You could also create a new instance of the thread just before starting it.
Hope that helps,
I have an VB .NET application in which I set an databasepath in the project/properties/settings. It's scope is "application" and it's value is c:\test
I am reading this settings in the form load event like this:
datapath = my.settings.default.databasepath
When I install the application with the installer I change this value to something user selects usually
to "c:\Documents and settings\[user name]\data" I put the application.exe.config file to the same directory as exe file is. And when I check it out the value that used to be c:\test is now the one user selects.
But When I read this value in my application and show it in the textbox it still says "c:\test"
Does anyone has any idea what is this all about, what am I doing wrong?
Thanks for any help.
Are you changing the value in the project .config file, or are you changing the value by hand on the .config file in the bin\Release or bin\Debug folder, then you running your app?? If you're doing it by hand, every time you run your app from the debugger, it's copying the project .config file over the top of the one thats in the bin\Release or bin\Debug folder, overwriting the previous values.
no, I know that it is created every time you run debug or rebuild it. In the settings in the project I have some default database value. And when I install (I am using advanced installer) I change the value in the [app name].exe.config file to something user selected during installation process. So when application is run at some computer (different than my developing) the value that application reads and shows in the textbox is still the default one, although if I look into the .config file that is in the same directory as exe the value is no longer default one, but the new one?!
I can't figure it out.
Thanks for help Dave
Then there is something else going on in your code. The config files are always stored in the same directory as the .EXE, nowhere else.
yup there is... I went trough once more, and deleted the config file (i changed the name of the variable in the settings, previously it was the same as the variable inside my code (databasepath), and I don't know if this was the problem but it is working now.
I can also now access the settings property like this: "databasepath = my.settings.datapath" but before I had to do it like this: "databasepath = my.settings.default.databasepath".
Is it possible that this was the problem, both my dim variable and a settings property had the same name?
anyhow its working now.
Hello everybody,
I'm trying to bring a dpx-format (bitmap spec http://www.fileformat.info/format/dpx/egff.htm) file into a picture box. Knowing its structure, I figured that I could use a MemoryStream starting at the offset where the genuine picture data start.
Here's what I try:
Private abyt() As Byte
Private fo As New OpenFileDialog
'Reading a picture and put it in a bytearray
If fo.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
Dim fs As New IO.FileStream(fo.FileName, IO.FileMode.Open)
Dim br As New IO.BinaryReader(fs, System.Text.UnicodeEncoding.BigEndianUnicode)
Dim offset As Integer = 8192
abyt = br.ReadBytes(CInt(fs.Length))
'Creating the memory stream for the picture box
Dim ms As New IO.MemoryStream(abyt, offset, abyt.Length - offset)
Me.PictureBox1.Image = Image.FromStream(ms)
End If
The last command throws an argument excecption "invalid parameter".
Could anyone more experienced please help?
Thank you,
Yoy are going to have to do the conversion yourself.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
Ok you caused panic, chaos and destruction But to be serious: How would I do the conversion??? Do you probably have any sources about the basics?
Okay you know the input format; I don't. I would have an external conversion routine that can create a new bitmap.
Is it feasable to convert the images up front that you want to use? There will probably be a 3rd party conversion on the web.
Isn't .dpx a movie format? That would mean you wish to ewither convert to say .avi or to convert frame by frame.
Panic, Chaos, Destruction.
My work here is done.
You're right, it's a movie format. The Windows-viewable pic I "only" nead for reference in a form where header details of each frame (i.e. frame by frame usage) are listed.
Just now I found an "ImageMagickObject", which knows the format and seems to do a good job on conversion. I guess that's the better way instead of trying to write my own converter (btw in my initial post I set a link to the dpx specification) without having any idea about the issue. The object seems to be a bit tricky to use in vb.net, so I'm struggling how to implement it.
Wish me luck and in case you have some hints for me I'd appreciate any...
Hi All,
I am tracking Visited URL's Name by using FindFirstUrlCacheGroup or etc function. But it Track only Internet Explorer.
So please give me any solution for tracking Mozila firefox,opera or etc.
Because Proxy server is work like that.
If you can think then I Can.
