A dll can be created in C# by creating a Class Library project if that's what your asking.
Whoever wrote that dll is not the person to learn from though, passing a Form as a parameter is bad enough, but into a BusinessLayer
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
thanks for replying, but how can i create same dll and implement it again.
Use Reflector and hope the assembly is not obfuscated.
If it's a .net assembly, you may be able to disassemble it using Reflector[^]. To create your own, just choose Class Library when selecting the project type when creating a new project.
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
With one of my customers I have this really weird problem. I just describe it in a bunch of facts, to keep it short.
* It's an application that communicates with a weighbridge and visualises the current weight of the brigde (serial communication RS232) --> the scale sends over the weight continuessly
* The customer can make a ticket containing information about the transporter and the kind of product that's been transported
* When the ticket is saved, it is also printed on the connected USB HP LaserJet (P1006) printer
* pc/dev configuration: Windows XP SP3, VS2008 (C#)
The problem is that sometimes for an unknown reason, the printer does not print. The ready-LED keeps blinking but nothing happens. The application continues to work normal. When this happens, the customer opens the print cartridge cover and closes it again and then the printer starts the print job.
It's a problem that I've seen happening but I can not reproduce it.
it's not related to the data (if you print the ticket afterwards, no problem)
It's not related to hardware (did replace PC, Printer (from other brand), USB Cable without success)
I did rewrite my app so that the serial communication happens in a backgroundworker and generates an event only if the current weight is different from the previous value (this delegate for this event updates the GUI)
I did create also another backgroundworker to create and print out the document (System.Drawing is used to do this; did use Crystal Reports in the past but same problem there)
The data is stored in XML files
What I also did was unchecked the flag 'allow the computer to turn off this device to save power' for all USB Root Hubs. --> I don't have any results of that yet, since I did this just yesterday.
At this moment, I don't know where to search anymore. I can not reproduce it, I can not find any kind of pattern in the occurence of this problem, I can not tell what might cause the problem.
In summary: is there anybody with some suggestions
modified on Friday, June 26, 2009 3:56 AM
Sounds like an issue with the printer itself - possibly there's a bug in its software that you're hitting.
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Any collection is a valid data source for a data bound control, I thought.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
Yes, I am aware of that, but is there a way to make use of the property binding to set the value in the control?
The only programmers that are better C# programmers, are those who look like this -> |
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It's a collection of strings, you'd bind to the string, wouldn't you ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
Hi Experts
i am using VS2005 and SQL Server 2005
i make a grid like asp.net gridview paging in winform datagridview.
i have 500000 record in make it fast so that user not to wait.
so i am using the paging in datagridview in winform
Sharma Dinesh Kumar wrote: so i am using the paging in datagridview in winform
Ok, so where is the prboblem?
Manas Bhardwaj
Please remember to rate helpful or unhelpful answers, it lets us and people reading the forums know if our answers are any good.
How to make a Datagrid view like ASP.NEt Gridview ....i want example
how make it
The GridView control is what you need. And, probably, a basic winforms book.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
Sharma Dinesh Kumar wrote: i have 500000 record in make it fast so that user not to wait.
what is your requirement... what is the error you are getting... plzzzzzzz be clear while posting question...
Sharma Dinesh Kumar wrote: have 500000 record in make it fast so that user not to wait.
so i am using the paging in datagridview in winform
Sounds like a good plan. Reading a half million records at a time is obviously insane. Did you want an award, or did you have a question ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
Hi Christian,
500k rows (each maybe a few hundred bytes) is NO problem, if you are using FTL data transfer .... IF the user has his BORG implants online.
*grin* yeah, the borg can probably negotiate that level of data. Silly me.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
hi all !
i wana get all the post data
i am using socket level tracking it takes times.
can any one suggest some other techniques
What post?
Are your mail men as bad as mine, and you want to know how many letters they're carrying and their route?
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
hi all
i am reading XML using XMLTextReader but can't get whole line
my XML is as follows
<para>This is test <b>XML</b> yes </para>
when i read
XmlReaderObject.Value then i get only [B]This is text[/B]
but i want whole line as
[B]This is test <b>XML</b> yes [/B]
how can i code it ???
any hint ??
thankx in advance
Be a good listener...Because Opprtunity knoughts softly...N-Joy
You're asking for the root node. This is poorly formed XML, to say the very least. Perhaps XMLTextReader demands a higher standard ? I don't know, but if you use XMLDocument, I'd expect the root contents to give you what you want. Your XML format sucks tho.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
Adding to what CG said,
XML parser will take <b> as a new node rather than taking as the content of <para> . You need to read about CDATA[^] section and create a well formed XML.
Oh, I didn't even spot that the b was html, I never use b, I use em and strong in my HTML.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
my decoder cannot detect picture of webcam. i change the brightness and contrast. some time can detect but some times cannot. i know thats picture problem. now i edit the image but its useless. can i change webcam setting or do any changes to my code..here is my code....
private void btnDecode_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
DeviceManager manager = new DeviceManagerClass();
Device d = null;
foreach (DeviceInfo info in manager.DeviceInfos)
d = info.Connect();
Item item = d.ExecuteCommand(CommandID.wiaCommandTakePicture);
foreach (string format in item.Formats)
WIA.ImageFile imagefile = item.Transfer(format) as WIA.ImageFile;
Bitmap image = new Bitmap("d:\\4.jpg");
Bitmap bm = new Bitmap(image, 200, 150);
System.Drawing.Bitmap TempBitmap = bm;
float brightness = 0.6f;
float constrast = 6f;
System.Drawing.Bitmap NewBitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(TempBitmap.Width, TempBitmap.Height);
System.Drawing.Graphics NewGraphics = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(NewBitmap);
float[][] FloatColorMatrix ={
new float[] {constrast, 0, 0, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, constrast, 0, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, 0, constrast, 0, 0},
new float[] {0, 0, 0, constrast, 0},
new float[] {brightness, brightness, brightness, 1, 1}
System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix NewColorMatrix = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ColorMatrix(FloatColorMatrix);
System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes Attributes = new System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageAttributes();
NewGraphics.DrawImage(TempBitmap, new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, TempBitmap.Width, TempBitmap.Height), 0, 0, TempBitmap.Width, TempBitmap.Height, System.Drawing.GraphicsUnit.Pixel, Attributes);
picDecode.Image = NewBitmap;
QRCodeDecoder decoder = new QRCodeDecoder();
String decodedString = decoder.decode(new QRCodeBitmapImage(new Bitmap(picDecode.Image)));
txtDecodedData.Text = decodedString;
catch (Exception ex)