actually i want to create a search engine for my website which will search all the data within site static as well as dynamic.
I am facing a problem when i want to search dynamic data which is generated by querystring.
I have used webClent's downloaddata method to access data from particular page, but it only searchs the entire folder of my website.
It searches dynamic data but in result page it shows wrong link.Is there any way to access all the links or anchor tag from a page having querystring and passes to webclient for accessing the data and show in result page..I hope that everyone can understand my problem and requirement..
If your content is dynamically generated, then you need to search the content it is generated by. If it's static, then you probably still want to put it in a DB, that's waht databases are good at. It sounds to me like your issue is taking the content you find, and correctly linking to the page that was found. I am not sure why this is, but it indicates an issue in your data structure.
the cheats way, nowadays, is to use google to search your site.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
What I am working on is creating a custom Asp config file to update the site configuration without using the web.config file. I was planning to use my site's existing cacheManager to hold new configuration changes and have a dependency setup on the path to the file, or file itself. The objectives of this are as follows:
1. Not have the site automatically restart to read new changes made like the default web.config file does.
2. Create a cache dependency so that once the custom config file has been changed, or touched, it's will automatically invalidate the cache and on next config item read use the new config properties for all logged in and new users.
Now, I do not know if there is something already built into the .NET framework that I can use or if this is something I must implement myself.
If anyone can provide me with useful links or ideas that would be great!
I am not aware of anything built-in. You have to create your own custom files and classes to read it.
Hello All,
I have a question that I think I did perform due diligence on finding an answer before having to interupt your day. I am at a lost, so here goes.
I have an internal application that users requested I extend it's features by allowing a user to upload a file that anyone can look at by selecting it from a list.
I utilized the FileUpload Control with extreme ease and that this part is working great (uploading the files and saving them to the hard drive.) After this I have hit a wall.
I want the user to be able to select a saved file and have it displayed in the aspx page with the correct external application (Word for docs and txt files, and anything for pdf files. I allow the upload of DOC and PDF files). I have not found a way to do this.
If anyone can point me in the right direction, I will greatly appreciate it.
Again, sorry to bug you guys but I am lost.
If you do a response.write and set the header type correctly, then they will be able to view those files, provided they have acrobat and word installed.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I dont see any point in implementing such thing. because if you have atleast one samrt user then...
User can alway take a screen shot and save it.
User can use 3rd party browser which are not following that policy.
User can save the page by writing some script, without opening it in web browser.
User can copy-paste text and take a screen shot of your images.
User can print out and make a same page, by writting a same text or creating a same images.
User can copy the contents from "Temp Internet Files" folder.
So I think if your information is that much sensitive then just dont display it. otherwise you cannot prevent users to copy something.
hemant.kaushal wrote: Got an article related to it but not getting any way to do that
This article should be applying towards Internet Explorer Administration Kit.
hemant.kaushal wrote: Is there any way to disable Save As.. Menu option on web page ?
I would say if you do that, it would end up looking rude at the user.
Vasudevan Deepak Kumar
Personal Homepage Tech Gossips
The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep!
My requirement is to track pages in a ASP.NET Website.
The user should not be allowed to type some URL and go to pages of sites without logging in..
How to do that in ASP.NET
When your user logged in you have to set some "Session" variable. and in all the other pages in the Page_Load event you have to check wether that variable has been set or not. if not then redirect the user to Login Page.
If you dont know how to use Session in asp.net then, you can search for article in Code Project. there is one nice article by Abhijit.
we have a team of 5 to 7 programmers working on a single asp.net project. And we are using visual source safe for team management here. We have one asp.net website and one associated class library whose dll is added as a reference in the website.
The problem is when i want to debug i can debug pages from website very easily but when i come a point where i m accessing some routine through object of a class library it does not allow me to debug into that class of class library although i have added its dll as a reference in the website.
Second thing is when i make any change in any of the classes of class library it does not allow me to update or re-build the dll again through source safe.
Does anyone have any suggestions on it? am i missing something here or going wrong somewhere ?
Pls answer as this is the first time we are implementing source safe and that too for a very critical project.
Dont add dll to source safe only add classes on source safe and let others to take latest version at their end and than build at their end.
