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Questionhow to Detect Hide Form? Pin
soulidentities10-Mar-09 16:25
soulidentities10-Mar-09 16:25 
AnswerRe: how to Detect Hide Form? Pin
Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 16:32
professional Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 16:32 
GeneralRe: how to Detect Hide Form? Pin
soulidentities10-Mar-09 17:39
soulidentities10-Mar-09 17:39 
GeneralRe: how to Detect Hide Form? Pin
Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 17:44
professional Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 17:44 
GeneralRe: how to Detect Hide Form? Pin
Richard Blythe10-Mar-09 20:02
Richard Blythe10-Mar-09 20:02 
GeneralRe: how to Detect Hide Form? [modified] Pin
soulidentities10-Mar-09 20:42
soulidentities10-Mar-09 20:42 
AnswerRe: how to Detect Hide Form? Pin
Roger Wright10-Mar-09 19:56
professionalRoger Wright10-Mar-09 19:56 
QuestionDataGridView and DataSets Pin
Illegal Operation10-Mar-09 14:25
Illegal Operation10-Mar-09 14:25 
I have a dataset that contains a query stateing the following:

select * from table where id = @id.

This query works fine. The problem I am having is that I have 2 Windows forms, Form1 contains a datagrid and Form2 contains the textboxes, comboboxes etc.

How can I double click on a record in the datagrid and then that record should populate form2?

I know it should be handled in the datagrid_doubleclick method but How can I let Form2 know that I have double clicked on id 1?

Illegal Operation

AnswerRe: DataGridView and DataSets Pin
Jack Li10-Mar-09 15:50
Jack Li10-Mar-09 15:50 
GeneralRe: DataGridView and DataSets Pin
Illegal Operation10-Mar-09 15:53
Illegal Operation10-Mar-09 15:53 
AnswerRe: DataGridView and DataSets Pin
Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 16:26
professional Xmen Real 10-Mar-09 16:26 
AnswerRe: DataGridView and DataSets Pin
Samuel Cherinet10-Mar-09 17:45
Samuel Cherinet10-Mar-09 17:45 
QuestionASCII character conversion - this is driving me nuts Pin
Bryden.Murdoch10-Mar-09 14:12
Bryden.Murdoch10-Mar-09 14:12 
AnswerRe: ASCII character conversion - this is driving me nuts Pin
harold aptroot10-Mar-09 14:28
harold aptroot10-Mar-09 14:28 
AnswerRe: ASCII character conversion - this is driving me nuts Pin
Luc Pattyn10-Mar-09 15:14
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn10-Mar-09 15:14 
AnswerRe: ASCII character conversion - this is driving me nuts Pin
Alan N10-Mar-09 16:18
Alan N10-Mar-09 16:18 
GeneralRe: ASCII character conversion - this is driving me nuts Pin
Bryden.Murdoch11-Mar-09 9:21
Bryden.Murdoch11-Mar-09 9:21 
QuestionGraph Disappear Problem vol 2 Pin
StuffyEst10-Mar-09 12:15
StuffyEst10-Mar-09 12:15 
AnswerRe: Graph Disappear Problem vol 2 Pin
Yusuf10-Mar-09 12:25
Yusuf10-Mar-09 12:25 
GeneralRe: Graph Disappear Problem vol 2 Pin
StuffyEst10-Mar-09 12:29
StuffyEst10-Mar-09 12:29 
AnswerRe: Graph Disappear Problem vol 2 Pin
Luc Pattyn10-Mar-09 15:28
sitebuilderLuc Pattyn10-Mar-09 15:28 
GeneralRe: Graph Disappear Problem vol 2 Pin
StuffyEst11-Mar-09 4:25
StuffyEst11-Mar-09 4:25 
QuestionProgrammatically Setting the Application's Privilege Level? Pin
That Asian Guy10-Mar-09 11:33
That Asian Guy10-Mar-09 11:33 
AnswerRe: Programmatically Setting the Application's Privilege Level? Pin
Ravadre10-Mar-09 13:14
Ravadre10-Mar-09 13:14 
QuestionOleDB UPDATE command throws exception Pin
Matthew Klein10-Mar-09 11:03
Matthew Klein10-Mar-09 11:03 

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