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Visual Basic

GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
Christian Graus7-Jul-09 5:55
protectorChristian Graus7-Jul-09 5:55 
GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:03
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:03 
GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
Christian Graus7-Jul-09 6:27
protectorChristian Graus7-Jul-09 6:27 
GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:31
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:31 
GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
Christian Graus7-Jul-09 6:34
protectorChristian Graus7-Jul-09 6:34 
GeneralRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:36
gjx_junxian19897-Jul-09 6:36 
AnswerRe: New to VB. Help needed. Pin
chilinhhacker13-Jul-09 18:31
chilinhhacker13-Jul-09 18:31 
QuestionConvert String DataType To Form Object Pin
faravani7-Jul-09 3:12
faravani7-Jul-09 3:12 
I have a combobox that all my formname such as form1,form2,... listed that.
i want when i select a formname from combobox the component of selected form list in listbox such as button1,textbox1,....
but when i choose a formname from combobox because it is a string havenot form property such as control,enabled,...
how can convert selectitem in combobox from string to form??
AnswerRe: Convert String DataType To Form Object Pin
Christian Graus7-Jul-09 3:20
protectorChristian Graus7-Jul-09 3:20 
AnswerRe: Convert String DataType To Form Object Pin
Anoop Brijmohun7-Jul-09 22:32
Anoop Brijmohun7-Jul-09 22:32 
QuestionArray declaration and asigning value of array to combobox Pin
KIDYA7-Jul-09 1:27
KIDYA7-Jul-09 1:27 
AnswerRe: Array declaration and asigning value of array to combobox Pin
Christian Graus7-Jul-09 1:35
protectorChristian Graus7-Jul-09 1:35 
AnswerRe: Array declaration and asigning value of array to combobox Pin
Luc Pattyn7-Jul-09 1:38
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn7-Jul-09 1:38 
GeneralRe: Array declaration and asigning value of array to combobox Pin
KIDYA7-Jul-09 2:22
KIDYA7-Jul-09 2:22 
QuestionEdit and Delete option with gridview Pin
Member 45142186-Jul-09 11:30
Member 45142186-Jul-09 11:30 
AnswerRe: Edit and Delete option with gridview Pin
Mycroft Holmes6-Jul-09 19:48
professionalMycroft Holmes6-Jul-09 19:48 
AnswerRe: Edit and Delete option with gridview Pin
helelark1236-Jul-09 19:56
helelark1236-Jul-09 19:56 
QuestionInfopath: help with implementing code Pin
corbetlp6-Jul-09 4:55
corbetlp6-Jul-09 4:55 
AnswerRe: Infopath: help with implementing code Pin
Eddy Vluggen7-Jul-09 3:48
professionalEddy Vluggen7-Jul-09 3:48 
Questionbios date/time Pin
vishal lele6-Jul-09 1:27
vishal lele6-Jul-09 1:27 
AnswerRe: bios date/time Pin
dan!sh 6-Jul-09 1:57
professional dan!sh 6-Jul-09 1:57 
AnswerRe: bios date/time Pin
Henry Minute6-Jul-09 11:57
Henry Minute6-Jul-09 11:57 
Questionbind data from database to datagridview combobox Pin
KIDYA6-Jul-09 1:25
KIDYA6-Jul-09 1:25 
AnswerRe: bind data from database to datagridview combobox Pin
dan!sh 6-Jul-09 2:04
professional dan!sh 6-Jul-09 2:04 
GeneralRe: bind data from database to datagridview combobox Pin
KIDYA6-Jul-09 2:57
KIDYA6-Jul-09 2:57 

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