Dear All,
I want to display Unicode characters in my CEdit control but it is not displaying and it is displaying as boxes. Any ideas ?
Is your project set to build for unicode?
> The problem with computers is that they do what you tell them to do and not what you want them to do. <
> Life: great graphics, but the gameplay sux. <
I am using the ShellExecute API to launch default E-mail client like "emailto:Email Ids". It is working well but when the number of characters exceed 1852, its not launching the E-mail client. The API is still returning success code only. My default mail client is Mozilla thunderbird. Is this a restriction in the API or any chance for E-mail client?
"Programming is an art that fights back!"
rp_suman wrote: number of characters exceed 1852, its
Number of characters of what?
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
Are you by any chance running Win2k or earlier?
This article[^] may be of interest. The resulting command line may exceed 2047 chars.
However, I personally find an email address that exceeds 1852 chars to be rather uncommon.
"It's supposed to be hard, otherwise anybody could do it!" - selfquote "High speed never compensates for wrong direction!" - unknown
The field can have more than one E-mail, so it may exceed 1852 occasionally. I checked same thing in system with outlook/Win XP the max limit was 1863.
"Programming is an art that fights back!"
Roger Stoltz wrote: However, I personally find an email address that exceeds 1852 chars to be rather uncommon.
Should be rather OK as long as you don't have to spell your email ID out to someone over the phone.
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
I'm assuming that you are clubbing too many email ids separated by semicolons? I tried by increasing the no. of email ids with every trial. At some point, ShellExecute started returning a value NOT greater than 32 (it returns a value greater than 32 if it succeeds) and the return value was, upon failure, SE_ERR_ACCESSDENIED .
You might want to check the return value properly.
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
I think it has to do with the lenght of the commandline. What you could do is put your line in a batchfile (just generate the file from within your program) and run that one. Just delete it when ready..
I need help on how to send SMS using VC++ program to my mobile.., This is my requirement, Can any one help me out regarding this..?
Thanks in advance..
i want to use handle to a window in one of my function but do not know how to get handle to a window kindly help me.
thanx in advance
B0606115 wrote: i want to use handle to a window in one of my function but do not know how to get handle to a window
Well, what do you have? A CWnd* ? Nothing?
You could probably benefit from ::FindWindow() [^] or ::EnumWindows() [^].
"It's supposed to be hard, otherwise anybody could do it!" - selfquote "High speed never compensates for wrong direction!" - unknown
What window? Is one of your application windows? Please provide details.
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
what details do you want? the handle perhaps???
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
DISCLAIMER: this message may have been modified by others; it may no longer reflect what I intended, and may contain bad advice; use at your own risk and with extreme care.
Luc Pattyn wrote: what details do you want? the handle perhaps???
Or he probably need a "handle" with that...
"It's supposed to be hard, otherwise anybody could do it!" - selfquote "High speed never compensates for wrong direction!" - unknown
Roger Stoltz wrote: Or he probably need a "handle" with that...
If the Lord God Almighty had consulted me before embarking upon the Creation, I would have recommended something simpler.
-- Alfonso the Wise, 13th Century King of Castile.
This is going on my arrogant assumptions. You may have a superb reason why I'm completely wrong.
-- Iain Clarke
[My articles]
You approach the window gently, and say: "Hi Window, may I please have your handle? Thanks!".
Seriously though, you need to provide more information than that to get an answer that can be of use.
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
Give details correctly...
Normally in visual programming all controls like list control,button everything is considered as a window.
Specify the need ...
Thanking you
But the OP should help us help him. He needs to give us more information. I can ask him the following:
Which window's handle do you need? Is that window a part of your application? Is it the window of an application that you are spawning? Is it a control that is within a window that you own?
There are too many unknowns for us to answer. These guys are very helpful, but the OP needs to be precise. He should read the guidelines[^]
[Post edited: I realised you weren't the OP ]
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
See if the following helps you.
CWnd::GetSafeHwnd - Returns m_hWnd, or NULL if the this pointer is NULL.
You need to google first, if you have "It's urgent please" mentioned in your question.
Hello to all,
In my project I am using a USB device and collecting data from it.when I connect that device to my computer then I get "USB Serial Port" in device manager with the port number.Now by default latency timer of that perticular port is "16" and I have to make it "10" to get the data with our required speed. But this change in latency timer can be done manually.To change the latency timer I follow the below steps-
1)right click on "My Computer" icon on desktop.
2)then follow the path, "properties->Hardware->Device Manager->Ports->USB Serial Port(COM X)" where "X" stands for port number of my device
3)then doble click on that port number ("X") and follow the path,
"Port Settings->Advanced" here you can set latency timer of that perticular port under the "BM Options" heading. Here I change latency timer from "16" to "10" from the list.
This latency timer setting can be done manually but my question is that,is there any method or API or any other way in VC++ to set this latency timer programatically? Anybody knows how to do it? please help me out this is really very urgent.
Thanks and Regards,
Ask the vendor.
The driver used is most likely provided by the vendor and the "latency timer" you are talking about is not a serial port setting. So I guess that the "latency timer" can be set by using ::DeviceIoControl() . What IOCTL to use and what values to send should be readable in the documentation provided by the vendor.
"It's supposed to be hard, otherwise anybody could do it!" - selfquote "High speed never compensates for wrong direction!" - unknown
i want to enumerate usb ports in system by using c code
plz help me
Have you even considered browsing CodeProject for this?
More specifically this part[^]?
"It's supposed to be hard, otherwise anybody could do it!" - selfquote "High speed never compensates for wrong direction!" - unknown