I have created a custom action which requires a reference to a dll say dll1, that dll in turn requires reference to another dll say dll2.
Now I have a deployment issue of how to install dll2 before custom action takes place.
I got the file not found exception for that dll from custom action.
I have tried manually copying dll2 in system32 folder and my installer worked fine.
any help you want with this issue is entirely dependent on what method you use to deploy your application. What do you use?
Sorry I forgot to mention, I am using vs 2008 deployment project. I have added a custom action to it. My main project is in vb.net.
Mithun Shitole
"Free Your Mind"
We are looking for a way to order a lot of data the way you can do in Vista Explorer.
It looks like a listview (detail), but you can click the dropdown arrow in the header and you get a few options like Sort, Group, Stack, and have checkboxes to filter.
Since this component already exists in Vista it should be possible to add this to Visual Studio, or am I totally wrong here ?
I've been googling for a while now but am not able to find something like this. I've seen some vista_api libraries but this mostly just changes the looks of the listview to vista, but doesn't add the functionality of the sort, group, stack and filter dropdown in the headers.
Does anybody have an idea ? Or should this be developed in a custom component from scratch ?
I doubt you'll find this as a seperate component in Vista. There may be third party companies that put out a control like this, but I have no idea if anyone does. The last option is to write it yourself. You may have to also come up with the custom collection to hold the extra data you need for the various display modes you want.
Okay Thx,
I'll have to do that then.
A bit stupid rebuilding something that already exists.
Yeah, but it has to exist in a usable form. AFAICT, it's not. There is no COM registration for it, nor a .NET assembly. Without either of those, it's pretty useless.
I have an application in VB 2005 where in I have a data grid. The datasource of that datagrid is changed frequently. when I minimize the applicaton window, the window is restored as and when the datasource of datagrid changes. What I want to do is that, if I minimize the window then it should not be restored untill I restore it. how to keep the windiw state unchanged untill and unless user dose it.
I suspect we need to see your code to try to understand why this is happening, I doubt it is just something that happens automatically.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
you are correct Christian Graus. This is happening automatically.I can not put my code here, but I will explain what exactly I have done. I have a button "Get Data" on windows form. I have a list of job codes in by database. On cick of "Get Data" button I am getting data related to those job codes and writing them into an Excel file. Before writing the data into Excel I am displaying it in a datagrid so that user can check the data if he wants. For every record the datasource of the dategrid changes.
When I minimize the window so that this application writes data of all the job codes into excel and I can perform some other task, the window of this application is restored when ever the datasurce of datagrid changes. I want it to run with out restoring the window.
Well, the obvious thing to do, is check the window state, and not update the datasource if you're minimised. I mean, if the framework is showing the window, and it's not your code, then you need to stop doing the thing that causes the window to be shown. You can update the datasource on the event of the windowstate changing.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
i am new developer in vb.net.
i have two table one is job,another one is party tables.
both table common fields in Vechno.
i will pass both jobno and vechno fields.
when both fields same to display information of two tables to crystal report.
how will get information?
example for single field paramter,
cryRpt.Load(path1 & "\" & REP_NAME & ".rpt")
With crConnectionInfo
.ServerName = path
'.ServerName = path1 & "\SIMdb2003.mdb"
'.DatabaseName = "YOUR DATABASE NAME"
End With
CrTables = cryRpt.Database.Tables
For Each CrTable In CrTables
crtableLogoninfo = CrTable.LogOnInfo
crtableLogoninfo.ConnectionInfo = crConnectionInfo
crParameterDiscreteValue.Value = PARAM_NUMBER
crParameterFieldDefinitions = cryRpt.DataDefinition.ParameterFields
crParameterFieldDefinition = crParameterFieldDefinitions.Item(PARAM_NAME)
crParameterValues = crParameterFieldDefinition.CurrentValues
'crystal report viewwr CRV
CRV.ReportSource = cryRpt
"Success is When Ur Signature Becomes An Autograph"
Mail To : foreverkans@gmail.com
Hi CP ,
I want to handle the Numeric Up / Down events in the printpreview control i wnat to make the viceversa of handling hte pages in Up/ down control . Presently the Up one is used for next page access . I want to make the down button to work in that way .
Is it possible ??
and i am havign 5 pages i want to show the 3 page first and change the page number in Up down control
Is it possible ??
There are no such events exposed by the PrintPreviewControl. I think you'd have to create your own version of the control to get what you want.
As for your second requirement, I think you might want to look into the StartPage property of the PrintPreview.
I've been doing some volunteer work involving bio lab data, and we're trying to convert some old VB 6 code to VB .NET. I'm not very knowledgeable about pre-.NET VB, and the existing project is rather large, with more than 100 modules, most of them around 20kb but some as big as 700kb.
I'm not really at liberty to say anything else that might be used to identify what the project is, so I need to be selective about what source code I share. Some names and parameters below have therefore been changed.
Anyway, I'm trying to use the Visual Studio upgrade wizard, but when I do, it will stop when it gets to parsing the file "PROBLEM.FRM" (it's not really called that) and says "upgrade failed."
