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GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
geniaz129-May-09 5:51
geniaz129-May-09 5:51 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Douglas Kirk29-May-09 7:08
Douglas Kirk29-May-09 7:08 
GeneralRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Moreno Airoldi29-May-09 7:15
Moreno Airoldi29-May-09 7:15 
AnswerRe: Create buttons dinamyclly Pin
Luc Pattyn29-May-09 8:36
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn29-May-09 8:36 
QuestionUserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 5:02
EliottA29-May-09 5:02 
AnswerRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
musefan29-May-09 5:23
musefan29-May-09 5:23 
GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 6:10
EliottA29-May-09 6:10 
GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
musefan29-May-09 6:21
musefan29-May-09 6:21 
anchor will def do it for that.

make sure the control has dock set to 'none'


myControl.Anchor = AnchorStyles.Right | AnchorStyles.Left| AnchorStyles.Top| AnchorStyles.Bottom;

this will keep the control to fill but with the same distance from each side of its parent control as it was when first created.

if it don't work then you have some other issue stopping it working but i'm afraid i must leave the net for the time being. good luck

Life goes very fast. Tomorrow, today is already yesterday.

GeneralRe: UserControl Docking and padding question Pin
EliottA29-May-09 6:32
EliottA29-May-09 6:32 
Questiondesign pattern needed (for C#) Pin
NaNg1524129-May-09 4:54
NaNg1524129-May-09 4:54 
AnswerRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 4:58
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 4:58 
GeneralRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
NaNg1524129-May-09 5:14
NaNg1524129-May-09 5:14 
GeneralRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
EliottA29-May-09 5:53
EliottA29-May-09 5:53 
GeneralRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
NaNg1524129-May-09 11:05
NaNg1524129-May-09 11:05 
AnswerRe: design pattern needed (for C#) Pin
DaveyM6929-May-09 6:20
professionalDaveyM6929-May-09 6:20 
QuestionThrottle user input Pin
edlanka29-May-09 3:30
edlanka29-May-09 3:30 
AnswerRe: Throttle user input Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 3:44
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.29-May-09 3:44 
AnswerRe: Throttle user input Pin
Luc Pattyn29-May-09 3:53
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn29-May-09 3:53 
QuestionConnecting C# desktop application with web database Pin
sachees12329-May-09 2:31
sachees12329-May-09 2:31 
AnswerRe: Connecting C# desktop application with web database Pin
Paddy Boyd29-May-09 2:35
Paddy Boyd29-May-09 2:35 
AnswerRe: Connecting C# desktop application with web database Pin
Henry Minute29-May-09 2:46
Henry Minute29-May-09 2:46 
AnswerRe: Connecting C# desktop application with web database Pin
Rob Philpott29-May-09 2:59
Rob Philpott29-May-09 2:59 
AnswerRe: Connecting C# desktop application with web database Pin
benjamin yap29-May-09 6:49
benjamin yap29-May-09 6:49 
Questionfind files Pin
michaelgr129-May-09 2:26
michaelgr129-May-09 2:26 
AnswerRe: find files Pin
I Believe In GOD29-May-09 2:28
I Believe In GOD29-May-09 2:28 

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