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GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-09 12:18
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-09 12:18 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
greendragons17-Sep-09 12:40
greendragons17-Sep-09 12:40 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
greendragons17-Sep-09 12:49
greendragons17-Sep-09 12:49 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-09 13:58
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-09 13:58 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
greendragons17-Sep-09 14:15
greendragons17-Sep-09 14:15 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-09 14:21
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-09 14:21 
GeneralRe: Dynamic music player.... Pin
greendragons17-Sep-09 14:25
greendragons17-Sep-09 14:25 
QuestionNeed Help in String Manipulation? Pin
Jollyguy17-Sep-09 6:23
Jollyguy17-Sep-09 6:23 

I have the following string in a XML file..

</BODY></HTML> ------_=_NextPart_002_01C84D7E.9133E008-- Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="footer.txt"  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64    G:\Test\Attach\footer.txt  --------------Boundary-00=_BLD1cvEPKmuNkgPvUNY3--  
 Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Press list for partners.xls"  Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64    g:\Test\Attach\Debankan\Press.xls  ------_=_NextPart_001_01C84D7E.9133E008--  

I will pass the filename and i want to get the path from the above string.. For ex.. if i pass "footer.txt" i want the result path as "G:\Test\Attach\footer.txt".. Can someone help me out?. I will be using C#. Can someone tell what String Methods will be useful.. Please it quite urgent..

AnswerRe: Need Help in String Manipulation? Pin
Manas Bhardwaj17-Sep-09 6:56
professionalManas Bhardwaj17-Sep-09 6:56 
AnswerRegular expression Pin
David Mujica17-Sep-09 7:37
David Mujica17-Sep-09 7:37 
QuestionOrder of insertion Pin
srikantha_nagaraj17-Sep-09 4:51
srikantha_nagaraj17-Sep-09 4:51 
AnswerRe: Order of insertion Pin
Richard MacCutchan17-Sep-09 4:57
mveRichard MacCutchan17-Sep-09 4:57 
AnswerRe: Order of insertion Pin
Ashfield17-Sep-09 9:25
Ashfield17-Sep-09 9:25 
GeneralRe: Order of insertion Pin
srikantha_nagaraj18-Sep-09 20:01
srikantha_nagaraj18-Sep-09 20:01 
GeneralRe: Order of insertion Pin
Ashfield18-Sep-09 21:36
Ashfield18-Sep-09 21:36 
GeneralRe: Order of insertion Pin
srikantha_nagaraj18-Sep-09 22:35
srikantha_nagaraj18-Sep-09 22:35 
GeneralRe: Order of insertion Pin
Ashfield20-Sep-09 22:42
Ashfield20-Sep-09 22:42 
AnswerRe: Order of insertion Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-09 10:26
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-09 10:26 
AnswerRe: Order of insertion Pin
Abhishek Sur17-Sep-09 11:25
professionalAbhishek Sur17-Sep-09 11:25 
Questionswf embed fails in firefox Pin
AndyInUK17-Sep-09 4:41
AndyInUK17-Sep-09 4:41 
AnswerRe: swf embed fails in firefox Pin
Muhammad Mazhar17-Sep-09 9:03
Muhammad Mazhar17-Sep-09 9:03 
GeneralRe: swf embed fails in firefox Pin
AndyInUK17-Sep-09 11:53
AndyInUK17-Sep-09 11:53 
QuestionSaving Classic ASP Session Data to a SQL Database Pin
aj_coder17-Sep-09 3:54
aj_coder17-Sep-09 3:54 
AnswerRe: Saving Classic ASP Session Data to a SQL Database Pin
Christian Graus17-Sep-09 10:57
protectorChristian Graus17-Sep-09 10:57 
Question.NET Dashboard Pin
Civic0617-Sep-09 3:32
Civic0617-Sep-09 3:32 

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