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GeneralRe: SQL 2008 Query Help Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 14:35
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 14:35 
GeneralRe: SQL 2008 Query Help Pin
_Damian S_9-Sep-09 15:29
professional_Damian S_9-Sep-09 15:29 
Questionwhich answer is right? Pin
mctramp1688-Sep-09 14:47
mctramp1688-Sep-09 14:47 
AnswerRe: which answer is right? Pin
Ashfield8-Sep-09 21:05
Ashfield8-Sep-09 21:05 
GeneralRe: which answer is right? Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 21:20
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 21:20 
GeneralRe: which answer is right? Pin
Ashfield9-Sep-09 1:31
Ashfield9-Sep-09 1:31 
GeneralRe: which answer is right? Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 14:48
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 14:48 
GeneralRe: which answer is right? Pin
mctramp1689-Sep-09 2:20
mctramp1689-Sep-09 2:20 
Thank you for your kindly help!
AnswerRe: which answer is right? Pin
Bassam Saoud9-Sep-09 10:58
Bassam Saoud9-Sep-09 10:58 
QuestionDynamic SQL Help Pin
Jammer8-Sep-09 10:51
Jammer8-Sep-09 10:51 
AnswerRe: Dynamic SQL Help Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 12:29
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 12:29 
GeneralRe: Dynamic SQL Help Pin
Jammer9-Sep-09 3:24
Jammer9-Sep-09 3:24 
GeneralRe: Dynamic SQL Help Pin
J4amieC9-Sep-09 3:30
J4amieC9-Sep-09 3:30 
GeneralRe: Dynamic SQL Help Pin
Mycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 12:36
professionalMycroft Holmes9-Sep-09 12:36 
QuestionReplication error sql server 2005 Pin
ME_Learner8-Sep-09 3:41
ME_Learner8-Sep-09 3:41 
Questionhow to give permission to an ip to connec to sql server 2005 which is not in the domain Pin
prasadbuddhika7-Sep-09 20:58
prasadbuddhika7-Sep-09 20:58 
AnswerRe: how to give permission to an ip to connec to sql server 2005 which is not in the domain Pin
Mycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 12:23
professionalMycroft Holmes8-Sep-09 12:23 
Questionlist of unmatched countries from multiple tables using sql server Pin
teja.murali6-Sep-09 20:13
teja.murali6-Sep-09 20:13 
AnswerRe: list of unmatched countries from multiple tables using sql server Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-Sep-09 20:46
professionalMycroft Holmes6-Sep-09 20:46 
AnswerRe: list of unmatched countries from multiple tables using sql server Pin
εїзεїзεїз6-Sep-09 20:47
εїзεїзεїз6-Sep-09 20:47 
QuestionProblem to configuring reporting services Pin
hdv2126-Sep-09 4:47
hdv2126-Sep-09 4:47 
QuestionIMPORT DBF File into SQL 2000 Pin
Member 46502876-Sep-09 0:33
Member 46502876-Sep-09 0:33 
AnswerRe: IMPORT DBF File into SQL 2000 Pin
εїзεїзεїз6-Sep-09 20:39
εїзεїзεїз6-Sep-09 20:39 
GeneralRe: IMPORT DBF File into SQL 2000 Pin
Member 46502877-Sep-09 0:31
Member 46502877-Sep-09 0:31 
GeneralRe: IMPORT DBF File into SQL 2000 Pin
εїзεїзεїз7-Sep-09 6:08
εїзεїзεїз7-Sep-09 6:08 

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