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C / C++ / MFC

AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:54
salimhassan24-Mar-09 6:54 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow24-Mar-09 7:03
David Crow24-Mar-09 7:03 
GeneralRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan24-Mar-09 21:21
salimhassan24-Mar-09 21:21 
QuestionRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:51
David Crow25-Mar-09 2:51 
AnswerRe: Ho do I Give a password to a password protected word file through my VC++ GUI ? Pin
salimhassan25-Mar-09 3:12
salimhassan25-Mar-09 3:12 
QuestionC/C++, doubt on Friend function Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:11
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:11 
AnswerRe: C/C++, doubt on Friend function Pin
Cedric Moonen23-Mar-09 3:23
Cedric Moonen23-Mar-09 3:23 
AnswerRe: C/C++, doubt on Friend function Pin
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:39
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:39 
dubeypankaj wrote:
A Friend function can be avoided if get()(to read) and set()(to write) member functions(public) are provided on (private) data members of a class.
Is it True or False.

Well, you can do it with a friend function. You use getters-setters to access the read/write the private members. The same can be archived through friends but that would look raw.

He never answers anyone who replies to him. I've taken to calling him a retard, which is not fair to retards everywhere.-Christian Graus

AnswerRe: C/C++, doubt on Friend function Pin
«_Superman_»23-Mar-09 5:08
professional«_Superman_»23-Mar-09 5:08 
QuestionC# - bmp to jpg Pin
matty2desmara23-Mar-09 2:47
matty2desmara23-Mar-09 2:47 
AnswerRe: C# - bmp to jpg Pin
David Crow23-Mar-09 2:55
David Crow23-Mar-09 2:55 
AnswerRe: C# - bmp to jpg Pin
Alan Balkany23-Mar-09 4:09
Alan Balkany23-Mar-09 4:09 
Questionc?C++ Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 2:42
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 2:42 
AnswerRe: c?C++ Pin
CPallini23-Mar-09 2:59
mveCPallini23-Mar-09 2:59 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:08
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:08 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:11
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:11 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:20
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 3:20 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:40
Eytukan23-Mar-09 3:40 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
CPallini23-Mar-09 4:01
mveCPallini23-Mar-09 4:01 
QuestionRe: c?C++ Pin
led mike23-Mar-09 4:28
led mike23-Mar-09 4:28 
AnswerRe: c?C++ Pin
CPallini23-Mar-09 7:27
mveCPallini23-Mar-09 7:27 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
led mike23-Mar-09 7:41
led mike23-Mar-09 7:41 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
CPallini23-Mar-09 7:51
mveCPallini23-Mar-09 7:51 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
led mike23-Mar-09 7:56
led mike23-Mar-09 7:56 
GeneralRe: c?C++ Pin
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 19:52
Pankaj D.Dubey23-Mar-09 19:52 

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