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Questionmulti threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
Mubeen.asim6-Mar-09 7:40
Mubeen.asim6-Mar-09 7:40 
AnswerRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
harold aptroot6-Mar-09 7:48
harold aptroot6-Mar-09 7:48 
GeneralRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
Mubeen.asim6-Mar-09 8:00
Mubeen.asim6-Mar-09 8:00 
GeneralRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
harold aptroot6-Mar-09 8:47
harold aptroot6-Mar-09 8:47 
GeneralRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
caix7-Mar-09 16:08
caix7-Mar-09 16:08 
GeneralRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
mcldev10-Mar-09 10:45
mcldev10-Mar-09 10:45 
GeneralRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
Mubeen.asim10-Mar-09 21:21
Mubeen.asim10-Mar-09 21:21 
AnswerRe: multi threaded tcp listeners possible Pin
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.6-Mar-09 17:14
Ennis Ray Lynch, Jr.6-Mar-09 17:14 
The AcceptSocket method will return a TcpSocket object moved to a different port so you can begin the accept cycle again. No code has to be written to change the port. You can then queue the Socket objects and parse them in a separate thread. Or you can use Asynchronous sockets. In no case will you need more than two threads to handle the connections.

Read the documentation here,[^] and to verify that the ports are indeed automatically assigned for you run the command line method netstat.

Need custom software developed? I do C# development and consulting all over the United States.

A man said to the universe:
"Sir I exist!"
"However," replied the universe,
"The fact has not created in me
A sense of obligation."
--Stephen Crane

QuestionWin32_CompurterSystem: Rename, JoinDomainOrWorkgroup, UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup - HELP Pin
mcldev6-Mar-09 5:18
mcldev6-Mar-09 5:18 
AnswerRe: Win32_CompurterSystem: Rename, JoinDomainOrWorkgroup, UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup - HELP Pin
Uros Calakovic6-Mar-09 10:09
Uros Calakovic6-Mar-09 10:09 
GeneralRe: Win32_CompurterSystem: Rename, JoinDomainOrWorkgroup, UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup - HELP Pin
mcldev6-Mar-09 15:41
mcldev6-Mar-09 15:41 
GeneralRe: Win32_CompurterSystem: Rename, JoinDomainOrWorkgroup, UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup - HELP Pin
Uros Calakovic6-Mar-09 21:06
Uros Calakovic6-Mar-09 21:06 
GeneralRe: Win32_CompurterSystem: Rename, JoinDomainOrWorkgroup, UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup - HELP Pin
mcldev10-Mar-09 10:46
mcldev10-Mar-09 10:46 
Questionproblems with my C# application Pin
laziale6-Mar-09 4:26
laziale6-Mar-09 4:26 
AnswerRe: problems with my C# application Pin
musefan6-Mar-09 4:31
musefan6-Mar-09 4:31 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
laziale6-Mar-09 4:47
laziale6-Mar-09 4:47 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
musefan6-Mar-09 4:55
musefan6-Mar-09 4:55 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
laziale6-Mar-09 5:25
laziale6-Mar-09 5:25 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
musefan6-Mar-09 5:30
musefan6-Mar-09 5:30 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
laziale6-Mar-09 5:53
laziale6-Mar-09 5:53 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
musefan6-Mar-09 6:00
musefan6-Mar-09 6:00 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
Eddy Vluggen6-Mar-09 6:15
professionalEddy Vluggen6-Mar-09 6:15 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
laziale6-Mar-09 6:44
laziale6-Mar-09 6:44 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
Eddy Vluggen6-Mar-09 7:04
professionalEddy Vluggen6-Mar-09 7:04 
GeneralRe: problems with my C# application Pin
jaypatel5128-Mar-09 4:46
jaypatel5128-Mar-09 4:46 

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