Thanks Dave for reply, but i have to need some idea or concept for go through this encryption of stream . you had written that some player have this facility for encryption can i know which player it is.
No, I didn't.
I said the player that the client uses has to be able to play an encrypted stream. I have no idea if there is such an animal.
You cannot use ASP.NET to encrypt the stream. That MUST be done by the stream server that is sending the stream to the client. You'll need to do some research into the stream server you're using, and if you're not using one, find one that does this.
I am getting the following message box whenever I try to debug the code.
<b>“The following module was built either with optimization enabled or without debug information:”
“To debug this module, change its project build configuration to Debug mode.
To suppress this message, disable the ‘Warn if no user code on launch’ debugger option”</b>
I have built the entire code in Debug mode and no where I have enabled the optimization setting.
I am using Microsoft Visual Studio 2008.
I am using the C# .NET for the very first time please help me out in this.
You're trying to debug the Release version of your executable. Change the build configuration to Debug.
Hi everyone
I have this strange thing happening, and can't seem to get past it.
My application opens a new project dialog window where the user types in the name of the project, a description of the project, and has to open a FolderBrowserDialog to select the location of some files that the application will use.
When I select the folder and click OK (or Cancel), it closes the FolderBrowserDialog as expected, but it also closes my new project dialog with a dialog result of Cancel. The new project dialog does not have the AcceptButton or CancelButton set. It uses Yes and No dialog results back to the main form.
Anyone got any ideas?
Thanks in advance.
One day I want to be a code monkey. Right now, I'm more like a code amoeba...
I can't reproduce this.
I took a forms project and added a new form called Form2.
On Form2 I added a button, and to this button a Click event handler
that does the following code (ripped from the MSDN docs):
FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog1 = new System.Windows.Forms.FolderBrowserDialog();
DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog();
if (result == DialogResult.OK)
string folderName = folderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath;
On my project's original Form1, I added a button with a Click event handler
to launch the Form2 modal like this:
Form2 subForm = new Form2();
Running this, closing the FolderBrowserDialog does not close Form2.
What have you done differently?
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Thanks for your reply Mark.
That's pretty much how I do it too. After instantiating the form or browser dialog, I update a few properties, then use the ShowDialog() method.
Could it be a bug?
My development environment is Windows 7 RC1, Visual Studio SP1, latest patches etc.
One day I want to be a code monkey. Right now, I'm more like a code amoeba...
Poolee wrote: Could it be a bug?
I suppose it's possible but I have never heard about it....maybe someone
else will reply that has experienced the same behavior. That sure would break
a lot of apps
Does the same thing happen if you do what I did - create a new form,
add a button that launches the folder browser dialog, and open that
new form modally (with ShowDialog)??
Are you opening your new project dialog modally as well?
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Hi Mark
Created a project as you described... worked properly.
I will have to review my code... and Dialog properties... LOL
Still very weird... I will post the results if I manage to discover the cause.
Thanks for your help!
One day I want to be a code monkey. Right now, I'm more like a code amoeba...
Ok, here's where I slap myself, bang my head against a particularly strong wall, then put my head down a toilet... gurgling NOOOOB as it flushes!
I had copied the button from the Cancel button on the form. I had retained the DialogResult property of Cancel. So yeah, clicking the button opened the FolderBrowserDialog of course, then as soon as it closed, the DialogResult caused the form to close.
Thanks again for your help Mark!
One day I want to be a code monkey. Right now, I'm more like a code amoeba...
Good one
Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++
Hi Experts,
I am developing an Asp.Net 2.0 website, with MySql 6.0 connector and same Membership provider. Every thing was running until I uploaded my page having use of that connector 6.0
I simply used this
using MySql.Data.MySqlClient;
and made the connection in code
like this
System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection conn= new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection();
this code is running absolutely fine on my computer but its not working when I upload the page.
It shows this error:
CS0433: The type 'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlConnection' exists in both 'c:\windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\Temporary ASP.NET Files\root\1e4eaa05\e62de4c8\assembly\dl3\cf265f44\00f987f7_7669c801\MySql.Data.DLL' and 'c:\windows\assembly\GAC_MSIL\MySql.Data\\MySql.Data.dll'
When I checked I found a difference in dll version. Server is having Mysql 4.0.
Please tell me how to overcome this issue. I just checked my local computer where I havent found that dll in temporary asp.net files.
Thanks in advance.
Upgrade the server to the same library version as you're using.
