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GeneralRe: creat a directory ? Pin
James T. Johnson23-Oct-02 17:02
James T. Johnson23-Oct-02 17:02 
GeneralRe: creat a directory ? Pin
David Stone23-Oct-02 17:25
sitebuilderDavid Stone23-Oct-02 17:25 
GeneralRe: creat a directory ? Pin
leppie22-Oct-02 11:35
leppie22-Oct-02 11:35 
GeneralRe: creat a directory ? Pin
David Stone23-Oct-02 16:38
sitebuilderDavid Stone23-Oct-02 16:38 
GeneralRe: creat a directory ? Pin
leppie24-Oct-02 7:23
leppie24-Oct-02 7:23 
QuestionLogOn Tab, and check the "allow service to interact with desktop".? Pin
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 15:12
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 15:12 
GeneralIO Performance Question Pin
Chris Austin21-Oct-02 13:47
Chris Austin21-Oct-02 13:47 
GeneralResponseXML doesn't get it! Pin
Ed K21-Oct-02 10:54
Ed K21-Oct-02 10:54 
I'm sending an xml response to a VB app from a C# HttpHandler. I'm setting Content-Type: to text/xml however the VB app is using objHTTPRequest.responseXML.xml to pick up the xml.

HttpHandler snip
<br />
context.Response.ContentType = "text/XML";<br />
// other code gets input, processes, and constructs an xml response....<br />
XmlWriter xw = new XmlTextWriter(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);<br />
xw.WriteRaw(xmlString);<br />

VB app snip
<br />
strResponseXML = objHTTPRequest.responseXML.xml 'This gets nothing!<br />
strResponseText = objHTTPRequest.responseText 'This receives the response<br />

Anyone know why the objHTTPRequest.responseXML.xml would not pick up the xml rather the objHTTPRequest.responseText picks it up??? What can I do to fix this???



Every time I walk into a singles bar I can hear Mom's wise words: "Don't pick that up, you don't know where it's been!"
GeneralRe: ResponseXML doesn't get it! Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 1:52
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 1:52 
GeneralProgrammer boards links Pin
gicio21-Oct-02 9:10
gicio21-Oct-02 9:10 
GeneralRe: Programmer boards links Pin
Daniel Turini21-Oct-02 13:55
Daniel Turini21-Oct-02 13:55 
GeneralRe: Programmer boards links Pin
gicio22-Oct-02 1:28
gicio22-Oct-02 1:28 
QuestionConnecting to a FTP with C#??? Pin
gicio21-Oct-02 8:38
gicio21-Oct-02 8:38 
AnswerRe: Connecting to a FTP with C#??? Pin
David Stone21-Oct-02 8:46
sitebuilderDavid Stone21-Oct-02 8:46 
GeneralRe: Connecting to a FTP with C#??? Pin
Jon Rista23-Oct-02 18:14
Jon Rista23-Oct-02 18:14 
Questiona service? Pin
imran_rafique20-Oct-02 16:08
imran_rafique20-Oct-02 16:08 
AnswerRe: a service? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.20-Oct-02 23:46
Stephane Rodriguez.20-Oct-02 23:46 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 14:38
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 14:38 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 15:20
imran_rafique21-Oct-02 15:20 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 1:51
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 1:51 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
imran_rafique22-Oct-02 15:21
imran_rafique22-Oct-02 15:21 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 18:57
Stephane Rodriguez.22-Oct-02 18:57 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
imran_rafique23-Oct-02 16:07
imran_rafique23-Oct-02 16:07 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.23-Oct-02 20:11
Stephane Rodriguez.23-Oct-02 20:11 
GeneralRe: a service? Pin
imran_rafique24-Oct-02 15:38
imran_rafique24-Oct-02 15:38 

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