The problem is its not a csv file .The data is posted on a browser.
How could i read data on a browser?
Many thanks,
It is fairly difficult concept described in the "Beginning ASP.NET 3.5: In C# and VB" book published by Wrox in Chapters:5, 9, 11, and 12.
Thank you so much.Can you please give me a little more info on how to do that?
Your help is much appreciated.
Many thanks
Dunno, depends on how the information is presented on the page. One such page I scrape for data has the data I want in a table. The code I use to get the page is:
System.Net.HttpWebRequest req = (System.Net.HttpWebRequest) System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create ( theurl ) ;
req.CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy ( System.Net.Cache.RequestCacheLevel.NoCacheNoStore ) ;
using ( System.Net.HttpWebResponse rsp = (System.Net.HttpWebResponse) req.GetResponse() )
string res = ( new System.IO.StreamReader ( rsp.GetResponseStream() ) ).ReadToEnd() ;
I make no claims that this technique is "good", only that it does what I want for a rather unimportant Windows Service.
Thank you very much for your response.Its much appreciated.Each of the data are in a qutation and are separated by comma.
Can you please give me a little tip on how to use the regular exression to trancate the value and assign it to the data field?
Many thanks,
Not without seeing the page.
As mentioned, the data I scrape is in a table, so the page contains:
<td width="473" class="playlist">4:08 pm - The Beatles - Can't Buy Me Love<br>4:10 pm - The Doors - Break On Through<br>4:13 pm - Meat Loaf - Paradise By the Dashboard Light<br>4:21 pm - Klaatu - Mister Manson<br>4:25 pm - Bob Seger & The Silver Bullet Band - Long Twin Silver Line<br>4:29 pm - Eagles - Those Shoes<br></td>
and I use a Regular Expression to match <td width="473" class="playlist"> the data I want <br></td> ;
Then I split further on <br> and hyphen.
You will need to find such a pattern in the page you're reading.
Thanks so much for your help.
Here is the problem :
I am trying to read data from a certain URl .Every time you run the Url with Different param it gives a result like the following. For instance runinng http://data.com/data.aspx?datefrom=20090601&dateto=20090621
will give a result of a comman separated data like the following.
How will i read that and get it in to Sql Table?All i have to run is the above URL to generate the value.
Please advice.
Thank you in advance
is possible?
The Thread object getting with Thread ID
System.Threading.Thread th = thread.id <------------- ?
There will be what kind of method and peels?
How can I add 12 years minus 1 day to a date please?
So, for example, if the original date is 09/06/2009 (June 9th, 2009) the calculated date will give me 08/06/2021.
I have just realised this after I posted my question
Many thanks for pointing this out.
Something like this perhaps:
DateTime newDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(12).AddDays(-1);
"WPF has many lovers. It's a veritable porn star!" - Josh Smith As Braveheart once said, "You can take our freedom but you'll never take our Hobnobs!" - Martin Hughes.
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public DateTime TwelveYearsMinusOne(DateTime start)
return start.AddYears(12).AddDays(-1);
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn) Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia) Why are you using VB6? Do you hate yourself? (Christian Graus)
Using c# BHO, I want to replace the innertext of an HTML Element on browser (IE6).
IHTMLElement HtmlElemen; // where HTMLElemen.innerHTML = <TD>Hello World!</TD>
obj = (object)HtmlElemen;
if normally HTMLElemen.innerText gives "Hello World!",
then how can I get the same thing i.e., "Hello World!" from the obj.GetType().GetProperty("innerText").GetValue();
Hi all,
I've two int arrays, something like this.
{41, 3, 5, 37, 59, 4}
{3, 59, 4, 5, 37}
As you can see 41 is not in the second array. I want to find that actually in a C# code. Basically I want to find the value which is exists only in one array.
Any comments?
Thanks a lot.
I appreciate your help all the time...
There might be a simpler way, but try just to iterate through the two arrays with a nested for loop and se if the items in the first array exist in the second.
Actually I've look at that, have no clue about that's the best way I can take.
I appreciate your help all the time...
Enumerable.Except (since .NET 3.5)
Dust Signs
The number you dialed is imaginary. Please turn your phone by 90 degrees and try again
Thanks a lot.
Actually now my application have a slight change. Now all my elements are in a list. So I've two lists now. So how can I do this.
I appreciate your help all the time...
Which list are you using exactly? A generic List<t>? As it also implements IEnumerable you should be able to use the extension methods on them equally.
Dust Signs
The number you dialed is imaginary. Please turn your phone by 90 degrees and try again
Sounds like a set operation, I'd use sets.
how can i measure string height without using Graphics.MeasureString()?
i've tried to use GraphicsPath and AddString() then to GetBounds() but that gives me the exact height, but i need the height like MeasureString() function.
the reason i can't use Graphics is that i need to calculate something about the string height in a function that doesn't get Graphics variable. (in the function that does have the Graphics variable i'm using 300 dpi).