Or, downgrade the library on your development machine to match the server's version - if you can still find the old version on the web somewhere.
Hi Dave,
I have switched to MySql Connector and similarly my host has changed db from 4.0 version to 5.0 but problem persists. Now I am completely puzzled what to do.
Please help me out.
Best Regards
Jay Khatri
P.S.: for your ready reference my host is having this version (MySQL - 5.0.21-community-nt)
Your going to have to work with the ISP to figure this one out. I just told you the first thing I would try. I don't use MySQL for anything.
Hi Dave,
My problem have been solved by this:
<remove assembly="MySql.Data" />
<add assembly="*" />
This has removed the dll from GAC and added all again. So I can even use different version of dll by this.
Thanks for your support.
Best Regards
Jay Khatri
thanks for your reply.
I have already requested my host to upgrade the version from 4.0 to 5.0. And I have also shifted from 6.0 and 5.0 MySql. Now waiting for the cp change in my host panel.
I am trying to install a vs2005 web setup project in window vista with iis7 but give me error of "setup has been intrupted"
is there any problem bcoz i got stuck in this problem any help would be appreciated\
thanks sohaib.
Do NOT post the same question to multiple forums. You will not get an answer any faster, and it's considered very rude.
I want to develop an application that can display me the IP address of any device, may it be Mobile or another PC or any device that has an IP address, when connected to my PC via LAN Cable.
for eg. if my PC IP is and another device IP is say, then how can i get the device IP address after connecting the device with LAN Cable.
I want to Develop using VB.net, so anyone can help me in this case.
Any idea would be of great help.
Thanks in Advance, awaiting for replies.
You don't know how TCP/IP works, do you?
If you directly connect a device to your PC's ethernet card using a crossover cable, the device you connect has to have an IP on the same subnet as your PC, otherwise, you won't be able to talk to it at all.
Dave Thanks For the reply.
I Know What you said is correct, but then that is exactly what my query is.
I tell you, we use one device which is COM to LAN Converter.
Now this device has it's own IP Address, which we can set acc. to our network settings.
Now this device manufacturer has a software where in when the device is connected to the PC, it displays the IP address of the device regd. of whether it matches with network or no.
Also we can then change the IP Address from the software.
So how come this software is able to get the IP Address even if it is not as per our network settings.
Could you give some info. on this.
Thanks In Advance.
Your going to have to ask the manufacturer how the device is discovered. I'm thinking the device might be broadcasting an advertising packet of some kind that the software listens for.
You can see if this is true by using a network sniffer, like Ethereal[^].
I'm trying to use smo to create an insert stored proc which returns the identity of the newly created row.
Here's my code, which returns a "create failed" message without other relevant details.
(The mMyDatabase reference in the code is a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Database that has been successfully connected to. I can post the code for that part if you need it.)
Public Sub AddInsertActivityStoredProcedure()
Dim Name As String = "InsertActivityRow"
If mMyDatabase.StoredProcedures.Contains(Name) Then
End If
Dim An_SP As New StoredProcedure(mMyDatabase, Name, "dbo")
'An_SP.TextHeader = "???"
An_SP.TextMode = False
An_SP.AnsiNullsStatus = False
An_SP.QuotedIdentifierStatus = False
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@UserFK", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@MachineFK", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@ActivityDate", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@Activity", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@TableAffected", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@RowAffected", DataType.Int))
An_SP.Parameters.Add(New StoredProcedureParameter(An_SP, "@NewPK", DataType.Int))
An_SP.TextBody = "set nocount on" + NewLine
An_SP.TextBody = "INSERT INTO [ADV4SQL].[dbo].[ADVActivities]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ([AcUserFK]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,[AcMachineFK]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,[AcDate]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,[AcActivity]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,[AcTableAffected]"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,[AcRowAffected])"
An_SP.TextBody += " VALUES"
An_SP.TextBody += " (@UserFK"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,@MachineFK,"
An_SP.TextBody += " ,@ActivityDate, "
An_SP.TextBody += " ,@Activity, "
An_SP.TextBody += " ,@TableAffected, "
An_SP.TextBody += " ,@RowAffected, )" + NewLine
An_SP.TextBody += "@NewPK= SCOPE_IDENTITY() " + NewLine
End Sub
modified on Sunday, May 17, 2009 4:41 PM
You might want to export to script an existing stored procedure using SQL Server Management Studio first. Take a look at what it output, then you can model your code to create an equivilent string. It doesn't look like adding NewLines at the end of each statement is a valid statement terminator to SQL Server.