I want to resize gridview column width dynamically like component art grid.
I think you need good knowledge of JS to do this. Take a good book and learn. I am not sure, but look at the JQuery library which may have some techniques to do this.
I have two listitems, The items selected in the first combo is moved to another combo at a button click using JScript. when i access the second comobos values in server side,the item count of the second combo seems to be 0. can any one help me in solving in this issue.
How are you adding items to dropdown? Try to add like
document.getElementById("DropDownId").options[index] = new Option("text", "value");
Dear friends,
In my asp.net 2.0 website, I added a Report. I am using cultural settings in my site. Is there any way to display the data in the report based on cultural settings.
ie, if the cultureInfo="en-US", the date data in report should display in MM/dd/yyyy format.
if the cultureInfo="en-GB", the date data in report should display in dd/MM/yyyy format.
Please give me a suggestion for this problem
Shivanandan C V
Shivan Nandan wrote: I added a Report.
What report is it? A crystal report or some other? DateTime.Now.ToString() has got overloads, where you can specify the pattern you want to display the date.
I have used SQL Server Reporting Service.
In that I kept a table and on that, added fields from dataset which includes a datetime field also. This report is bound to a ReportViewer Control in the aspx page. In this aspx page, I have set the culture. While displaying Date on this page, it displays based on the culture I have set, but the report displays date in local system settings.
Shivanandan C V
What is Share Point?
how to work in Asp.net in Share Point
with some example
JAS GIRI wrote: What is Share Point?
What ios share point?[^]
JAS GIRI wrote: how to work in Asp.net in Share Point
CodeProject MVP
You can build a web-part control that supports drag/drop user-personalization and customization and use it within any vanilla ASP.NET 2.0 application, or host it within a SharePoint 2007 or Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) site
Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.
Looking back at your posts, you are either a total moron, posting from some sort of workshop for retarded people ( in which case, I'm sorry, but perhaps you should find a place more supportive of your special needs ), or a troll. No matter which it is, you're in the wrong place, this is a place for professional developers, people who can use google, who can read, and who are able to understand some basics of programming.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
Hi all,
First of all I wud like to thank u all for helping me out again n again.Life wud have been miserable without the expert-advices of codeproject.
My Situation:
On a remote PC,we r running windows server 2003,IIS6.0,sharepoint services and it has .NET Framework 1.1.I wish to run my ASP.NET website created in Framework 2.0 on that IIS.For this I need to install Framework 2.0 on the server.The Server is also running a Sharepoint site.
My Question:
If I install Framework 2.0 on the above mentioned windows server 2003,will it affect my existing sharepoint site?Will there be any negative impact on the system?I wish to clarify my doubts in order to go for the installation on the server bcoz my supervisor is very much reluctant to this idea and he thinks it will surely affect the existing sharepoint site in a negative way.
Kindly enlighten me in this regard!!
vasillis_zayetsav wrote: I wish to run my ASP.NET website created in Framework 2.0 on that IIS.For this I need to install Framework 2.0 on the server.The Server is also running a Sharepoint site.
my system is also running in same condition. It has all the .Net Framework Install. and WSS 3.0 .
vasillis_zayetsav wrote: If I install Framework 2.0 on the above mentioned windows server 2003,will it affect my existing sharepoint site?
I don't think so. Share Point having it own sites. and By default its running on Port 80. and When you host your .net sites create Virtual Directory on your "Default Web Site" not under Share point site. Share point site will run independently on your earlier setup. After creating VD of new sites, Change the ASp.Net version to Version 2.0. So its all cool.
CodeProject MVP
Hi Experts
I'm just starting to look at the dataset's i(xsd files) in ASP.Net 2.0 and have a general enquiry about best practice.
It is best to have xsd file for database table . What are most people doing and the advantages / dis advantages for this aproach.
My database of choice is SQL Server 2000 using Stored Procs.
Read This[^] Article
CodeProject MVP
antony beula wrote: I'm just starting to look at the dataset's i(xsd files) in ASP.Net 2.0 and have a general enquiry about best practice.
I am not a big fan of DataSet . Just create custom strongly typed classes and use it. You will feel much better than a DataSet .
I am using a gridview(paging enabled with some 80,000 records, page size 1000 records) with selectallpages & deselectallpages.
Selectallpages and deselect is working fine with me, after selecting all the pages record using a checkbox, I need to find the values in the rows having checkbox checked.
But I m able to find only records on the selected page, not able to retrieve values from other pages. Selectallpages is working, I can see that by going through pages.
I tried looping through gridview rows but its gives values only of current page.
Any suggestion how to retrieve all the values(80k records).
Vijay V.
Yash Softech
VijayVishwakarma wrote: I am using a gridview(paging enabled with some 80,000 records, page size 1000 records)
Is it really necessary to display this amount (80,000) records in GridView. Did you ever thing about the web site performance ? Please have a look into it and Try to minimize the records as small as possible. This is just my suggestion.
VijayVishwakarma wrote: But I m able to find only records on the selected page, not able to retrieve values from other pages. Selectallpages is working, I can see that by going through pages.
Here is a excellent article by Samir, Maintaining States of Selected CheckBoxes in Different Pages inside the GridView[^]
This will resolve your problem. But please consider the Data amount the that you are showing on page.
Good luck!
CodeProject MVP
Thanks for the link.
I do care for that, but it is the requirement.
Its the admin of the site where site admin wants to see all the values.
I am worried about the performance since I m expecting more than 100,000 users on the site at a time, need to write a perfect caching code and work out with performances.
This count will go above 100,000 in 3-4 days.
Vijay V.
Yash Softech
VijayVishwakarma wrote: Its the admin of the site where site admin wants to see all the values.
That's correct. But why you are not giving some search criteria, based on that display the data.
VijayVishwakarma wrote:
I am worried about the performance since I m expecting more than 100,000 users on the site at a time, need to write a perfect caching code and work out with performances.
Yup. You should taking care of lots of Caching.And here is the one of the best link for performance, Improving ASP.NET Performance[^] . Please go through this.
Good luck
CodeProject MVP
Vijay V.
Yash Softech
VijayVishwakarma wrote: I am using a gridview(paging enabled with some 80,000 records, page size 1000 records) with selectallpages & deselectallpages.
Reading all other posts, I understand you care about performance. So don't use the built-in gridview paging. It just loads all the data at the beginning and reloads it when page index changes which will be huge performance issue. As a remedy, use custom paging.
VijayVishwakarma wrote: I tried looping through gridview rows but its gives values only of current page.
Loop through the data source. Data source will have all the values.
i want to upload more then one file with single file upload control?
how can i achieve this?
keyur satyadev wrote: i want to upload more then one file with single file upload control?
You can't.
Here[^] is a good article on multiple file upload using Flash. You can look into it.
CodeProject MVP
thanks for reply.
but i do it. it is possible.