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AnswerRe: dates Pin
ky_rerun23-Mar-09 4:12
ky_rerun23-Mar-09 4:12 
QuestionHow to give a vista look to MDI mainframe in VC++ 6.0 .And how to use the PNG buttons.Ex: WMP in it Pin
pallaka23-Mar-09 3:18
pallaka23-Mar-09 3:18 
AnswerRe: How to give a vista look to MDI mainframe in VC++ 6.0 .And how to use the PNG buttons.Ex: WMP in it Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 3:25
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 3:25 
QuestionHo do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan23-Mar-09 3:12
salimhassan23-Mar-09 3:12 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 3:34
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 3:34 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan23-Mar-09 18:45
salimhassan23-Mar-09 18:45 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 22:50
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer23-Mar-09 22:50 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 3:05
salimhassan24-Mar-09 3:05 
Yeah both are me..
actually I logged in with my old ID. Well I have an issue at present that I cannot be using WORD automation as this is increasing the complexity in my program.
basically tried the folloing link

The examples at the link you provided are good but I am having a problem with the office versions (most of them are for office 2000 03, I am using 07).

One of the solution i got is that I can capture the Handle of the DIALOG BOX(asking for password) that is opened , and use this handle to pass my password.
I found this link that is similar to my problem. here the handle is being used to close the window.
First the windows are enumerated and then the desired handle is used to close the window.[^]

Could you please suggest whether this approach will work?
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer24-Mar-09 3:08
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer24-Mar-09 3:08 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 4:25
salimhassan24-Mar-09 4:25 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer24-Mar-09 5:23
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer24-Mar-09 5:23 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan25-Mar-09 1:56
salimhassan25-Mar-09 1:56 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer25-Mar-09 2:35
Iain Clarke, Warrior Programmer25-Mar-09 2:35 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan25-Mar-09 2:51
salimhassan25-Mar-09 2:51 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:48
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:48 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan25-Mar-09 2:58
salimhassan25-Mar-09 2:58 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow23-Mar-09 4:06
David Crow23-Mar-09 4:06 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
skamaal23-Mar-09 6:09
skamaal23-Mar-09 6:09 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow24-Mar-09 4:57
David Crow24-Mar-09 4:57 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:31
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:31 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow24-Mar-09 6:47
David Crow24-Mar-09 6:47 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:54
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:54 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow24-Mar-09 7:03
David Crow24-Mar-09 7:03 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 21:21
salimhassan24-Mar-09 21:21 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:51
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:51 

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