If I check the contents of the solution directory, there's just one file - a log. The bottom of it looks like this:
<br />
<File<br />
OldPath = "I:\nmsource\PROBLEM.FRM"<br />
NewPath = "I:\nmsource\nm5.NET\PROBLEM.vb"<br />
FileType = "Form"<br />
Upgraded = "False"<br />
/><br />
<Issue<br />
Type = "Global Error"<br />
Number = "69105"<br />
/><br />
</UpgradeLog><br />
What would be the next thing to do? I've looked at PROBLEM.FRM, and I don't completely understand what it's doing, but I can't see anything obviously wrong with it.
i_kant_spel wrote: I'm not really at liberty to say anything else that might be used to identify what the project is
Unfortunately, I'm not at liberty to give you the solution to your problem, even though the answer is obvious.
Not really!
Unless someone else comes along with specific knowledge of this error, I can only suggest that you should, if you have not already done so, peruse the topics under this[^]. Particularly the Upgrading Applications Created in Previous Versions of Visual Basic | Preparing a Visual Basic 6.0 Application for Upgrading article.
Sorry not to be of more help.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
I've never heard of the problem, and it looks like neither has the rest of the world.
I would start by reading this[^] and reviewing your VB6 code to make the upgrade easier. The upgrade wizard is not perfect, and there is no other tool that will do this for you. So, you have to make it easier for the wizard to do the conversion. There's something in the VB6 code that the wizard cannot handle.
Based on our experience, the first step with this type of issue is to try to isolate the problem to the actual VB6.0 source code causing the issue. I would recommend the following approach:
- Create a new VBP with only this file and try to migrate the file on its own. If it migrates, it will come up with a lot of missing references, but should help you determine if the problem is in the file itself or in the VBP. Most likely, given the issue you posted from the log, it is in the file.
- If the migration fails on the first step (most likely), try to determine which part of the file is actually causing the issue. For this, start by commenting out the bodies of all the methods, migrate and see if it works.
- If it gives you an error, try removing one method at a time, until you find the one that is causing the issue.
- If it works, try adding back the body of the methods one by one until it fails.
- Then you can post it here (changing names, etc, but making sure the scenario is reproduced), and we can then try to help you, knowing what the issue is.
Hope this gives you some pointers to get past this issue.
Thanks for the tip. I don't actually have access to VB6 on my machine, and it's going to be a while before I have access to the lab development computers again, which do. So I edited the vbp file and removed all of the references, objects, modules, classes, and forms except the last one which incidentally is the problem form. Verbose output from the upgrade tool returns this:
Parsing PROBLEM.FRM...
The following files could not be found:
Resource file i:\nmsource\PROBLEM.frx
Resource file i:\nmsource\PROBLEM.frx
Please make sure these files are present before upgrading this project.
That file is not in any of the source directories I have received, and the only file that contains matching string output is PROBLEM.FRM. It's found in two places. The first block looks like this:
Begin somethingLib.something something1<br />
Left = <number><br />
OleObjectBlob = "PROBLEM.frx":<4-digit hex number><br />
Top = <number><br />
The other block looks like this:
Begin VB.Label lblSomething<br />
Caption = $"PROBLEM.frx":<4-digit hex number><br />
Height = <number><br />
Left = <number><br />
TabIndex = <number><br />
Top = <number><br />
Width = <number><br />
This lab isn't the most organized lab in the world, and it wouldn't surprise me if they forgot to send me all the files I need. Based on what I'm looking at, I'm guessing that's what happened.
I am going to need this .frx file to accomplish anything, right? I could comment out the Label, but the other thing looks kind of important. Or is there anything else I can get done in the meantime?
From what you mention yes, it looks like they forgot to send you all the files. What is happening (I think) is that the form you are trying to convert has a component (somethingLib.something) that stores its properties in binary format. That binary information is stored in the *.frx file. Here you can find some more information on *.frx files: INFO: What is an FRX file?
This is something we run into every once in a while. The biggest issue with this is that there is no standard for storing binary data in a *.frx file, so every component has its own data format. Even in our conversion tool we are able to convert controls like the PictureBox or Image, since we know the format of their binary data, but we would need to reverse engineer the binary data format of other third party controls to convert their properties automatically.
Ok, I've just been instructed to forget about the forms. There are too many problems with them - they're just going to redo them from the ground up as web forms.
I've removed all the forms from the vbp, leaving modules and classes, and ran the upgrade again. It upgrades, but with a ton of errors. The biggest is that there are GoSubs all over the place - about 1800 in total.
After that, there are a lot of things being declared as DAO.something and Excel.something. There are about 800 instances of this.
I'm not exactly stuck yet, but if there are any things that obviously should be done, I'd appreciate hearing them.
I like to send emails from vb.net. Which is the best method? Any codings?
sending mail is easy, receiving it is much more complex.
The details depend on the circumstances. It would be very easy if you have a mail client on your PC, or if you have an ISP provider offering mail (most do).
This is some C# code I am using:
MailMessage msg=new MailMessage();
SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(server);
where server is the mailserver name provided by the ISP.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
DISCLAIMER: this message may have been modified by others; it may no longer reflect what I intended, and may contain bad advice; use at your own risk and with extreme care.
Just an addendum for the OP; some SMTP servers require authentication. You may also have to alter the port. In order to get to these, set the properties of the SmtpClient instantiation
Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow
How can i remove the controlbox or the close control in the messagebox in vb .net?