Thanks. This link helped me a lot and I sucdeed in extracting the required knowledge and code form it.
I have a dialog box on which some Edit boxes are there.
For validation of values in edit boxes, i have handled EN_KILLFOCUS.
When EN_KILLFOCUS is called, value in edit box is validated.
If validation fails, then AfxMessageBox is displayed "Input value is in correct".
The problem is when i press ALT+TAB and switch to another application, the Afxmessagebox is re-displayed because EN_KILLFOCUS is called again.
Please let me know any solution to be handled in EN_KILLFOCUS so that Afxmessagbox is not displayed.
Thanking you in advance.
modified on Friday, July 24, 2009 12:41 AM
Generally it is not a good idea to validate user input on focus loss, for example see here[^]. In the old times when i tried to do the same i ran into all kinds or troubles myself. If you can i recommend rethinking your validation system.
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> Life: great graphics, but the gameplay sux. <
Yes your right...I also know it that validation in kill focus is not a good idea....but still i have to do it because its an requirement...
Please suggest be some idea to handle this situation....
I guess if it was easy to solve it wouldn't be a problem to validate on focus loss. You could try to check if the window who gets the focus belongs to your application or not, or maybe check if your aplication is the active application on the syatem or not and not display the message if it is not. Do these make any sense?
How about a different aproach? Don't display a message box but change the errorous edit field's background color to red for example, and maybe have a static field or such placed somewhere on your dialog that explains to the user what is wrong with the edit field, maybe show the error message in a tooltip when the user points his mouse at the edit field. Or is the message box itself also a requirement?
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> Life: great graphics, but the gameplay sux. <
validating data is done in the OnOk(). If the data is invalid, dieplay a message and DONT close the dialog. (I am setting the focus to the invalid data to help)
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany
Hi guys
I have a project using Multi-Byte Character Set, but i need to open some files wich names and/or paths may have Unicode Chars.
How can i use CFileDialog with Unicode support in my project without changing my project configuration to Unicode char set?
Hi ,
There are always aliases of the functions in Widechar or ANSI .So for example u have a function WriteprivateprofileString () .It will be available in WriteprivateprofileStringA () and WriteprivateprofileStringW ().Similarly, for unicode you will have to use function equivalents in ANSI to get your job done. So, no need of switching to UNICODE.
I Know that there are counterparts to Ansi o Widechar Functions.
The thing is that i can not find the Widechar version of CFileDialog
There is no CFileDialogW, there is a LPOPENFILENAMEW but how do you use it with CFIleDialog
How can i increase the height of the Title bar of a Dialog Box based on the font size.....
I think default title bar is something managed by Windows Theme.
To achieve the things you want you need to create a custom Title bar.
here[^] is one link. You may get many if you search for that.
I hope this is the thing you are looking for.
Please reply if this is not as expected.
The secret of life is not enjoyment
but education through experience.
- Swami Vivekananda.
i need to increase the height without using custom title bar...
I want to use a CDockablePane derived control and i want to limit the size of CDockablePane Derived control.For this, I tried to catch WM_GETMINMAXINFO in my derived class, but i am not able to get this message in my class. Can Somebody help me how would i get this message in my class?
I made a list of points:
class CPuntoList : public CObject
CPunto* raiz;
void Inserta(CPunto* nodo);
virtual ~CPuntoList();
virtual void Serialize(CArchive &ar);
long getSize();
The serialize function of the List looks like this:
void CPuntoList::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
long i;
the Punto Class looks like this:
class CPunto : public CObject
CPunto(double _x, double _y, double _z, double _zTn);
CPunto *m_pSigPunto;
CGLColor *m_pColor;
void Inicializa();
virtual ~CPunto();
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
double x, y, z, zTn;
Serialize functino looks like this:
void CPunto::Serialize(CArchive &ar)
CString str;
Now the question is:
When I load about 200 points to the list or even 5,000 points and I save the data to a file using the serialize functions everything works fine, both the storing and the loading.
But when I try to save about 12,000 points, there is an error in both storing and loading, it says "Stack overflow."
I think because from one function (the serialize function) I call the a serialize function over and over so the Stack overflows...
Is that the problem? or what could be the issue? anyways, more importantly, how can I solve it??
Please help!!!!
you are right calling so often the stack is a problem. Somehow is it possible to enhance the stack. But it is bad style. (if you call a lot more you run in the same trouble)
You better Serialize the points one ofter the other. The linked list stays otuside the serialization.
Press F1 for help or google it.
Greetings from Germany
sounds like your loading ar with to much info to write at once, try writing chunks when ar reachs a set size then clear ar repeat, until all data is written
Can someone plz explain me this I just want to clarify that am I understanding this correctly or not....
typedef struct
unsigned int SizeInBytes;
unsigned char data[MAXBYTES];
} Message;
typedef struct
unsigned char MSB;
typedef struct
unsigned char data2[MAX_BYTES];
const PACKET * const PacketPtr = (PACKET *)&MessagePtr -> data;
(MessagePtr is defined in function parameter
bool function(const Message * const MessagePtr)
so whats wrong? whats happening that shouldnt?
i can take a wild guess that
<br />
const PACKET * const PacketPtr = (PACKET *)&MessagePtr -> data; <br />
doesnt work well maybe something like
<br />
const PACKET * const PacketPtr->data2 = (PACKET *)&MessagePtr -> data; <br />
I've implemented an Active Document Server using Visual Studio 2008. The project is an out-of-process C++ MFC Mini-server.
I am able to define a menu that is merged in the Container. I can see the menu and handle the click event when the program is running.
My question is:
Is it possible to modify the menu at runtime: Add/remove menu items, enable/disable specific menu items, and change the text of the menu items?
John M.
Yes, you can. I am doing that.
Could you point me to some documentation or an example that shows how to do this?
I am upgrading a very old project to VS 2005. After thousands of errors correction, I finally get it compiled.
But there is another problem. My cursor will show on menubar and toolbar. But it despairs (not shown) in the CView area or Client area.
What kind of reason will cause this?
Best regards,
For no cursor.... See if the CMyScrollView::PreCreate.... class sets its window class to have NULL as a cursor, and look at the OnSetCursor method.
Alternatively, does it try to load a cursor resource that doesn't exist anymore, fail poorly, and do (equiv) SetCursor (NULL)?
I have now moved to Sweden for love (awwww).
If you're in Scandinavia and want an MVP on the payroll (or happy with a remote worker), or need cotract work done, give me a job! http://cv.imcsoft.co.uk/[ ^]