Yes, it it just a monitor. Not system
You don't have any issue. If someone wants to do this, as someone said, you open 10 browsers and point to 10 pages. I am confused as to how you could not know this if you know anything about what ASP.NET is and does.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"I am new to programming world. I have been learning c# for about past four weeks. I am quite acquainted with the fundamentals of c#. Now I have to work on a project which converts given flat files to XML using the XML serialization method" - SK64 ( but the forums have stuff like this posted every day )
I develop ASP.NET web apps and deploy them to a public web server.
What I want to know is how do they have sites that instead of beginning www. begins with something else, ie http://motors.ebay.co.uk.
Can I replace the 'www' with something else with my sites??? and how do you do it???
Many thanks
mnemonic69 wrote: I develop ASP.NET web apps and deploy them to a public web server.
Keep that in mind
mnemonic69 wrote: What I want to know is how do they have sites that instead of beginning www. begins with something else, ie http://motors.ebay.co.uk.
it is called subdomain
mnemonic69 wrote: Can I replace the 'www' with something else with my sites???
Yes you can
mnemonic69 wrote: and how do you do it???
If you are in public web server, you need to know if your host will allow you to it. As for the technical detail, Google [^] is your friend (notice the quesry is specific to IIS)
Oh didn't you notice, analogous to square roots, they recently introduced rectangular, circular, and diamond roots to determine the size of the corresponding shapes when given the area. Luc Pattyn[^]
Hi all,
i am developing an application where after log in, when i type any Url in address bar, i literally move to that page w/o any problem.I wanted to restrict URL tampering. i am using ajax update panel,by then Request.URLReferrrer returns null value always. without ajax update panel, it is Working fine.Finally i must use update panel to get value from request.URLReferrer property.
Thanks For reading,
Sundeep G
pleas im in proplem i need to veiw the photo from database to the graid veiw or datalist and when i press on it it give me the other information that is related to it
are ther any one help me how we do it
salah alnagar<
use template field and in template field use image control
Hello Friends,
Urgent help required...
I am developing a Web Application using ASP.Net 2.0 and C#, my data base is ORACLE 9i. Previously everything was going right, but now as the data increases and the retrieving is become headache for me. Previously i was showing this data in the third party grid i.e. FARPOINT Spread. It happens with the spread too. so i write a program to convert the Generic List into excel sheet. This works fine on local (XP Professional 2 GB RAM and all) but once i deployed this application on the server (Win server 2003 12 GB RAM with 3GB Virtual Memory set and 500 GB HDD) it gives me error that 'System.OutOfMemoryException'.
I checked that data is coming till UI layer from Business layer but still why it is throwing error. Couldn't make it out. And i need solution for this ASAP.
Currently trying to write this fetched data in Excel sheet by using following code block.
Thanks in advance.
Code to write excel sheet -
private void FpLoadEditData(ArrayList userName, ArrayList siteId, string from, string to)
oXL = new Application();
oXL.Visible = false;
//Get a new workbook.
oWB = (_Workbook)(oXL.Workbooks.Add(System.Reflection.Missing.Value));
oSheet = (_Worksheet)oWB.ActiveSheet;
//System.Data.DataTable dtGridData = ds.Tables[0];
int iRow = 2;
// Setting Column name for Sheet
int colCount = QiSpread.ActiveSheetView.Columns.Count;
int colHeaderIndex = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < colCount; j++)
oSheet.Cells[1, j + 1] = ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["colHead" + colHeaderIndex];
for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < vzmLst.Count; rowNo++)
//if (rowNo < 150)
for (int colNo = 0; colNo < QiSpread.ActiveSheetView.ColumnCount; colNo++)
PopulateSheet(oSheet, iRow, colNo, vzmLst[rowNo]);
// rowNo = vzmLst.Count;
if (vzmLst.Count > 6000)
Session.Timeout = 15;
oRng = oSheet.get_Range("A1", "IV1");
oXL.Visible = false;
oXL.UserControl = false;
string strFile = string.Empty;
if (Request.Params.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT") != null &&
strFile = "VzMEditData_" + loginName + from + "TO" + to + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + ".xls";
//strFile = "VzMEditData" + from, to DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".xls";
else if (Request.Params.Get("__EVENTARGUMENT") != null &&
strFile = "VzMViewData_" + loginName + from + "TO" + to + "_" + DateTime.Now.Second.ToString() + ".xls";
//string strFile = "report" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".xls";//+
oWB.SaveAs(strCurrentDir + strFile, XlFileFormat.xlWorkbookNormal, null, null, false, false, XlSaveAsAccessMode.xlShared, false, false, null, null, null);
// Need all following code to clean up and remove all references!!!
oWB.Close(null, null, null);
Session.Add("fileUrl", strFile);
To display the generated excel -
private void GetExcel()
if (Session["fileUrl"] != null && Session["fileUrl"].ToString() != string.Empty)
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + Session["fileUrl"].ToString());
Response.TransmitFile(Server.MapPath(".") + "\\EditViewDataFiles\\" + Session["fileUrl"].ToString());
As far as I can see this has loaded in all the data into the memory before processing it. Perhaps you need to load the data in in small chunks, process each chunck then move on to the next chunk.
Also, you can change the amount of memory that the application pool can use in IIS. You can also up the number of worker processes an app pool can use.
Can you use a data reader instead of a datagrid?
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
What is a good solution to printing a Word document from an aspx page. The Word document is on the client's computer. I do not want to automate Word on the server.
dptalt wrote: What is a good solution to printing a Word document from an aspx page. The Word document is on the client's computer.
If its already in client computer then why are taking overhead to print through aspx page. User can directly open and print the document .
Or you want some thing different.
CodeProject MVP
They do not know where the documents are on the computer. And if they did they would not know which document pertains to the job they are viewing on the aspx page.
Ah, yet another Desktop Application developed as a Web Application. Have you ever heard of the KISS Principle[^]?
That sounds like a really terrible website design. You know what documents are on the client PC but they do not ? How is that possible ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
"I am new to programming world. I have been learning c# for about past four weeks. I am quite acquainted with the fundamentals of c#. Now I have to work on a project which converts given flat files to XML using the XML serialization method" - SK64 ( but the forums have stuff like this posted every day )
So you want to use word without automating word
You could try to use an ActiveX-control on the client, but that means you need to automate word...
Where can you get that ActiveX-control?
Did you try to google for this?
If you don't find anything, you have to do it on your own...
You are wasting your time. Just put a link on your page to the file. Put some text next to the link that says "Document will open in MS word. To print file click File > Print."
I didn't get any requirements for the signature
Cool answer man !!!
Arindam D Tewary
I like that idea but there are some pitfalls. When you click on the link you are prompted to Open or Save. Can this be turned off so it always opens the document? Once opened the document can be edited. Can it be automatically set to readonly?
As you are using web application therfore(in first message you have mentioned aspx page ) this
dptalt wrote: When you click on the link you are prompted to Open or Save. Can this be turned off
can not be done as ,as you can not control client's browsers settings.( your concerned document will be opened in client's browser right ?)
dptalt wrote: Once opened the document can be edited
I dont think any browser allows editing word document !!! It can only prompt you that you to open with appropriate document editor software !!!
Arindam D Tewary
Yes the document opens in the browser, and that is fine. Or can it be directed to open up Word from the windows application?
It must be using Word to open up the document in the browser because there are some editing features available such as I can modify text or bold text. If I navigate away from the page it prompts me if I want to save changes. If I save changes the save as dialog box is displayed.