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Questionhow to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 3:09
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 3:09 
AnswerRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Hamid_RT12-Apr-09 5:06
Hamid_RT12-Apr-09 5:06 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:34
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:34 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Larry Mills Sr12-Apr-09 9:48
Larry Mills Sr12-Apr-09 9:48 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:00
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:00 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:04
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:04 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:40
professional«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:40 
QuestionRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:44
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:44 
Have you tried:

CString str = "5,432";
int nLen = str.GetLength();
strr = str.Left(nLen - 1);

"Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw later in life what you have deposited along the way." - Unknown

"Fireproof doesn't mean the fire will never come. It means when the fire comes that you will be able to withstand it." - Michael Simmons

QuestionToo FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
rbwest8611-Apr-09 21:56
rbwest8611-Apr-09 21:56 
AnswerRe: Too FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:41
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:41 
AnswerRe: Too FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
rbwest8614-Apr-09 1:59
rbwest8614-Apr-09 1:59 
QuestionC++ FFT subroutine Pin
mrby12311-Apr-09 20:49
mrby12311-Apr-09 20:49 
AnswerRe: C++ FFT subroutine Pin
CPallini11-Apr-09 22:40
mveCPallini11-Apr-09 22:40 
Questioncan someone explain to a newby what the top line argument call. Pin
johnathan warfield11-Apr-09 19:53
johnathan warfield11-Apr-09 19:53 
AnswerRe: can someone explain to a newby what the top line argument call. Pin
«_Superman_»11-Apr-09 20:54
professional«_Superman_»11-Apr-09 20:54 
AnswerRe: can someone explain to a newby what the top line argument call. Pin
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:36
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:36 
AnswerRe: can someone explain to a newby what the top line argument call. Pin
johnathan warfield18-Apr-09 8:19
johnathan warfield18-Apr-09 8:19 
QuestionWhat does the : x( value ) mean in this constructor ??? Pin
johnathan warfield11-Apr-09 18:25
johnathan warfield11-Apr-09 18:25 
AnswerRe: What does the : x( value ) mean in this constructor ??? Pin
«_Superman_»11-Apr-09 20:50
professional«_Superman_»11-Apr-09 20:50 
GeneralRe: What does the : x( value ) mean in this constructor ??? Pin
johnathan warfield12-Apr-09 7:07
johnathan warfield12-Apr-09 7:07 
GeneralRe: What does the : x( value ) mean in this constructor ??? Pin
«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:37
professional«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:37 
QuestionHard Disk(Recovery) Pin
kikivml11-Apr-09 9:10
kikivml11-Apr-09 9:10 
AnswerRe: Hard Disk(Recovery) Pin
Hamid_RT11-Apr-09 19:48
Hamid_RT11-Apr-09 19:48 
QuestionRegistry REG_BINARY Problem Pin
locoone11-Apr-09 8:35
locoone11-Apr-09 8:35 
AnswerRe: Registry REG_BINARY Problem Pin
Baltoro11-Apr-09 11:21
Baltoro11-Apr-09 11:21 

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