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AnswerRe: what can cause DB_E_ABOTLIMITREACHED? Pin
leppie3-Oct-02 9:25
leppie3-Oct-02 9:25 
GeneralRe: what can cause DB_E_ABOTLIMITREACHED? Pin
David Stone3-Oct-02 9:58
sitebuilderDavid Stone3-Oct-02 9:58 
GeneralRe: what can cause DB_E_ABOTLIMITREACHED? Pin
Anonymous4-Oct-02 2:45
Anonymous4-Oct-02 2:45 
GeneralRe: what can cause DB_E_ABOTLIMITREACHED? Pin
leppie4-Oct-02 8:04
leppie4-Oct-02 8:04 
AnswerRe: what can cause DB_E_ABOTLIMITREACHED? Pin
James T. Johnson3-Oct-02 9:55
James T. Johnson3-Oct-02 9:55 
GeneralC# client sending SOAP/HTTP request to Apache serve Pin
Anonymous2-Oct-02 20:28
Anonymous2-Oct-02 20:28 
Generalscroll bars Pin
Anonymous2-Oct-02 19:52
Anonymous2-Oct-02 19:52 
GeneralRe: scroll bars Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 20:05
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 20:05 
A panel class derives from System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl and, as such, exposes methods such like SetDisplayRectLocation(x,y) to move programmatically a scrollbar.
The panel WndProc also manages standard WM_HSCROLL(0x0114) and WM_VSCROLL(0x0115) messages sent because of interaction : you may in turn create such messages to move the current position.

sometimes it helps to look at the IL generated code
a MS guy on "answering" .NET issues
Generalbasic C# question Pin
Anonymous2-Oct-02 19:27
Anonymous2-Oct-02 19:27 
GeneralRe: basic C# question Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 19:51
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 19:51 
GeneralRe: basic C# question Pin
James T. Johnson3-Oct-02 1:49
James T. Johnson3-Oct-02 1:49 
QuestionCan anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Furty2-Oct-02 17:58
Furty2-Oct-02 17:58 
AnswerRe: Can anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 21:28
Stephane Rodriguez.2-Oct-02 21:28 
GeneralRe: Can anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Furty3-Oct-02 0:18
Furty3-Oct-02 0:18 
GeneralRe: Can anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.3-Oct-02 0:22
Stephane Rodriguez.3-Oct-02 0:22 
GeneralRe: Can anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Furty3-Oct-02 0:54
Furty3-Oct-02 0:54 
GeneralRe: Can anyone help with a Shell32 problem? Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.3-Oct-02 0:59
Stephane Rodriguez.3-Oct-02 0:59 
GeneralVS.NET and ASP.NET Pin
Nick Parker2-Oct-02 17:40
protectorNick Parker2-Oct-02 17:40 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
David Stone2-Oct-02 17:57
sitebuilderDavid Stone2-Oct-02 17:57 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
Nick Parker2-Oct-02 18:08
protectorNick Parker2-Oct-02 18:08 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
David Stone2-Oct-02 19:03
sitebuilderDavid Stone2-Oct-02 19:03 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
Nick Parker3-Oct-02 1:12
protectorNick Parker3-Oct-02 1:12 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
leppie3-Oct-02 3:01
leppie3-Oct-02 3:01 
GeneralRe: C# and ASP.NET Pin
David Stone3-Oct-02 5:07
sitebuilderDavid Stone3-Oct-02 5:07 
GeneralTwo Form Event questions. Pin
Derek Smigelski2-Oct-02 14:25
Derek Smigelski2-Oct-02 14:25 

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