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C / C++ / MFC

RantRe: GPS & GoogleMap matching Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian23-May-09 0:39
professionalRajesh R Subramanian23-May-09 0:39 
QuestionOutlook email(.Msg ) file problem in vista explorer.... Pin
onlyjaypatel22-May-09 3:33
onlyjaypatel22-May-09 3:33 
QuestionCommand object execute parameters [modified] Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 2:56
vital_parsley200022-May-09 2:56 
QuestionRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 3:08
mveCPallini22-May-09 3:08 
AnswerRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 4:01
vital_parsley200022-May-09 4:01 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 4:52
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 4:52 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 5:13
vital_parsley200022-May-09 5:13 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 6:02
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 6:02 
vital_parsley2000 wrote:
ErrorMessage:Type mismatch..

Hmmm - what does that tell us.... Type mismatch So, what type are involved? 1) The column types, 2) the declared parameter types, 3) the value you pass for the parameter. Let's examine your first parameter:


Column type? Don't know, you haven't told us.
Parameter type? VARCHAR - but you've specified a maximum length of 1 (the sizeof(char) bit)
Value? well, immediately vtMissing, but later you assign it with

pCmd->Parameters->Append((_variant_t)strIsbn); //GOES INTO THE CATCH BLOCK FROM HERE.

All looks well ...except that if strIsbn is a string containing more than one character, it's incompatible with the parameter, and (I suspect) you have a type mis-match.

Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p

GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 6:32
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 6:32 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:01
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:01 
AnswerRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 6:05
mveCPallini22-May-09 6:05 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 6:32
vital_parsley200022-May-09 6:32 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 8:38
mveCPallini22-May-09 8:38 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:34
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:34 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 22:16
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 22:16 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200023-May-09 0:38
vital_parsley200023-May-09 0:38 
QuestionDebug Assertion Failed Pin
Davitor22-May-09 2:29
Davitor22-May-09 2:29 
AnswerRe: Debug Assertion Failed Pin
sujeet22-May-09 2:37
sujeet22-May-09 2:37 
GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed Pin
Davitor22-May-09 2:48
Davitor22-May-09 2:48 
QuestionQuery About SDI Application Pin
Saleem Anwar22-May-09 1:08
Saleem Anwar22-May-09 1:08 
AnswerRe: Query About SDI Application Pin
Le@rner22-May-09 20:52
Le@rner22-May-09 20:52 
QuestionHow to send a soap message from browser to a local webservice developed in vc++ Pin
sujeet21-May-09 23:07
sujeet21-May-09 23:07 
AnswerRe: How to send a soap message from browser to a local webservice developed in vc++ Pin
ThatsAlok21-May-09 23:11
ThatsAlok21-May-09 23:11 
QuestionWM_KEYDOWN Pin
susanne121-May-09 22:33
susanne121-May-09 22:33 
AnswerRe: WM_KEYDOWN Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 21-May-09 22:39
_AnsHUMAN_ 21-May-09 22:39 

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