Proxy servers do NOT work like that. Proxy servers work because the browser tells the proxy which URL to retrieve. Then the proxy goes and gets the page and relays it back to the browser. There is no function you can call on the workstation that will tell you what the URL being retrieved of any browser installed on the workstation. You have to use, or write your own, proxy server to do that.
I have a combobox on my form called cboLang. When the selectedindexchanged fires I run a routine that goes out to the database and changes the labels to the language requested. Then it loads up the combobox with that language's form of the name of each possible language (i.e., if the user selected French it would put "Anglais" in the combobox instead of "English").
What I'd like to do next is ensure that the language the user selected is the one selected in the combobox. However, whenever I do this it fires the selectedindexchanged event again which starts everything all over and it gets into an infinite loop.
How can I set the selected item without it firing the selectedindexchanged event?
Denise "Hypermommy" Duggan
2 possible solutions that I see:
0) Don't do the code that changes everything in the 'selectedindexchanged' event.
Do it in a 'Save settings' button or so.
1) Maintain a boolean variable 'ImWorking' (dummy name ) (on form level). While your code is running change this boolean to 'True'. First thing in your 'selectedindexchanged' event is check this boolean. If the boolean is true than exit the event (exit sub)
My choice would be first one.
This allows for the user to misclick without having to wait for the language change to have ran its course.
You have possibly two ways to do this...
1. use SelectionChangeComitted event (recommended)
2. use some global variable Flag that u set to 'true' once all the comboBox is filled up... before comboBox is completely filled..this flag should remain 'false'... later on in ur code... just check if the flag is set to 'true' before doing what ever u do upon item selection.
SelectionChangeCommitted was exactly what I need!! Thanks!!!!! Never even knew that it existed but it's just what I needed.
Denise "Hypermommy" Duggan
An excellent solution. I too was unaware of this event.
Henry Minute
Do not read medical books! You could die of a misprint. - Mark Twain
Girl: (staring) "Why do you need an icy cucumber?"
“I want to report a fraud. The government is lying to us all.”
Hi All,
I have two application.First one is Used for Calling Second Application. Second runs alwase with Admin Rights.
When I am trying to start process of Second Application then it reqire admin rights with Passord and Cancel Button.
Then How to check it in first application The second application is run by Admin rights or not.
If you can think then I Can.
From MSDN[^];
Console.WriteLine("{0}? {1}.", WindowsBuiltInRole.Administrator,
I are troll
Hi,first say that if the place for this post isn't correct, sorry but I don't if the correct place is within Java,Vb o Winform xD
Create a usercontrol with a single textbox and one property that set the textbox and get the value of the textbox. This usercontrol is embedded in HTML page. I can change the value of the textbox perfectly but isn't possible access to usercontrol with javascript.
When I create the instance to the usercontrol can get access but out the object tag is impossible .... my code is this ...
Public Class SerialPort
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
Public Property Age() As String
Return Me.Age.Text
End Get
Set(ByVal Value As String)
Me.Age.Text = Value
End Set
End Property
End Class
<form name="form1">
<object id="SerialPort" classid="UserSerialPort.dll#UserSerialPort.SerialPort" height="399" width="651">
<param name="age" value="48">
<input type="button" name="btage" value="Age" onClick="getage();">
script language="javascript">
var objserial;
objserial = document.getElementById("Serialport");
function getage()
var quedevuelve;
quedevuelve = objserial.age;
The first part, work correctly, send the value "age" with value 48 and this is reflected in the usercontrol, but the next call to function javascript return undefined, I haven't found any solution for it ...
If anyone can help I would greatly appreciate it, a greeting.
modified on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 7:35 AM
tdc_david wrote: Hi,first say that if the place for this post isn't correct, sorry but I don't if the correct place is within Java,Vb o Winform xD
um.... ASP.NET forum ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"! i don't exactly like or do programming and it only gives me a headache." - spotted in VB forums.
I can do things with my brain that I can't even google. I can flex the front part of my brain instantly anytime I want. It can be exhausting and it even causes me vision problems for some reason. - CaptainSeeSharp
ASP.NET no, because the page is only HTML with javascript....
So that makes you ask in the VB.NET forum??