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AnswerRe: Does Postmessage/SendMessage require a Message Map entries Pin
led mike22-May-09 8:37
led mike22-May-09 8:37 
GeneralRe: Does Postmessage/SendMessage require a Message Map entries Pin
ForNow22-May-09 10:50
ForNow22-May-09 10:50 
GeneralRe: Does Postmessage/SendMessage require a Message Map entries Pin
«_Superman_»22-May-09 16:21
professional«_Superman_»22-May-09 16:21 
GeneralRe: Does Postmessage/SendMessage require a Message Map entries Pin
ForNow23-May-09 15:33
ForNow23-May-09 15:33 
QuestionGPS & GoogleMap matching Pin
yunpil22-May-09 5:17
yunpil22-May-09 5:17 
AnswerRe: GPS & GoogleMap matching Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 6:33
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 6:33 
RantRe: GPS & GoogleMap matching Pin
Rajesh R Subramanian23-May-09 0:39
professionalRajesh R Subramanian23-May-09 0:39 
QuestionOutlook email(.Msg ) file problem in vista explorer.... Pin
onlyjaypatel22-May-09 3:33
onlyjaypatel22-May-09 3:33 
Hi all,

In vista explorer when we copy any ".eml" file it shows all values of that email in its column,like From address,To address,From name,Subject etc..

But it is not displaying same for Outlook office email message (.Msg)File.

Can anybody tell why its not displaying this.Is that possible to show this fields in vista
explorer columns?

If yes How?

Is there any registry setting?

Thanx in advance.

QuestionCommand object execute parameters [modified] Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 2:56
vital_parsley200022-May-09 2:56 
QuestionRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 3:08
mveCPallini22-May-09 3:08 
AnswerRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 4:01
vital_parsley200022-May-09 4:01 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 4:52
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 4:52 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 5:13
vital_parsley200022-May-09 5:13 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 6:02
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 6:02 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 6:32
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 6:32 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:01
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:01 
AnswerRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 6:05
mveCPallini22-May-09 6:05 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 6:32
vital_parsley200022-May-09 6:32 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
CPallini22-May-09 8:38
mveCPallini22-May-09 8:38 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:34
vital_parsley200022-May-09 19:34 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
Stuart Dootson22-May-09 22:16
professionalStuart Dootson22-May-09 22:16 
GeneralRe: Command object execute parameters Pin
vital_parsley200023-May-09 0:38
vital_parsley200023-May-09 0:38 
QuestionDebug Assertion Failed Pin
Davitor22-May-09 2:29
Davitor22-May-09 2:29 
AnswerRe: Debug Assertion Failed Pin
sujeet22-May-09 2:37
sujeet22-May-09 2:37 
GeneralRe: Debug Assertion Failed Pin
Davitor22-May-09 2:48
Davitor22-May-09 2:48 

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