
David Crow21-Sep-09 4:05 
QuestionConvert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 9:53
dipuks17-Sep-09 9:53 
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:01
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:01 
AnswerRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:37
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:37 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:40
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:40 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:45
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:45 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:52
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:52 
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:59
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:59 
AnswerRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 11:05
dipuks17-Sep-09 11:05 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:35
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:35 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
vasu_sri17-Sep-09 19:35
vasu_sri17-Sep-09 19:35 
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:41
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:41 
Questioncopy/swap vector between threads... Pin
RobJones17-Sep-09 9:51
RobJones17-Sep-09 9:51 
AnswerRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:13
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:13 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:30
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:30 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
CPallini17-Sep-09 10:38
mveCPallini17-Sep-09 10:38 

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