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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Problem with CComboBox::GetItemDataPtr Pin
Nitheesh George4-Aug-09 5:48
Nitheesh George4-Aug-09 5:48 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
neha_rai4-Aug-09 4:56
neha_rai4-Aug-09 4:56 
AnswerRe: Simplification of code Pin
David Crow4-Aug-09 5:37
David Crow4-Aug-09 5:37 
QuestionCopying only a sinlge dialog box from one application to other application Pin
sunny_vc4-Aug-09 4:28
sunny_vc4-Aug-09 4:28 
AnswerRe: Copying only a sinlge dialog box from one application to other application Pin
Nitheesh George4-Aug-09 5:10
Nitheesh George4-Aug-09 5:10 
QuestionA little further Pin
EliottA4-Aug-09 4:14
EliottA4-Aug-09 4:14 
AnswerRe: A little further Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian4-Aug-09 5:24
professionalRajesh R Subramanian4-Aug-09 5:24 
QuestionHow to compare a string output to a map where keys are also the same strings? Pin
Waldemar Ork4-Aug-09 3:57
Waldemar Ork4-Aug-09 3:57 
I've been reading o lot on the topic of comparisons in the web lately and I can't find anything interesting. The question is how to compare string output to a map where keys are alike defined strings which represent vectors of integers. I guess I'll have to write a template or a class to do it and it isn't an easy task for the beginner. I would be very grateful for any kind of help!
AnswerRe: How to compare a string output to a map where keys are also the same strings? Pin
«_Superman_»4-Aug-09 18:43
professional«_Superman_»4-Aug-09 18:43 
GeneralRe: How to compare a string output to a map where keys are also the same strings? Pin
Waldemar Ork4-Aug-09 21:48
Waldemar Ork4-Aug-09 21:48 
GeneralRe: How to compare a string output to a map where keys are also the same strings? Pin
Waldemar Ork5-Aug-09 6:29
Waldemar Ork5-Aug-09 6:29 
QuestionCOM port CreateFile -> Close Handle Works great, unless the USB device is unplugged, then it can not be reopened without restarted computer Pin
Greg Mort4-Aug-09 3:42
Greg Mort4-Aug-09 3:42 
QuestionRe: COM port CreateFile -> Close Handle Works great, unless the USB device is unplugged, then it can not be reopened without restarted computer Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 3:54
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 3:54 
AnswerRe: COM port CreateFile -> Close Handle Works great, unless the USB device is unplugged, then it can not be reopened without restarted computer Pin
Greg Mort4-Aug-09 4:26
Greg Mort4-Aug-09 4:26 
GeneralRe: COM port CreateFile -> Close Handle Works great, unless the USB device is unplugged, then it can not be reopened without restarted computer Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 4:41
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 4:41 
Questionconvert wchar* to byte* Pin
Rakesh54-Aug-09 3:42
Rakesh54-Aug-09 3:42 
AnswerRe: convert wchar* to byte* Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 3:50
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 3:50 
GeneralRe: convert wchar* to byte* Pin
Rakesh54-Aug-09 4:12
Rakesh54-Aug-09 4:12 
GeneralRe: convert wchar* to byte* Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 4:24
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 4:24 
GeneralRe: convert wchar* to byte* Pin
«_Superman_»4-Aug-09 18:47
professional«_Superman_»4-Aug-09 18:47 
QuestionHeavy Duty Client/Server Application Pin
Madhu_Rani4-Aug-09 3:30
Madhu_Rani4-Aug-09 3:30 
QuestionRe: Heavy Duty Client/Server Application Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 3:57
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 3:57 
AnswerRe: Heavy Duty Client/Server Application Pin
Madhu_Rani4-Aug-09 17:57
Madhu_Rani4-Aug-09 17:57 
GeneralRe: Heavy Duty Client/Server Application Pin
Randor 4-Aug-09 19:07
professional Randor 4-Aug-09 19:07 
Questionoutlook in plain C++ Pin
Fuad Abu Sameer4-Aug-09 3:04
Fuad Abu Sameer4-Aug-09 3:04 

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