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AnswerRe: click event of a selected date in c# Pin
Vimalsoft(Pty) Ltd21-Aug-09 23:19
professionalVimalsoft(Pty) Ltd21-Aug-09 23:19 
Questionproblem with fileupload.hasfile Pin
Priyagdpl21-Aug-09 21:44
Priyagdpl21-Aug-09 21:44 
AnswerRe: problem with fileupload.hasfile Pin
Xmen Real 21-Aug-09 23:18
professional Xmen Real 21-Aug-09 23:18 
Questionneed PulsAll in locked section? Pin
elvis_pan21-Aug-09 21:35
elvis_pan21-Aug-09 21:35 
AnswerRe: need PulsAll in locked section? Pin
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 21:56
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 21:56 
QuestionLink in Dynamic menu Pin
rummer21-Aug-09 20:33
rummer21-Aug-09 20:33 
AnswerRe: Link in Dynamic menu Pin
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 20:49
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 20:49 
Questionproblem reading an Excel file Pin
VCsamir21-Aug-09 20:17
VCsamir21-Aug-09 20:17 
I want to import excel data into the database and also update that excel data using in c#.
I tried import the excel files but sometime the data is ecel file is not read.
Just because there is no single quote at the begining of each record.
How to solve this issue??
AnswerRe: problem reading an Excel file Pin
Suresh Suthar21-Aug-09 20:39
professionalSuresh Suthar21-Aug-09 20:39 
QuestionLink in Dynamic menu Pin
rummer21-Aug-09 19:18
rummer21-Aug-09 19:18 
AnswerRe: Link in Dynamic menu [modified] Pin
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:47
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:47 
QuestionHow to source code c++ language modify to with XML in c# ? Pin
bolly12521-Aug-09 17:55
bolly12521-Aug-09 17:55 
AnswerRe: How to source code c++ language modify to with XML in c# ? Pin
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:38
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:38 
QuestionChecking a webpage doesn't redirect [modified] Pin
craigchrist823921-Aug-09 15:22
craigchrist823921-Aug-09 15:22 
AnswerRe: Checking a webpage doesn't redirect Pin
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:55
Saksida Bojan21-Aug-09 19:55 
QuestionGet the underlying combo of a datagridviewcomboboxcolumn Pin
baranils21-Aug-09 10:04
baranils21-Aug-09 10:04 
AnswerRe: Get the underlying combo of a datagridviewcomboboxcolumn Pin
Henry Minute21-Aug-09 10:18
Henry Minute21-Aug-09 10:18 
GeneralRe: Get the underlying combo of a datagridviewcomboboxcolumn Pin
baranils21-Aug-09 10:41
baranils21-Aug-09 10:41 
GeneralRe: Get the underlying combo of a datagridviewcomboboxcolumn Pin
baranils21-Aug-09 11:21
baranils21-Aug-09 11:21 
Questionrun a function before exiting a web application Pin
JohnQuar121-Aug-09 8:58
JohnQuar121-Aug-09 8:58 
AnswerRe: run a function before exiting a web application Pin
xstoneheartx21-Aug-09 9:26
xstoneheartx21-Aug-09 9:26 
Questioncan not copy database files Pin
msrezapro21-Aug-09 8:16
msrezapro21-Aug-09 8:16 
AnswerRe: can not copy database files Pin
xstoneheartx21-Aug-09 9:38
xstoneheartx21-Aug-09 9:38 
AnswerRe: can not copy database files Pin
Dave Kreskowiak21-Aug-09 9:54
mveDave Kreskowiak21-Aug-09 9:54 
QuestionMessage Resource file version info Pin
cturn21-Aug-09 6:03
cturn21-Aug-09 6:03 

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