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Visual Basic

AnswerRe: Find URL's of Mozila Firefox,Opera or etc Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 6:24
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 6:24 
QuestionCombobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
Hypermommy9-Jun-09 2:09
Hypermommy9-Jun-09 2:09 
AnswerRe: Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
Tom Deketelaere9-Jun-09 2:22
professionalTom Deketelaere9-Jun-09 2:22 
AnswerRe: Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
binjafar9-Jun-09 2:25
binjafar9-Jun-09 2:25 
GeneralRe: Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
Hypermommy9-Jun-09 5:14
Hypermommy9-Jun-09 5:14 
GeneralRe: Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
binjafar9-Jun-09 8:14
binjafar9-Jun-09 8:14 
GeneralRe: Combobox SelectedIndexChanged Infinite Loop Pin
Henry Minute9-Jun-09 8:25
Henry Minute9-Jun-09 8:25 
QuestionHow to check Application is run by Administrator Pin
Anubhava Dimri9-Jun-09 2:05
Anubhava Dimri9-Jun-09 2:05 
Hi All,
I have two application.First one is Used for Calling Second Application. Second runs alwase with Admin Rights.

When I am trying to start process of Second Application then it reqire admin rights with Passord and Cancel Button.

Then How to check it in first application The second application is run by Admin rights or not.


If you can think then I Can.

AnswerRe: How to check Application is run by Administrator Pin
Eddy Vluggen9-Jun-09 7:05
professionalEddy Vluggen9-Jun-09 7:05 
QuestionImpossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript [modified] Pin
tdc_david9-Jun-09 1:25
tdc_david9-Jun-09 1:25 
AnswerRe: Impossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript Pin
Christian Graus9-Jun-09 1:53
protectorChristian Graus9-Jun-09 1:53 
GeneralRe: Impossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript Pin
tdc_david9-Jun-09 2:14
tdc_david9-Jun-09 2:14 
GeneralRe: Impossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 3:15
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 3:15 
GeneralRe: Impossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript Pin
tdc_david9-Jun-09 4:18
tdc_david9-Jun-09 4:18 
GeneralRe: Impossible to access to the properties of Usercontrol, since a HTML page with javascript Pin
Dave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 6:22
mveDave Kreskowiak9-Jun-09 6:22 
Question[Help]VB6 + Webbrowser + Iframes + Different Domains] Pin
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 1:02
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 1:02 
AnswerRe: [Help]VB6 + Webbrowser + Iframes + Different Domains] Pin
DaveAuld9-Jun-09 1:37
professionalDaveAuld9-Jun-09 1:37 
GeneralRe: [Help]VB6 + Webbrowser + Iframes + Different Domains] Pin
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 1:48
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 1:48 
GeneralRe: [Help]VB6 + Webbrowser + Iframes + Different Domains] [modified] Pin
DaveAuld9-Jun-09 3:52
professionalDaveAuld9-Jun-09 3:52 
GeneralRe: [Help]VB6 + Webbrowser + Iframes + Different Domains] Pin
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 4:20
Lord Engel9-Jun-09 4:20 
QuestionMaintain whitespace between strings Pin
Member 45142188-Jun-09 23:33
Member 45142188-Jun-09 23:33 
AnswerRe: Maintain whitespace between strings Pin
Christian Graus8-Jun-09 23:59
protectorChristian Graus8-Jun-09 23:59 
AnswerRe: Maintain whitespace between strings Pin
binjafar9-Jun-09 0:01
binjafar9-Jun-09 0:01 
GeneralRe: Maintain whitespace between strings Pin
Member 45142189-Jun-09 6:22
Member 45142189-Jun-09 6:22 
GeneralRe: Maintain whitespace between strings Pin
binjafar9-Jun-09 8:15
binjafar9-Jun-09 8:15 

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