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C / C++ / MFC

GeneralRe: Is any function which close all open files? Pin
Vijjuuu.12-Apr-09 19:52
Vijjuuu.12-Apr-09 19:52 
GeneralRe: Is any function which close all open files? Pin
002comp12-Apr-09 20:38
002comp12-Apr-09 20:38 
QuestionExternal USB Hard Disk Drive Pin
Abinash Mohanty12-Apr-09 18:53
Abinash Mohanty12-Apr-09 18:53 
QuestionList control problem. Pin
sam_psycho12-Apr-09 18:26
sam_psycho12-Apr-09 18:26 
AnswerRe: List control problem. Pin
SachinBhave12-Apr-09 21:34
SachinBhave12-Apr-09 21:34 
QuestionUsing EDCF protocol in Network Simulator program [modified] Pin
linux_00712-Apr-09 10:30
linux_00712-Apr-09 10:30 
MIKEB7212-Apr-09 8:38
MIKEB7212-Apr-09 8:38 
Maximilien12-Apr-09 11:29
Maximilien12-Apr-09 11:29 
if it's basic stuff (command line/console application) , it should be straight forward.

If it's UI, then you probably will have to start from scratch.

but hey, it's a good exercise.

This signature was proudly tested on animals.

QuestionHow to cancel serializing within CDocument::Serilize()? Pin
Joseph Marzbani12-Apr-09 8:28
Joseph Marzbani12-Apr-09 8:28 
Questionhelp with binary Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:36
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:36 
AnswerRe: help with binary Pin
Luc 64801112-Apr-09 8:30
Luc 64801112-Apr-09 8:30 
GeneralRe: help with binary Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 9:59
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 9:59 
Questionproblem about cvcamshift Pin
onlybluemoon12-Apr-09 5:38
onlybluemoon12-Apr-09 5:38 
Questionhow to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 3:09
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 3:09 
AnswerRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Hamid Taebi12-Apr-09 5:06
professionalHamid Taebi12-Apr-09 5:06 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:34
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 7:34 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Larry Mills Sr12-Apr-09 9:48
Larry Mills Sr12-Apr-09 9:48 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:00
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:00 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:04
Aljaz11112-Apr-09 10:04 
GeneralRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:40
professional«_Superman_»12-Apr-09 18:40 
QuestionRe: how to delete cstring from specific index Pin
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:44
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:44 
QuestionToo FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
rbwest8611-Apr-09 21:56
rbwest8611-Apr-09 21:56 
AnswerRe: Too FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:41
David Crow13-Apr-09 3:41 
AnswerRe: Too FEW Arguments in BOOL? Pin
rbwest8614-Apr-09 1:59
rbwest8614-Apr-09 1:59 
QuestionC++ FFT subroutine Pin
mrby12311-Apr-09 20:49
mrby12311-Apr-09 20:49 

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