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GeneralRe: SendInput C# example Pin
leppie20-Oct-02 13:59
leppie20-Oct-02 13:59 
GeneralRe: SendInput C# example Pin
Bog20-Oct-02 14:10
Bog20-Oct-02 14:10 
GeneralRe: SendInput C# example Pin
leppie20-Oct-02 14:24
leppie20-Oct-02 14:24 
GeneralRe: SendInput C# example Pin
Bog20-Oct-02 14:51
Bog20-Oct-02 14:51 
Generalparsing HTML Pin
Jeremy Pullicino19-Oct-02 8:07
Jeremy Pullicino19-Oct-02 8:07 
GeneralRe: parsing HTML Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 9:28
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 9:28 
GeneralRe: parsing HTML Pin
Jeremy Pullicino19-Oct-02 12:41
Jeremy Pullicino19-Oct-02 12:41 
Questionhow to release the COM server? Pin
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 8:01
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 8:01 
My C# app calls a COM server but does not release it. What's Wrong? Urgent!
Please help!

Here is how I call it:

void SomeFunc1()
   for (int i; i<10; i++)
      SomeFunc2(); // in this func I cann that COM server see below
      // here nether mf nor mf2 are released even though they
      // are now way out of scoop
      // so on each loop reference is incremented

void SomeFunc2()
   // MyCOMLib is added to project as reference
   MyCOMLib.MyIFace mf = null;
      mf = new MyCOMLib.MyIFace();
      string myParam = "Here is some param";

      // next retruns MyCOMLib.MyIFace2
      MyCOMLib.MyIFace2 mf2 = mf.MyMethod(myParam);
      mf2.MyProperty = 1;
   // here mf2  is out of scoop but COM object it
   // pointed to IS NOT released

AnswerRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 9:37
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 9:37 
GeneralRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 9:46
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 9:46 
GeneralRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 10:33
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 10:33 
GeneralRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 10:40
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 10:40 
GeneralRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 10:45
CherezZaboro19-Oct-02 10:45 
GeneralRe: how to release the COM server? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 21:01
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 21:01 
Generalcall a .Net exe from COM client Pin
Anonymous19-Oct-02 4:30
Anonymous19-Oct-02 4:30 
GeneralRe: call a .Net exe from COM client Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 5:23
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 5:23 
GeneralRe: call a .Net exe from COM client Pin
Anonymous19-Oct-02 7:28
Anonymous19-Oct-02 7:28 
GeneralRe: call a .Net exe from COM client Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 7:34
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 7:34 
GeneralFonts Pin
Substitute19-Oct-02 0:45
Substitute19-Oct-02 0:45 
GeneralRe: Fonts Pin
Nick Parker19-Oct-02 1:40
protectorNick Parker19-Oct-02 1:40 
GeneralRe: Fonts Pin
Substitute19-Oct-02 3:25
Substitute19-Oct-02 3:25 
GeneralManipulate Access DB Pin
Venet18-Oct-02 23:27
Venet18-Oct-02 23:27 
GeneralRe: Manipulate Access DB Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 0:44
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 0:44 
GeneralRe: Manipulate Access DB Pin
David Stone19-Oct-02 6:44
sitebuilderDavid Stone19-Oct-02 6:44 
GeneralRe: Manipulate Access DB Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 7:25
Stephane Rodriguez.19-Oct-02 7:25 

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