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Generalblinking listbox Pin
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 4:10
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 4:10 
GeneralRe: blinking listbox Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 4:33
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 4:33 
GeneralRe: blinking listbox Pin
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 5:09
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 5:09 
GeneralRe: blinking listbox Pin
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 5:50
Darryl Borden30-Sep-02 5:50 
GeneralRe: blinking listbox Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 6:00
Stephane Rodriguez.30-Sep-02 6:00 
GeneralImage Class Refresh Problems Pin
Ceri30-Sep-02 3:46
Ceri30-Sep-02 3:46 
GeneralAssembly Pin
Jinwah29-Sep-02 22:05
Jinwah29-Sep-02 22:05 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 22:18
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 22:18 
I can't figure out why you couldn't do things such like :
csc /out:myAssembly.exe myCode.cs
csc /out:myCodeLibrary.dll /t:library myCode.cs

Using such assembly in your code depends on the environment :
- from the IDE, you just add a reference
- from code, you dynamically load the assembly thanks to the *.Assembly namespace
- from configuration, you may create either a manifest file (versioning), or a config file (targetting specific outside assemblies), depending on what you intend to do.

I would suggest these two links : appdomain[^], assemblies[^].

if you start putting in too manay features, it no longer remains useful for beginners
quote in a CP article comment, shiraz baig
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
leppie29-Sep-02 22:57
leppie29-Sep-02 22:57 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
Jinwah30-Sep-02 0:10
Jinwah30-Sep-02 0:10 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
leppie30-Sep-02 2:19
leppie30-Sep-02 2:19 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
Jinwah30-Sep-02 3:46
Jinwah30-Sep-02 3:46 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
James T. Johnson30-Sep-02 4:06
James T. Johnson30-Sep-02 4:06 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
leppie30-Sep-02 5:18
leppie30-Sep-02 5:18 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
Jinwah30-Sep-02 5:40
Jinwah30-Sep-02 5:40 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
ez230-Sep-02 6:44
ez230-Sep-02 6:44 
GeneralRe: Assembly Pin
leppie30-Sep-02 8:24
leppie30-Sep-02 8:24 
GeneralProgrammed customizing toolbox Pin
PavelB29-Sep-02 21:35
PavelB29-Sep-02 21:35 
GeneralRe: Programmed customizing toolbox Pin
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 22:07
Stephane Rodriguez.29-Sep-02 22:07 
GeneralRe: Programmed customizing toolbox Pin
David Stone30-Sep-02 17:52
sitebuilderDavid Stone30-Sep-02 17:52 
Questionhow to make CAD-like program with .NET Pin
Zibar29-Sep-02 19:38
sussZibar29-Sep-02 19:38 
AnswerRe: how to make CAD-like program with .NET Pin
Daniel Strigl29-Sep-02 20:11
Daniel Strigl29-Sep-02 20:11 
GeneralRe: how to make CAD-like program with .NET Pin
Luis Alonso Ramos30-Sep-02 4:09
Luis Alonso Ramos30-Sep-02 4:09 
GeneralRe: how to make CAD-like program with .NET Pin
Daniel Strigl30-Sep-02 4:14
Daniel Strigl30-Sep-02 4:14 
Questionwhere it read from a file? Pin
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 16:05
imran_rafique29-Sep-02 16:05 

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