We also went through same problem
Thanx for the solution ... will definately try it out .... and reply for the same
i try to use the Calendar control in a SharePoint-Webpart. Everything looks fine, except that i cannot use any button within the control or select any date.
I create an instance of the calendar within the CreateChildControls-EventHandler, I set my styles in the PreRender-Eevent, and render the Calendar.
Calendar calendarControl;
protected override void CreateChildControls()
calendarControl = new Calendar();
public override void RenderControl(HtmlTextWriter writer)
private void SetStyles()
calendarControl.Style.Add("vertical-align", "middle");
calendarControl.BackColor = Color.WhiteSmoke;
calendarControl.NextMonthText = "Next";
calendarControl.PrevMonthText = "Prev";
calendarControl.Style.Add("float", "left");
calendarControl.Style.Add("margin-right", "30px");
calendarControl.TodayDayStyle.BackColor = Color.LightBlue;
calendarControl.SelectorStyle.BackColor = Color.Wheat;
calendarControl.DayRender += new DayRenderEventHandler(calendarControl _DayRender);
protected void calendarControl_DayRender(object sender, DayRenderEventArgs e)
e.Day.IsSelectable = false;
e.Day.IsSelectable = true;
Any Ideas why this does not work?
how to add sms gateway and its webservices to an asp.net application...plz show me in detail...
iam using smsgateway url:^]thanx...
Check out the website of that SMS Gateway provider. there should be some exaples / tutorials on the website. if not then you can ask Support department to provide some documentation for the interface. if this is also not working then please change the Gateway Provider
public void OpenNewWindow(string url)
string winFeatures = "toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,location=center,scrollbars=no,resizable=no,height=300,width=400";
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(),"newWindow", string.Format("window.open('{0}', 'yourWin', '{1}');", url, winFeatures));
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
if (Session["Admin_Id"] != null)
//Lbladminname.Text = "Hi" + Session["username"].ToString();
// Response.Write(Session["username"].ToString());
//Lbladminname.Text = "Dear" + Session["username"].ToString();
Label lbl = (Label)Master.FindControl("Lbladminname");
Label lblt = (Label)Master.FindControl("Lbltime");
if(lbl !=null)
lbl.Text =" Welcome " + Session["username"].ToString().Trim();
if (lblt != null)
lblt.Text = DateTime.UtcNow.ToLongDateString().ToString();
//HttpCookie mycookie = Request.Cookies["link"];
if (Session["link"] != null)
//Lbllastlogin.Text = Session["username"].ToString();
iam calling the javascript function in Page_load ,its working properly ,but the pop window is not displayed.so please some one help me i have specified my total code above
thanks in advance
saibabuvenkata wrote: iam calling the javascript function in Page_load ,its working properly ,but the pop window is not displayed.so please some one help me i have specified my total code above
Are you using AJAX Scriptmanager in your page?
CodeProject MVP
i am not using Ajax controls in this particular page
Make sure that browser's "block pop-up windows" option is off.
it looks like you are missing some quotation marks.
Try this:
string.Format(@"<script type=""text/javascript"">window.open('{0}', 'yourWin', '{1}');</script>"
If that does not help, check your if-clauses. I tried the code myself and everything worked fine.
I have a gridview with TemplateField column i need to get gridview row values on rowcommand event ,to update a gridview row how?
im writing GridViewRow rf =GridView1.Rows(e.CommandArgument);
n1 = rf.Cells[0].Text ;
but it doesn't work!!
I am working on a project, in this I need to pass parameters to a stored procedure or query which is using 'in' Keyword
The query will be like this:
select VideoTitle from Item where ItemId in(select ItemId from GroupLink where GroupId in(139,76,86))
This is working fine. But when I pass the GroupId as parameters to a stored procedure to make the query dynamic as:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[Procedure]
@GroupId INT
select VideoTitle from Item where ItemId in(select ItemId from GroupLink where GroupId in(@GroupId))
if I pass the parameters like:
exec Procedure (2,3,4)
select VideoTitle from Item where ItemId in(select ItemId from GroupLink where GroupId in('"+IDs+"'))
string IDs=2,3,4;
I am getting a error
If anyone have any solution to solve this, please kindly help me.