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GeneralRe: Terinary commands then what is wrong with this example? As I am learning to use them... Pin
harold aptroot18-Sep-09 5:47
harold aptroot18-Sep-09 5:47 
GeneralRe: Terinary commands then what is wrong with this example? As I am learning to use them... Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 5:55
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 5:55 
GeneralRe: Terinary commands then what is wrong with this example? As I am learning to use them... Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 6:11
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 6:11 
GeneralRe: Terinary commands then what is wrong with this example? As I am learning to use them... Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 5:52
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 5:52 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
Keith Barrow18-Sep-09 6:24
professionalKeith Barrow18-Sep-09 6:24 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
Richard MacCutchan18-Sep-09 5:02
mveRichard MacCutchan18-Sep-09 5:02 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:42
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:42 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
harold aptroot18-Sep-09 4:49
harold aptroot18-Sep-09 4:49 
No, the length is read-only (and even if it weren't, it would probably have checked for the length to be >= 0)

PS: you don't need to ref an array unless you intend to replace the array entirely

JokeRe: questions about an array? Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:53
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:53 
AnswerRe: questions about an array? Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:29
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:29 
AnswerRe: questions about an array? [modified] Pin
Keith Barrow18-Sep-09 4:32
professionalKeith Barrow18-Sep-09 4:32 
JokeRe: questions about an array? Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:50
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:50 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
Keith Barrow18-Sep-09 4:59
professionalKeith Barrow18-Sep-09 4:59 
AnswerRe: questions about an array? Pin
dan!sh 18-Sep-09 4:37
professional dan!sh 18-Sep-09 4:37 
GeneralRe: questions about an array? Pin
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:51
JollyMansArt18-Sep-09 4:51 
Questiongetfilename Pin
kennyhibs18-Sep-09 3:58
kennyhibs18-Sep-09 3:58 
AnswerRe: getfilename Pin
Wes Aday18-Sep-09 4:14
professionalWes Aday18-Sep-09 4:14 
GeneralRe: getfilename Pin
kennyhibs18-Sep-09 4:27
kennyhibs18-Sep-09 4:27 
GeneralRe: getfilename Pin
Wes Aday18-Sep-09 4:43
professionalWes Aday18-Sep-09 4:43 
AnswerRe: getfilename Pin
OriginalGriff18-Sep-09 4:18
mveOriginalGriff18-Sep-09 4:18 
QuestionCreatin Combo lists using an App Config file Pin
TheFoZ18-Sep-09 3:33
TheFoZ18-Sep-09 3:33 
AnswerRe: Creatin Combo lists using an App Config file Pin
Atul Kharecha18-Sep-09 3:45
Atul Kharecha18-Sep-09 3:45 
GeneralRe: Creatin Combo lists using an App Config file Pin
TheFoZ18-Sep-09 4:00
TheFoZ18-Sep-09 4:00 
QuestionCan I use IDTExtensibility in VSTO? Pin
SRKSHOME18-Sep-09 3:23
SRKSHOME18-Sep-09 3:23 
QuestionWindows media player problem Pin
bunty20k18-Sep-09 3:16
bunty20k18-Sep-09 3:16 

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