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GeneralRe: Use ActiveX without registration Pin
SSDream6-Jun-09 18:43
SSDream6-Jun-09 18:43 
GeneralRe: Use ActiveX without registration Pin
Nishad S17-Jun-09 3:29
Nishad S17-Jun-09 3:29 
GeneralRe: Use ActiveX without registration Pin
SSDream17-Jun-09 16:32
SSDream17-Jun-09 16:32 
GeneralRe: Use ActiveX without registration Pin
Nishad S17-Jun-09 3:42
Nishad S17-Jun-09 3:42 
QuestionDLL protection Pin
SSDream5-Jun-09 16:53
SSDream5-Jun-09 16:53 
AnswerRe: DLL protection Pin
Christian Graus5-Jun-09 16:56
protectorChristian Graus5-Jun-09 16:56 
AnswerRe: DLL protection Pin
I Believe In GOD5-Jun-09 22:43
I Believe In GOD5-Jun-09 22:43 
AnswerRe: DLL protection Pin
0x3c05-Jun-09 22:58
0x3c05-Jun-09 22:58 
If the DLLs aren't going to need to be changed, then you could encode the DLL byte-stream as a base64 string and store it in your Resources section. Then at program startup you could convert the resource into the original byte array and use Assembly.Load to load the DLL from that byte array. Of course, you would need to use the System.Reflection namespace to get access to the members, and this is inherently slower than just adding a reference to your DLL. And there's nothing to stop a cracker from reading the base64 string in your program using .Net Reflector, converting it to a byte array and saving it to a file

Alternatively, you could simply store the classes from the DLLs in your project and build them as a single EXE file

Between the idea
And the reality
Between the motion
And the act
Falls the Shadow

GeneralRe: DLL protection Pin
SSDream6-Jun-09 18:08
SSDream6-Jun-09 18:08 
Question3 forms - how to click button to go to each one Pin
johnnysmith15-Jun-09 15:27
johnnysmith15-Jun-09 15:27 
AnswerRe: 3 forms - how to click button to go to each one Pin
Christian Graus5-Jun-09 16:57
protectorChristian Graus5-Jun-09 16:57 
GeneralRe: 3 forms - how to click button to go to each one Pin
johnnysmith15-Jun-09 17:07
johnnysmith15-Jun-09 17:07 
QuestionParsing "tags" in a string Pin
Quake2Player5-Jun-09 12:51
Quake2Player5-Jun-09 12:51 
AnswerRe: Parsing "tags" in a string Pin
Christian Graus5-Jun-09 14:57
protectorChristian Graus5-Jun-09 14:57 
QuestionHow To Identify Control In C# Click Event Pin
Member 44650075-Jun-09 11:52
Member 44650075-Jun-09 11:52 
AnswerRe: How To Identify Control In C# Click Event Pin
Christian Graus5-Jun-09 11:57
protectorChristian Graus5-Jun-09 11:57 
AnswerRe: How To Identify Control In C# Click Event Pin
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 12:00
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 12:00 
AnswerRe: How To Identify Control In C# Click Event [modified] Pin
I Believe In GOD5-Jun-09 12:23
I Believe In GOD5-Jun-09 12:23 
AnswerRe: How To Identify Control In C# Click Event Pin
Member 44650075-Jun-09 14:29
Member 44650075-Jun-09 14:29 
QuestionApplying a TextDecoration within a TextRange in RithcTextBox Pin
paradisonoir5-Jun-09 10:53
paradisonoir5-Jun-09 10:53 
AnswerAttempt to bump post!! Pin
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 11:55
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 11:55 
GeneralRe: Attempt to bump post!! Pin
paradisonoir9-Jun-09 13:51
paradisonoir9-Jun-09 13:51 
QuestionA Problem with Graphics object in GDI draw functions ??? Pin
magicii5-Jun-09 10:04
magicii5-Jun-09 10:04 
AnswerRe: A Problem with Graphics object in GDI draw functions ??? Pin
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 10:12
Henry Minute5-Jun-09 10:12 
AnswerRe: A Problem with Graphics object in GDI draw functions ??? Pin
ARon_5-Jun-09 11:40
ARon_5-Jun-09 11:40 

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