What's the equivalent of VB's CreateObject or MFC's CreateDispatch in C#?
Don't want to use references but instead create object by progID.
Have a look at System.Activator .
Paul Riley wrote:
Have a look at System.Activator
And combine with Type.GetTypeFromCLSID or Type.GetTypeFromProgID .
object CreateObject(string progID)
Type T = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progID, true);
return Activator.CreateInstance(T);
object CreateObject(string progID, string server)
Type T = Type.GetTypeFromProgID(progID, server, true);
return Activator.CreateInstance(T);
I only want to display a tooltip if it is within a certain area of a specific control, but the current Tooltip class needs you to specify a control, and doesnt disappear until the mouse moves away from that item.
so far, my only solution is to create a new tooltip class, which i will start work on now, but do any of you know an easier way?
Email: theeclypse@hotmail.com URL: http://www.onyeyiri.co.uk "All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors."
Add an empty label control with a size fitting this area, and attach a tooltip. Not even one line of code!
sometimes it helps to look at the IL generated code
a MS guy on develop.com "answering" .NET issues
but this will cover the area so u cant see it [its a custom control] and when i set the backcolor to Color.Transparent, the tooltip doesnt appear.
and this area also has to be clicked on.
Email: theeclypse@hotmail.com URL: http://www.onyeyiri.co.uk "All programmers are playwrights and all computers are lousy actors."
I have created a Deployment Project for which I would like to get the data from the Customer Details dialog box.
Does anyone know how to get the serial number or the Organization field from this dialog ... there must be a way !!!!
Nic Oughton wrote:
Does anyone know how to get the serial number or the Organization field from this dialog ... there must be a way !!!!
The registry
Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
As seen on MS File Transfer: Please enter an integer between 1 and 2.
That's what I thought ... but it seems stupid to me that I then have to go to the registry to get the values, when if I use a text box dialog I can get directly at the values....
Thanks anyway for your help - you have confirmed my fear !
Nic Oughton wrote:
... but it seems stupid to me that I then have to go to the registry to get the values, when if I use a text box dialog I can get directly at the values....
Thats what the dialog box does in the 1st place
Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
As seen on MS File Transfer: Please enter an integer between 1 and 2.
I am trying to implement a blinking listbox that can display individual items in different colors. I have worked out the different colors due to existing samples on this site. However, I am stumped regarding the blink.
I know I will utilize a timer, but I can't figure out how to redraw the individual items that need to blink every time the timer expires.
I am working off the DrawItem event currently to draw the items in the color I want. Is there a way to force this event for a given item (i.e. listbox.item[0].redraw)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Darryl Borden
Principal IT Analyst
You could force OnDrawItem by creating a new event :
this.OnDrawItem(new DrawItemEventArgs(local3, this.Font, local4, local0.itemID, local0.itemState, this.ForeColor, this.BackColor));
(however, because OnDrawItem is protected, you'll have to derive the class).
Or you may go the softer way, by invalidating a region with a Control.Invalidate(...) + Control.Update() (by analogy with WIN32).
sometimes it helps to look at the IL generated code
a MS guy on develop.com "answering" .NET issues
Thank you for taking the time to reply. I'll try your suggestion!
Darryl Borden
Principal IT Analyst
I tried the easier of the two methods (invalidate control) and it works great - thanks!.
Is there a way to get the bounds of a specified item in the list box? I am invalidating the whole control, but I would rather not have to redraw everything - just the items that need to blink.
Darryl Borden
Principal IT Analyst
Returns the bounding rectangle for an item in the ListBox.
Rectangle rect = myListBox.GetItemRectangle( nItemIndex );
sometimes it helps to look at the IL generated code
a MS guy on develop.com "answering" .NET issues
I have a Image object as a private member of a class. I then have a tree view file browser which enables the user to browse for an image. I then use Image.FromFile to load the selected image into the member Image class. Once this has completed I have many refresh problems with the rest of the app. The tree view doesn't display correctly, slider bars dont show, etc...
If i change the code to load the Image.FromFile into a local variable then the app works fine.
Anybody seen this before
Can anyone suggest?
I have C# Standard edition, which under new projects does not provide the ability to start an assembly project. Can it be done without? That is the compiler must be capable of generating the Assembly?
If the answer is yes what I am trying to do is just add some forms to an assembly. Then I want to load that assembly into my application and display the forms the assembly contains. Can anyone point me to a good article on how to do this??
I have the Wrox press Pro C# book but the Assembly section doesn't make it clear how to achieve this.
I can't figure out why you couldn't do things such like :
csc /out:myAssembly.exe myCode.cs
csc /out:myCodeLibrary.dll /t:library myCode.cs
Using such assembly in your code depends on the environment :
- from the IDE, you just add a reference
- from code, you dynamically load the assembly thanks to the *.Assembly namespace
- from configuration, you may create either a manifest file (versioning), or a config file (targetting specific outside assemblies), depending on what you intend to do.
I would suggest these two links : appdomain[^], assemblies[^].
if you start putting in too manay features, it no longer remains useful for beginners
quote in a CP article comment, shiraz baig
Jinwah wrote:
I have C# Standard edition, which under new projects does not provide the ability to start an assembly project.
Assembly = class library
So either chose 1. class library or 2. windows control library.
Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
As seen on MS File Transfer: Please enter an integer between 1 and 2.
I am totally new to the VS IDE, I have always used the Borland IDE's.
Under New > Projects I have 4 options
Windows App
Web App
Web Service
Console App
Under New > File
There are several options not one called Class Library.
I know this is a lame question but I'm just not used to the VS IDE. So how do I start my new class library just add a new Text file and code there?
There is no visible option I can find for 1. class library or 2. windows control library.
TIA (I know I sound really green, but unfamiliarity is the problem, coding is no trouble)
Jinwah wrote:
There are several options not one called Class Library.
O ^%^% Thats pretty lame.
Jinwah wrote:
I know this is a lame question but I'm just not used to the VS IDE. So how do I start my new class library just add a new Text file and code there?
Basically start an empty project, then add a class, by rightclicking in the solution explorer. Now, rightclick the project in solution explorer, goto properties. Select output type as class library, once you click apply, you will see the extension becomes ".dll" and you can now reference that assembly, once compiled
Hope this helps
Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
As seen on MS File Transfer: Please enter an integer between 1 and 2.
Hanging head with embarassment...
Thanks for that, still have a problem though.
The project properties sheet does not have an Output Type field. I found the help article but VS isn't displaying as the help file describes.
Are you sure this isn't a limitation because I have the standard edition?
Jinwah wrote:
Are you sure this isn't a limitation because I have the standard edition?
Thats exactly why you don't have that option. That is the limitation of Visual C# Standard (since they can't actually cripple the compiler since it is used by ASP.NET)
Sig code stolen from David Wulff
James T. Johnson wrote:
Thats exactly why you don't have that option. That is the limitation of Visual C# Standard (since they can't actually cripple the compiler since it is used by ASP.NET)
Thats a bit stupid
Can you actually compile a project on the Learning edition?
Give them a chance! Do it for the kittens, dear God, the kittens!
As seen on MS File Transfer: Please enter an integer between 1 and 2.
Are you suggesting that it is still possible, i.e. the IDE doesn't provide the option but the good ole compiler will still compile it, if I go the long way and write the assembly source code.
I'm just trying to learn I don't want to fork out for the Pro edition just to create an assembly. Especially as my assembly is just going to contain some forms, nothing fancy.
Thanks Once Again To All