thanks for ur reply.
but it is very hard task.
i am looking something some kind of programming for it.
Replace your
</head> with
your script
There is an option in dreamweaver or many editors to replace text of all files in a particular folder.
Hope this will help.
thanks Anurag for ur suggestion.
but if i want change the table structure of all html files inside the folder, it is possible using dreamweaver or editor.
thnaks in advance
u can see the example here
i need to display the time,temperature,weather country wise and when the time is being displayed i need the the next country time to be displayed after 30 secs.is it possible
something like a scrolldelay.
pls help
use set interval and innerhtml - JavaScript
hi sir
i want an javascript for my newsticker in which information is move verticlly up.when i have cursor on that newticker then information should stop and on removing from there the information should move again.and one more thing i want to add that if i move my cursor up on newsticker then information should go down and if cursor go down then information should go up.
please help me.
onmouseover="TICKER_PAUSED=true" onmouseout="TICKER_PAUSED=false"
var marqueeWidth='950';
var marqueeHeight='18px';
var pauseMarquee=true;
var fontFamily = 'arial,sans-serif';
var marqueeSpeed=1;
var speedTwo=marqueeSpeed;
var textSpan, marquee;
var fontSize = parseInt(marqueeHeight) - 6;
function marquee(){
var content = document.getElementById('scroller').getAttribute('content');
if (document.getElementById){
var scrollit = '<div style="position:relative; margin:auto; width:'+marqueeWidth+'px;height:'+marqueeHeight+';overflow:hidden;color:#FFFFFF;"';
if (pauseMarquee) scrollit += ' onmouseover="speedTwo=0" onmouseout="speedTwo=marqueeSpeed"';
scrollit +='><div id="marquee" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0px;font-family:'+fontFamily+';font-size:'+fontSize+'px;white-space:nowrap;"><\/div><\/div>';
document.getElementById('scroller').innerHTML = scrollit;
marquee = document.getElementById("marquee");
marquee.innerHTML='<span id="text">'+content+'<\/span>';
textSpan = document.getElementById("text").offsetWidth;
function scrollscroller(){
marquee.style.left = (parseInt(marquee.style.left)>(-10 - textSpan)) ?parseInt(marquee.style.left)-speedTwo+"px" : parseInt(marqueeWidth)+4+"px";
That js should get you started - you need to change it so that it goes up and down not left though.
I have a div, supposed the be at the bottom of the page, since its position is relative and there are another 2 divs placed before it. However it is diplayed at the top of the page. It is like that, in order to sva space I discarded the elements. The problem is, div footersub behaves like there are not leftsub or rightsub.
Please help.
Thanks alot.
<div id="centrallarge">
<h1 style="height:45px; width:900px;"><img src="images\digersayfa.jpg" alt="photo"/></h1>
<div id="central" style="Width:900px; margin-top:2px; height:700px;">
<div id="leftsub" style="Width:300px; height:650px; margin-top:50px;">
<div id="rightsub" style="Width:550px; height:700px; font-family:Tahoma; font-s
<div id="footersub">
Use this CSS on the page:
body {
#centrallarge {
#footersub {
This will work in most of the browser.
I am writing a web-based system with java. There are some labels and reports printing. Each requires different printers which are connected to the same client computer.
How could I set so that, when I Print Doc A, document A would print to printer A, and when clicked Print for Doc B, document B would print to printer B.
The URL for both the documents are different. doc A is on http://www.xyz.com and doc b is on http://www.abc.com.
info: It is a web-based system used within a lan. So each user use the system with a fixed computer.
If you are using standard html in browser there is no way to force print the document in a printer of your choice. You can give alert to choose the printer of your type before calling window.print, which will open the print dialog.
After that it is on user's choice to use proper printer or not.
If you are sure that the web application will only run in lan, you can use PrintDocument classes to print the document from the server computer rather than invoking the browser print function.
This way you will eliminate the user's choice of printer selection. But mind that the printers should be connected to your server where the application is hosted.
Hi Abhishek,
I am not sure how to use PrintDocument classes. Can you please guide me how to go about it.
Create An object of PrintDocument , draw on the Document using Graphics object, print the document.
check this .. This might help. but it is written in VB.NET.
Another way is to generate Reports and print the resource.
Hi Abhishek,
Thanks for your reply.
The object which is mentioned at http://www.dreamincode.net/forums/showtopic71580.htm, is for printing the pdfs.Our Reports are in pdfs, so I think we can print those using system default printer, I would like to change the printer for labels. I think that would be the easier approach.
Let me know your view.
Hi Abhishek,
I was looking at the printing pdf link, I do not see anywhere where I can specify different printers.
Heres a situation. I have a main SWF file that has variables. I load a SWF file inside the main SWF and I want to access variables from the main part. Is this possible? Or what is best way to share information between SWF file?
Thanks in advance.
use local connection:
<a href="http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html">http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html</a>[<a href="http://www.trap17.com/index.php/Pass-Variables-2-Swf_t61897.html" target="_blank" title="New Window">^</a>]
I tried using Flash Object, which is like Flash cookies, but not successful yet
if it is two swf on the same page then use local connection.
if it is two swf on different pages then use environment variables (eg. post to php, store in database and retrieve using php page)
if it is one swf inside another you should be able to give the inner swf an instance name a get the variables that way or possibly use local connection.
Hello !
i'm new to web design and i have this problem :
i'm creating a web site in dreamweaver cs3 (simple html).one of my pages have some article titles
Title 1
Tilte 2
i want to do this : When a user click on the title , to open a popup window without title bar that cointains one image , a description and a close button.But the image and the text should be variables to be used for all articles.
Can someone give me a script in javascript for this situation ?
Thank you in advance !
Just without doing window.open for which you cant hide title bar, use a floating div to create the popup.
var x = document.createElement('div');
x.style.position = 'absolute';
x.style.left = '300px';
Set appropriate content and also review the position according to your requirement.
thank you but i want 2 object inside popup to be variables 1 image and 1 text description , so when i click the first article the popup should show the first image and the first description , when i click the second article the popup should show the second image and description .... .
is possible to do that ?
thank you.