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Questionneed to get data from xml to verify login Pin
faizych2-Apr-09 9:37
faizych2-Apr-09 9:37 
AnswerRe: need to get data from xml to verify login Pin
Le centriste6-Apr-09 6:03
Le centriste6-Apr-09 6:03 
QuestionGroup XML by category Pin
blindcapt1-Apr-09 16:26
blindcapt1-Apr-09 16:26 
AnswerRe: Group XML by category Pin
led mike2-Apr-09 4:58
led mike2-Apr-09 4:58 
GeneralRe: Group XML by category Pin
blindcapt2-Apr-09 18:59
blindcapt2-Apr-09 18:59 
AnswerRe: Group XML by category Pin
Lee Humphries16-Apr-09 0:32
professionalLee Humphries16-Apr-09 0:32 
QuestionXSLT and the xml:base-uri attribute Pin
Lea Hayes31-Mar-09 11:51
Lea Hayes31-Mar-09 11:51 
Questiongenerate a result based on a XML file [modified] Pin
alexyxj31-Mar-09 6:36
alexyxj31-Mar-09 6:36 
I need to extract some results from a XML file. The XML sort of like the below (each day has a record). The results are expected to be imported into a table with four columns (Month, Total rain for each month, highest temp for each month, lowest tem for each month) and 12 rows (for each month).

Can anyone help to provide some solutions? how to retrive and do simply calculation for this scenario? Many thanks.


<stationdata day="1" month="1" year="2008">
<maxtemp description="Maximum Temperature" units="°C">8.80</maxtemp>
<mintemp description="Minimum Temperature" units="°C">3.90</mintemp>
<meantemp description="Mean Temperature" units="°C">6.40</meantemp>
<totalrain description="Total Rain" units="mm">0.00</totalrain>
<totalsnow description="Total Snow" units="cm">0.00</totalsnow>
<totalprecipitation description="Total Precipitation" units="mm">0.00</totalprecipitation>
<snowonground description="Snow on Ground" units="cm">0.00</snowonground>
<dirofmaxgust description="Direction of Maximum Gust" flag="E" units="10&apos;s Deg">6.00</dirofmaxgust>
<speedofmaxgust description="Speed of Maximum Gust" flag="E" units="km/h">54.00</speedofmaxgust>
<heatdegdays description="Heating Degree Days" units="°C">11.60</heatdegdays>
<cooldegdays description="Cooling Degree Days" units="°C">0.00</cooldegdays>

modified on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 12:49 PM

AnswerRe: generate a result based on a XML file Pin
alexyxj31-Mar-09 6:37
alexyxj31-Mar-09 6:37 
GeneralRe: generate a result based on a XML file Pin
alexyxj3-Apr-09 11:00
alexyxj3-Apr-09 11:00 
QuestionRelaxNG Attribute Override Pin
Lea Hayes31-Mar-09 2:39
Lea Hayes31-Mar-09 2:39 
QuestionUpdate InfoPath option button using XML Pin
hoonzis26-Mar-09 5:54
hoonzis26-Mar-09 5:54 
QuestionInclude superscript and subscript in a XML. Pin
Vishnu Nath26-Mar-09 3:05
Vishnu Nath26-Mar-09 3:05 
AnswerRe: Include superscript and subscript in a XML. Pin
scottgp26-Mar-09 3:32
professionalscottgp26-Mar-09 3:32 
QuestionHow to include Word Place Holders into my xslt? Pin
Tejabhiram25-Mar-09 3:58
Tejabhiram25-Mar-09 3:58 
AnswerRe: How to include Word Place Holders into my xslt? Pin
led mike25-Mar-09 11:38
led mike25-Mar-09 11:38 
GeneralRe: How to include Word Place Holders into my xslt? Pin
Tejabhiram25-Mar-09 18:58
Tejabhiram25-Mar-09 18:58 
GeneralRe: How to include Word Place Holders into my xslt? Pin
led mike26-Mar-09 4:50
led mike26-Mar-09 4:50 
QuestionLinq to Xml Programming Pin
JimBob SquarePants24-Mar-09 6:58
JimBob SquarePants24-Mar-09 6:58 
AnswerCross Posted Pin
led mike24-Mar-09 8:44
led mike24-Mar-09 8:44 
GeneralRe: Cross Posted Pin
JimBob SquarePants24-Mar-09 13:54
JimBob SquarePants24-Mar-09 13:54 
AnswerRe: Cross Posted [modified] Pin
George L. Jackson28-Mar-09 11:05
George L. Jackson28-Mar-09 11:05 
QuestionTransform XML document Pin
sonukadole23-Mar-09 20:39
sonukadole23-Mar-09 20:39 
AnswerRe: Transform XML document [modified] Pin
George L. Jackson24-Mar-09 3:47
George L. Jackson24-Mar-09 3:47 
AnswerRe: Transform XML document Pin
logiclabz27-Mar-09 8:09
logiclabz27-Mar-09 8:09 

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