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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: how to convert bstr to char[256] Pin
CPallini24-Jun-09 22:19
mveCPallini24-Jun-09 22:19 
GeneralRe: how to convert bstr to char[256] Pin
ashish8patil24-Jun-09 22:20
ashish8patil24-Jun-09 22:20 
Questionwua api help Pin
ashish8patil24-Jun-09 20:28
ashish8patil24-Jun-09 20:28 
QuestionMTOM without .Net framework how ? Pin
ERLN24-Jun-09 19:58
ERLN24-Jun-09 19:58 
AnswerRe: MTOM without .Net framework how ? Pin
Stuart Dootson24-Jun-09 22:35
professionalStuart Dootson24-Jun-09 22:35 
Questionhmm... Now why did this work? Pin
UserNameless24-Jun-09 19:52
UserNameless24-Jun-09 19:52 
AnswerRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 20:19
professionalRajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 20:19 
GeneralRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
UserNameless24-Jun-09 20:34
UserNameless24-Jun-09 20:34 
oh, i do do a "DoModal()==OK", I thought it didn't concern with the reason the strings behave (which I guess is what I wanted to know). and you are saying I don't need to use std::string with MFC eh? hmm... interesting point, I was basing that part of my code on basic- opening files, loading the data into buffer, copying the data into another file sort of operations. btw, on a new note, how does working with MFC change the need to use different types of variables (in this case, work with CStrings and not with CStrings and std::strings)?

thanks for the patience mate

p.s. oh there's another part of my code which isn't working (based on the examples I read on CFileDialog examples. I wanted to set the default directory to my C: drive when I click the Open button. my code for it is:
fOpenDlg.m_pOFN->lpstrInitialDir = (LPCWSTR)("C:");

which doesn't seem to be working... again im guessing on the way strings behave? (boy my string concepts are weak Cry | :(( )
GeneralRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 21:01
professionalRajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 21:01 
GeneralRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
UserNameless24-Jun-09 21:24
UserNameless24-Jun-09 21:24 
GeneralRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 22:03
professionalRajesh R Subramanian24-Jun-09 22:03 
GeneralRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
UserNameless24-Jun-09 22:44
UserNameless24-Jun-09 22:44 
QuestionRe: hmm... Now why did this work? Pin
David Crow25-Jun-09 4:05
David Crow25-Jun-09 4:05 
QuestionExecuting external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
Rajesh_Parameswaran24-Jun-09 19:44
Rajesh_Parameswaran24-Jun-09 19:44 
AnswerRe: Executing external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
Stuart Dootson24-Jun-09 22:30
professionalStuart Dootson24-Jun-09 22:30 
GeneralRe: Executing external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
Rajesh_Parameswaran24-Jun-09 23:25
Rajesh_Parameswaran24-Jun-09 23:25 
GeneralRe: Executing external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
Stuart Dootson24-Jun-09 23:38
professionalStuart Dootson24-Jun-09 23:38 
QuestionRe: Executing external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
David Crow25-Jun-09 4:12
David Crow25-Jun-09 4:12 
AnswerRe: Executing external DOS command with output redirecting to file Pin
Rajesh_Parameswaran25-Jun-09 23:31
Rajesh_Parameswaran25-Jun-09 23:31 
QuestionIs it Possible to Create Bad sectors on hard disks?? Pin
lek25824-Jun-09 19:06
lek25824-Jun-09 19:06 
AnswerRe: Is it Possible to Create Bad sectors on hard disks?? Pin
Hamid_RT24-Jun-09 19:15
Hamid_RT24-Jun-09 19:15 
QuestionMinigui build OS Pin
tuan111124-Jun-09 18:37
tuan111124-Jun-09 18:37 
AnswerRe: Minigui build OS Pin
Cedric Moonen24-Jun-09 20:21
Cedric Moonen24-Jun-09 20:21 
QuestionC6 _asm and graphics.h Pin
tuan111124-Jun-09 17:36
tuan111124-Jun-09 17:36 
QuestionRe: C6 _asm and graphics.h Pin
CPallini24-Jun-09 21:06
mveCPallini24-Jun-09 21:06 

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