flo561 wrote: need help to understand output
See here[^]
Now, if you want a more useful answer, you'll need to give a bit more information. What don't you understand ? What is the problem ? ....
And please, put an explicit title for your posts, as explained in the posting guidelines.
get 2 pieces of paper. Tear them up into.. 8 pieces. write the number 4 on one of them (x=4)...
1) put the paper with "4" to the side.
2a) write the number 2 on another piece of paper (x-2=2).
2b) put that on top of the paper with "4" written on it.
3) look at the top of the pile. (y = stack.top()).
4a) write the number 10 on a piece of paper (y+8).
4b) put that on top of the stack.
5) take the top paper off the pile. throw it away
6a) write 6 on a paper (x+y)
6b) put it on the stack.
7a) write 2 on a paper (x-2)
7b) put it on the stack.
8a) write 5 on a paper (y+3)
8b) put it on the stack.
9) look at the top of the stack. (x = stack.top())
10) take the top paper off the pile. throw it away
11) look at the top of the stack. (y = stack.top())
12) write down the value of x and y.
13a) look at the top of the stack.
13b) write down that number
13c) throw that paper away
13d) go back to 13a until no more paper. that's why its called a "stack"
Source content is copied using the “FolderCopy” to destination location and then it is compressed using FCIFlushCabinet API and written to the disk in the destination location. As per the source code implementation maximum space required in the destination path is two times greater than source content.(25 MB Source content (C:\ - where I have 1GB space) is copied to destination (d: Driver) where the disk space is 55MB)
1) In One machine Destination requires 55MB of free space and In other machine for doing the same operation requires 75MB and even 100MB of free space.
Why whenever we take a backup from source path to destination path, in destination path disk free space required varies from system to system. Is this problem because of FCIFlushCabinet
GnanaprakashJebaraj wrote: In One machine Destination requires 55MB of free space and In other machine for doing the same operation requires 75MB and even 100MB of free space.
Are the allocation units on each the same?
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
I am an university student in Korea.
I am going to do some project with this program, but when I fulfiled it on my visual studio 2005 with downloaded sauce, an error which says "i it is an undeclared identifier." comes out .
The sauce is
int j=totalChunks*8+70;
for(i=0;i<extracharacters;i++){ <-"i it is an undeclared identifier."
for(int k=i;k<8;k++){
I thought about the reason but couldn"t find the answer. So I wrote this mail. ihhur64@naver.com
I want you to let me know the reason why the error comes out and the way of running.
modified on Wednesday, April 29, 2009 10:16 AM
Well, I think it is pretty obvious what the reason is no ? You didn't declare the type of the variable "i". That's one of the most basic thing that you learn when starting C++. I suggest that you first take some time to learn C++ appropriately, because otherwise it will be almost impossible to communicate efficiently with you.
The error is self-explanatory. Read here.
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
Hello All ,
I want to change permission of netshare folders in vc++.
How should i use because NetShareSetInfo is not allowed for SHARE_INFO_503 set permission.
please help me.
is there any funcion that can check if a URL is folder or file, something like this sample:
<br />
Thanks for any help!
URLIs[^] might help?
The thing is that URL's don't necessarily really refer to files and directories like paths into a file-system. Depending on how the web server is configured, it could treat http://www.somedomain.com/imagefolder/ differently to http://www.somedomain.com/imagefolder .
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
I have an application which, for various reasons cannot be converted to Unicode (so please don't suggest it) and which needs to display Russian characters.
Now I can quite easily display them by setting lfCharSet in LOGFONT if I do the drawing myself. And I can get a dialog to display Russian chars if I set it's language to Russian. What doesn't work is that while the static text controls display Cyrillic characters, the edit controls don't and if I set the value of a static control that doesn't display Cyrillic either.
I'm running on Vista.
Keith Worden wrote: I have an application which, for various reasons cannot be converted to Unicode (so please don't suggest it) and which needs to display Russian characters.
