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QuestionIs there a way to connect to Hotmail (donwloading messages from html mail server)? Pin
Zibar15-Oct-02 23:09
sussZibar15-Oct-02 23:09 
AnswerRe: Is there a way to connect to Hotmail (donwloading messages from html mail server)? Pin
Rickard Andersson2015-Oct-02 23:50
Rickard Andersson2015-Oct-02 23:50 
Zibar wrote:
Is there a way to write a program that would connect to Hotmail, so that it could get/send messages without using the web browser - I mean a stand alone mail client

yes of course!
It's a simple POP3 server, so you just send POP3 commands to the server.
I don't know how to download the attatchments (or how to spell it Smile | :) )...

Rickard Andersson@Suza Computing
C# and C++ programmer from SWEDEN!

UIN: 50302279
Speciality: I love C#, ASP.NET and C++!

GeneralRe: Is there a way to connect to Hotmail (donwloading messages from html mail server)? Pin
Zibar17-Oct-02 0:35
sussZibar17-Oct-02 0:35 
GeneralRe: Is there a way to connect to Hotmail (donwloading messages from html mail server)? Pin
Rickard Andersson2018-Oct-02 21:00
Rickard Andersson2018-Oct-02 21:00 
AnswerRe: Is there a way to connect to Hotmail (donwloading messages from html mail server)? Pin
Daniel Turini16-Oct-02 0:16
Daniel Turini16-Oct-02 0:16 
GeneralShared memory in C# Pin
Joao Vaz15-Oct-02 6:07
Joao Vaz15-Oct-02 6:07 
GeneralRe: Shared memory in C# Pin
Daniel Turini15-Oct-02 14:11
Daniel Turini15-Oct-02 14:11 
GeneralRe: Shared memory in C# Pin
Joao Vaz15-Oct-02 21:37
Joao Vaz15-Oct-02 21:37 
GeneralReplacement for SetRedraw Pin
Zombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 6:06
professionalZombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 6:06 
GeneralRe: Replacement for SetRedraw Pin
Russell Morris15-Oct-02 6:41
Russell Morris15-Oct-02 6:41 
GeneralRe: Replacement for SetRedraw Pin
Zombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 6:52
professionalZombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 6:52 
GeneralRe: Replacement for SetRedraw Pin
leppie15-Oct-02 7:41
leppie15-Oct-02 7:41 
GeneralRe: Replacement for SetRedraw Pin
Zombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 8:25
professionalZombies with Coffee, LLC15-Oct-02 8:25 
GeneralRe: Replacement for SetRedraw Pin
leppie15-Oct-02 9:44
leppie15-Oct-02 9:44 
GeneralHBITMAP problem (interop)... Pin
Anonymous15-Oct-02 5:08
Anonymous15-Oct-02 5:08 
Generalras idle timeout Pin
David Le Bas15-Oct-02 3:09
sussDavid Le Bas15-Oct-02 3:09 
QuestionRichTextBox > HTML? MailFormat.RTF? Pin
rendle15-Oct-02 2:53
rendle15-Oct-02 2:53 
AnswerRe: RichTextBox > HTML? MailFormat.RTF? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.15-Oct-02 2:59
Stephane Rodriguez.15-Oct-02 2:59 
GeneralProblem with frames using .NET & webbrowser control Pin
GriffonRL14-Oct-02 23:14
GriffonRL14-Oct-02 23:14 

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