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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: what's the purpose of this reg file? Pin
shanzy10-May-09 21:57
shanzy10-May-09 21:57 
AnswerRe: what's the purpose of this reg file? Pin
Hamid_RT10-May-09 23:07
Hamid_RT10-May-09 23:07 
QuestionHow to get Error message string ? Pin
SherTeks10-May-09 21:26
SherTeks10-May-09 21:26 
AnswerRe: How to get Error message string ? Pin
CPallini10-May-09 21:31
mveCPallini10-May-09 21:31 
QuestionMultithreading in VC++ Pin
diptipanchal10-May-09 20:09
diptipanchal10-May-09 20:09 
AnswerRe: Multithreading in VC++ Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 10-May-09 20:17
_AnsHUMAN_ 10-May-09 20:17 
AnswerRe: Multithreading in VC++ Pin
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:23
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:23 
QuestionRe: Multithreading in VC++ Pin
__yash__10-May-09 21:15
professional__yash__10-May-09 21:15 
Hello all,
I have a doubt here:
If i have three socket connections does it make it necessary to have them in 3 separate threads(to ensure concurrent reception of data from all three)? Or is it that since the OnReceive() functions of the respective socket class are independent events that are all capable of getting triggered at the same time (as perceived by the application), thus, can exist under one single thread?
QuestionTimers in Windows Pin
Mohammad Khodaea10-May-09 19:54
Mohammad Khodaea10-May-09 19:54 
AnswerRe: Timers in Windows Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 10-May-09 20:12
_AnsHUMAN_ 10-May-09 20:12 
AnswerRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Chandrasekharan P10-May-09 20:17
Chandrasekharan P10-May-09 20:17 
AnswerRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:26
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:26 
AnswerRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Madhu Nair10-May-09 20:56
Madhu Nair10-May-09 20:56 
GeneralRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Mohammadj11-May-09 0:37
Mohammadj11-May-09 0:37 
RantRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Madhu Nair11-May-09 1:31
Madhu Nair11-May-09 1:31 
GeneralRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Mohammadj11-May-09 1:38
Mohammadj11-May-09 1:38 
GeneralRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Chandrasekharan P11-May-09 2:04
Chandrasekharan P11-May-09 2:04 
GeneralRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Mohammadj11-May-09 2:12
Mohammadj11-May-09 2:12 
GeneralRe: Timers in Windows Pin
Chandrasekharan P11-May-09 2:14
Chandrasekharan P11-May-09 2:14 
Questionsegmentation fault- gdb output : at 0x00ac315a meaning?? Pin
shrims4u10-May-09 19:51
shrims4u10-May-09 19:51 
AnswerRe: segmentation fault- gdb output : at 0x00ac315a meaning?? Pin
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:20
Cedric Moonen10-May-09 20:20 
GeneralRe: segmentation fault- gdb output : at 0x00ac315a meaning?? Pin
shrims4u11-May-09 16:53
shrims4u11-May-09 16:53 
GeneralRe: segmentation fault- gdb output : at 0x00ac315a meaning?? Pin
Cedric Moonen11-May-09 20:07
Cedric Moonen11-May-09 20:07 
QuestionGetting a crash when using the below code. Pin
V K 210-May-09 19:36
V K 210-May-09 19:36 
AnswerRe: Getting a crash when using the below code. Pin
Code-o-mat10-May-09 22:25
Code-o-mat10-May-09 22:25 

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