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AnswerRe: Throwing videos using Silverlight Pin
Michael Sync23-Jul-09 20:47
Michael Sync23-Jul-09 20:47 
QuestionCFormView in WPF Pin
Member 377636719-Apr-09 18:13
Member 377636719-Apr-09 18:13 
AnswerRe: CFormView in WPF Pin
Pete O'Hanlon19-Apr-09 21:52
mvePete O'Hanlon19-Apr-09 21:52 
QuestionPerformance - Memory Usage Pin
Jammer19-Apr-09 9:24
Jammer19-Apr-09 9:24 
AnswerRe: Performance - Memory Usage Pin
Roman Lerman20-Apr-09 22:14
Roman Lerman20-Apr-09 22:14 
GeneralRe: Performance - Memory Usage Pin
Jammer21-Apr-09 8:26
Jammer21-Apr-09 8:26 
QuestionDatabinding in UserControl [modified] Pin
mikla52119-Apr-09 6:43
mikla52119-Apr-09 6:43 
AnswerRe: Databinding in UserControl Pin
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 7:44
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 7:44 
You will need to make sure the source is right on the binding.

Here's a simple example of one way to do it:
WPF: Binding to Properties in your UserControl or Window[^]

I'm not sure why you'd want to bind directly to the field, nor do I think
you can, but you should be able to bind to the ATest property. Of course, for
change notifications when the property is updated, you may want to make that a
dependency property.


Mark Salsbery
Microsoft MVP - Visual C++

Java | [Coffee]

GeneralRe: Databinding in UserControl Pin
mikla52119-Apr-09 18:38
mikla52119-Apr-09 18:38 
GeneralRe: Databinding in UserControl Pin
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 19:13
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 19:13 
QuestionError Pin
Saiyed Alam18-Apr-09 5:43
Saiyed Alam18-Apr-09 5:43 
QuestionLoad MFC CFormView from WPF Pin
Member 377636718-Apr-09 0:17
Member 377636718-Apr-09 0:17 
AnswerRe: Load MFC CFormView from WPF Pin
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 7:54
Mark Salsbery19-Apr-09 7:54 
QuestionTabcontrol layout with Prism Pin
Abhinav S17-Apr-09 20:00
Abhinav S17-Apr-09 20:00 
QuestionUnselect text in textbox on textbox lostfocus event. Pin
pc.rajesh.singh17-Apr-09 4:45
pc.rajesh.singh17-Apr-09 4:45 
AnswerRe: Unselect text in textbox on textbox lostfocus event. Pin
sivaddrahcir20-Apr-09 7:26
sivaddrahcir20-Apr-09 7:26 
GeneralRe: Unselect text in textbox on textbox lostfocus event. Pin
pc.rajesh.singh23-Apr-09 23:53
pc.rajesh.singh23-Apr-09 23:53 
GeneralRe: Unselect text in textbox on textbox lostfocus event. Pin
sivaddrahcir24-Apr-09 7:58
sivaddrahcir24-Apr-09 7:58 
QuestionHow to download file from a physical location in Silverlight? urgent......... Pin
salon17-Apr-09 3:49
salon17-Apr-09 3:49 
AnswerRe: How to download file from a physical location in Silverlight? urgent......... Pin
Mark Salsbery17-Apr-09 8:42
Mark Salsbery17-Apr-09 8:42 
AnswerRe: How to download file from a physical location in Silverlight? urgent......... Pin
Braulio Dez17-Apr-09 9:01
Braulio Dez17-Apr-09 9:01 
GeneralRe: How to download file from a physical location in Silverlight? urgent......... Pin
salon18-Apr-09 0:26
salon18-Apr-09 0:26 
GeneralRe: How to download file from a physical location in Silverlight? urgent......... Pin
Braulio Dez18-Apr-09 9:06
Braulio Dez18-Apr-09 9:06 
Questionapp.config --> xaml? [modified] Pin
devvvy16-Apr-09 23:55
devvvy16-Apr-09 23:55 
AnswerRe: app.config --> xaml? Pin
Pete O'Hanlon17-Apr-09 2:13
mvePete O'Hanlon17-Apr-09 2:13 

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