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GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Nicholas Butler29-May-09 7:24
sitebuilderNicholas Butler29-May-09 7:24 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 3:54
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 3:54 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Nicholas Butler3-Jun-09 4:38
sitebuilderNicholas Butler3-Jun-09 4:38 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 6:57
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 6:57 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Nicholas Butler3-Jun-09 7:29
sitebuilderNicholas Butler3-Jun-09 7:29 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 7:34
Mike Devenney3-Jun-09 7:34 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Nicholas Butler3-Jun-09 11:32
sitebuilderNicholas Butler3-Jun-09 11:32 
GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Mike Devenney4-Jun-09 2:33
Mike Devenney4-Jun-09 2:33 
Sounds like your idea of the proxy server interfering is a winner. I'm talking over my head here but I'll do my best to explain what I just learned. I spoke with two of our architects who said that any https requests have to spoof a validated certificate because our infosec dept strips out the remote host's certificate and inserts one of their own. I have some sample code that one of them uses for a web service that makes https requests. Because it's a web service the code is slightly different but it's the same idea...

+= new RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(ValidateRemoteCertificate)

private static bool ValidateRemoteCertificate
(object sender, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors policyErrors)
     return true;

By "faking" the true value for the ValidateRemoteCertificate method the authentication succeeds and the connection will open successfully. I'm off to work this into my routine. If/when I get it working I'll post the "correct" code. Thanks for helping me work through this! Thumbs Up | :thumbsup:

Mike Devenney

GeneralRe: Bumping an old post - https web request Pin
Mike Devenney4-Jun-09 7:32
Mike Devenney4-Jun-09 7:32 
QuestionCreate buttons dinamyclly Pin
geniaz129-May-09 5:03
geniaz129-May-09 5:03 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
musefan29-May-09 5:08
musefan29-May-09 5:08 
AnswerRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
EliottA29-May-09 5:20
EliottA29-May-09 5:20 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
geniaz129-May-09 5:51
geniaz129-May-09 5:51 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Douglas Kirk29-May-09 7:08
Douglas Kirk29-May-09 7:08 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Moreno Airoldi29-May-09 7:15
Moreno Airoldi29-May-09 7:15 
AnswerRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Luc Pattyn29-May-09 8:36
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn29-May-09 8:36 
QuestionUserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 5:02
EliottA29-May-09 5:02 
AnswerRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
musefan29-May-09 5:23
musefan29-May-09 5:23 
GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 6:10
EliottA29-May-09 6:10 
GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
musefan29-May-09 6:21
musefan29-May-09 6:21 
GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 6:32
EliottA29-May-09 6:32 
Questiondesign pattern needed (for C#) Pin
NaNg1524129-May-09 4:54
NaNg1524129-May-09 4:54 
AnswerRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 4:58
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 4:58 
GeneralRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
NaNg1524129-May-09 5:14
NaNg1524129-May-09 5:14 
GeneralRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
EliottA29-May-09 5:53
EliottA29-May-09 5:53 

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