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AnswerRe: How to allow line breaks inside of a multiline CEdit control ? Pin
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:26
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:26 
GeneralRe: How to allow line breaks inside of a multiline CEdit control ? Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:27
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:27 
GeneralRe: How to allow line breaks inside of a multiline CEdit control ? Pin
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:28
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:28 
GeneralRe: How to allow line breaks inside of a multiline CEdit control ? Pin
Yovav27-Apr-09 4:20
Yovav27-Apr-09 4:20 
Questionincrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
Jeffrey Webster26-Apr-09 15:51
Jeffrey Webster26-Apr-09 15:51 
AnswerRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:27
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:27 
AnswerRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:29
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 18:29 
GeneralRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
Jeffrey Webster26-Apr-09 18:49
Jeffrey Webster26-Apr-09 18:49 
Okay this is the simplest expression:
private: System::Void timer1_Tick(System::Object *  sender, System::EventArgs *  e)
       textBox1->Text = timerVal;

This didn't work. I tried using the aforementioned class pretty much as shown in the example, and that gave me the message about an incorrect number of arguments.

This is surprisingly hard to find information on.

I noticed that other code category which might be more relevant. I felt the questions there seemed more advanced. I'm not averse to someone moving it if they think this is improperly placed.

GeneralRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 21:12
ThatsAlok26-Apr-09 21:12 
GeneralRe: Managed v. Unmanaged forum Pin
Jeffrey Webster27-Apr-09 3:28
Jeffrey Webster27-Apr-09 3:28 
GeneralRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
Stuart Dootson27-Apr-09 0:04
professionalStuart Dootson27-Apr-09 0:04 
GeneralRe: incrementing via timer and loading value to text box Pin
Jeffrey Webster27-Apr-09 3:22
Jeffrey Webster27-Apr-09 3:22 
Question[Message Deleted] Pin
Amy whinehouse26-Apr-09 15:43
Amy whinehouse26-Apr-09 15:43 
GeneralRe: help fix my program Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:20
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 18:20 
GeneralWelcome in the CP's Memorable Quotes list. Pin
CPallini26-Apr-09 21:40
mveCPallini26-Apr-09 21:40 
GeneralRe: Welcome in the CP's Memorable Quotes list. Pin
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 21:56
_AnsHUMAN_ 26-Apr-09 21:56 
AnswerRe: help fix my program Pin
CPallini26-Apr-09 21:25
mveCPallini26-Apr-09 21:25 
QuestionRe: help fix my program Pin
David Crow27-Apr-09 3:46
David Crow27-Apr-09 3:46 
QuestionReport tool Pin
rastaVnuce26-Apr-09 12:32
rastaVnuce26-Apr-09 12:32 
Questionhow to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
kapardhi26-Apr-09 4:09
kapardhi26-Apr-09 4:09 
AnswerRe: how to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
CPallini26-Apr-09 4:47
mveCPallini26-Apr-09 4:47 
GeneralRe: how to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
Hamid Taebi26-Apr-09 6:34
professionalHamid Taebi26-Apr-09 6:34 
GeneralRe: how to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
CPallini26-Apr-09 6:56
mveCPallini26-Apr-09 6:56 
GeneralRe: how to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
kapardhi26-Apr-09 18:49
kapardhi26-Apr-09 18:49 
AnswerRe: how to convert byte array of .jpg and .jp2 images to Bitmap byte array in VC++? Pin
Hamid Taebi26-Apr-09 6:33
professionalHamid Taebi26-Apr-09 6:33 

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