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GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
Joe Woodbury17-Sep-09 17:40
professionalJoe Woodbury17-Sep-09 17:40 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 20:59
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 20:59 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:28
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:28 
QuestionRe: RFC 868 [solved] [modified] Pin
CPallini18-Sep-09 9:42
mveCPallini18-Sep-09 9:42 
AnswerRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 9:47
David Crow18-Sep-09 9:47 
GeneralRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
CPallini18-Sep-09 10:37
mveCPallini18-Sep-09 10:37 
QuestionRe: RFC 868 [solved] Pin
David Crow21-Sep-09 4:05
David Crow21-Sep-09 4:05 
QuestionConvert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 9:53
dipuks17-Sep-09 9:53 

Can anyone tell me how to convert Julian date/time to Normal (standard) date/time
and back?

Any sample source code will help?

I do have some code, but the problem is, if the TIME is before 12 Noon, then it will
show the previous DAY.

i.e., if the actual time now is Sep 17th 10:30 AM

My code will give me the date as Sep 16th 10:30 AM

But if the current time is Sep 17th 10>30 PM

then it will give the exact day.
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:01
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:01 
AnswerRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:37
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:37 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:40
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:40 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:45
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:45 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:52
dipuks17-Sep-09 10:52 
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:59
David Crow17-Sep-09 10:59 
AnswerRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
dipuks17-Sep-09 11:05
dipuks17-Sep-09 11:05 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:35
David Crow17-Sep-09 16:35 
GeneralRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
vasu_sri17-Sep-09 19:35
vasu_sri17-Sep-09 19:35 
QuestionRe: Convert Julian date/time to Normal date/time? Pin
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:41
David Crow18-Sep-09 2:41 
Questioncopy/swap vector between threads... Pin
RobJones17-Sep-09 9:51
RobJones17-Sep-09 9:51 
AnswerRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:13
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:13 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:30
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:30 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
CPallini17-Sep-09 10:38
mveCPallini17-Sep-09 10:38 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:42
RobJones17-Sep-09 10:42 
GeneralRe: copy/swap vector between threads... Pin
Stuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:44
professionalStuart Dootson17-Sep-09 10:44 
QuestionInconsistent results when using MFC printing with a CDC and CFormView with OnDraw implemented Pin
Sternocera17-Sep-09 9:49
Sternocera17-Sep-09 9:49 

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