Every time someone said this, I asked "why?" and their answer was downright silly or wrong on so many levels. Each and every time, I convinced them to do a Unicode build. But, since you do not want it to be suggested, I am not going to suggest you that. But out of curiosity, may I know why can an Unicode build not be performed?
I am assuming that you already know the advantages of doing an Unicode build and still are discarding it. Therefore my curiosity. Seriously, Why?
It is a crappy thing, but it's life -^ Carlo Pallini
There are some library functions that don't have a unicode build and we don't want to spend money buying in new libraries.
I think it should be possible; the fonts contain the characters in different code pages so I would think someone has done it in the past.
Create a LOGFONT object and set the "lfCharSet = RUSSIAN_CHARSET;" Then create a CFont object ,after that use CreateFontIndirect with the LOGFONT object.Then set this font as EditField font.I think this will help.
lf.lfHeight = 15;
strcpy(lf.lfFaceName, "Arial");
CFont myFont;
myFont.CreateFontIndirect( & lf );
yourEditField.SetFont( myFont );
No, tried that, doesn't work. It seems that all controls ignore the charset unless the dialog language is set to Russian. When it IS set to Russian, static text controls are displayed using the Russian character set but edit fields are not. Updates to the text in static controls is not displayed using the Russian character set either.
i try to switch between tabs in a tab control, i mean, if i have more tabs, how to "get back to tab Index 0" programmaticaly??
Let say the tab with index 3 have a current focus and is showed, by click on button i want to set tab with index 0 as current selected tab??
All my trys before are without any results, because, the controls from a previous showed tab are visible if i go with the mouse over the tab??
This is the simple code:
<br />
void CMyDialog::OnClickChacheTab()<br />
{ <br />
m_cTabAll.SetCurFocus(0);<br />
m_cTabAll.SetCurSel(0);<br />
m_cTabAll.RedrawWindow();<br />
}<br />
But this take no effects
Does any one can help me here??
It sounds like the SetCurSel IS working in that the tab is changing. It depends how you are displaying the controls "inside" the various tabs. Tabs are dumb - they don't know what you're displaying in each tab or even know that there's anything there. It's up to you to hide/display the "contents" of each tab. I usually use a dialog for the contents of each tab and then process the NM_CLICK message to show or hide each dialog.
can you show me how to process NM_CLICK message with sample, this is my idea too but dont know how to do this
Do you mean this message that is from the msdn:
<br />
lResult = SendMessage(
(HWND) hWndControl,
(WPARAM) wParam,
(LPARAM) lParam
); <br />
Yes, WM_NOTIFY/NM_CLICK is sent when the tab selection is changed. You can set a function to pick it up by adding
ON_NOTIFY(NM_CLICK, <tab control="" id="">, <function name="">)
to the message map.
Where your function is defined as -
void <class>::<function name="">(NMHDR* pNMHdr, LRESULT* pResult)
termal wrote: m_cTabAll.SetCurSel(0);
That's the one that will work. I've used it in my code successfully. However, I don't think it will fire your TCN_SELCHANGE handler - you'll need to do that yourself.
The structure I've used in the past is something like this:
void MyDlg::ChangeTab(int tab)
Do stuff
so - move the 'on tab changed' actions to a separate routine that you can call from other places.
Java, Basic, who cares - it's all a bunch of tree-hugging hippy cr*p
I suppose you must be creating dialogs on each of the tab pages to place your controls.
If that is the case then use the following code to programatically switch to a tab page: ( else just let me know more details. )
void CMyDialog::ShowPage( int nPage )
//you need to hide the current dialog.
//switch the tab.
//show the new dialog.
SHBrowseForFolder Function may help you...
You need to google first, if you have "It's urgent please" mentioned in your question.
For lack of a better response, your question really makes no sense. If you want to access a file in the current directory, use ".\\somefile" notation. If you want to access a file in the parent directory, use "..\\somefile" notation. If you want to access a file in a subdirectory of the current directory, use ".\\subdir\\somefile" notation.
If that's not what you're after, blame it on my lack of understanding your request.
"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown
"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons
Hi All
How can i check path is exits or not in system(pc)?plz give me Api or function name?
Thanks is advance