EcK3kO wrote: I need to create an instance of a class inside that dll in a c# project
You can't do that.
One thing you can do is wrap that class in a managed class using C++/CLI. There are a massive number of introductory articles and information about CLI on the internet. There is even a series of beginner articles here on Code Project and of course a large amount of information on MSDN.
I just finished one of my first programs, a program to show and hide windows by process. I'd like to go ahead and give it to my boss to put it in production, but the memory usage ranges from 12-15MB, and doesn't seem to make any sense.
A co-worker of mine has a similar piece of software (handles z-order of windows), which he programmed in delphi, and it only takes 4-5MB of RAM.
I attempted to call the garbage collector more frequently, but, as expected, this didn't have much of an effect (from what I've been reading, it does its job pretty efficiently on it's own).
Does anyone have any tips for memory optimization?
Thanks very much,
First, if you're looking in TaskManager to see the memory usage, it's lying to you. You're app isn't taking that much memory. A .NET app, like Java, runs in a kind of virtual machine. What you're seeing is what the .NET CLR has reserved for your application, even if the memory isn't being used. No, you can't do anything about it since all memory management is done automatically by the CLR.
If Windows needs the memory the CLR has reserved back, the CLR is more than happy to return whatever it can. The reseason the memory is reserved to start with is because when your code allocates memory for an object, it's much quickler to allocate it out of the managed heap the CLR maintains, than it is to go back to Windows, ask for a block of memory, add it to the managed heap, then allocate your object.
Calling the GarbageCollector doesn't do anything for you except screw up the internal optimization algorithm it uses. Unless you're an advanced developer with a definite need to do this and know precisely why you're doing it and the consequences of doing it, you show never force the GC to do an early collection.
Plus, 12 to 15MB of memory is nothing now-a-days, so what are you worried about??
Dave Kreskowiak wrote: Plus, 12 to 15MB of memory is nothing now-a-days, so what are you worried about??
from OP
OP wrote: A co-worker of mine has a similar piece of software (handles z-order of windows), which he programmed in delphi, and it only takes 4-5MB of RAM.
The Boss will make big fuss about .net
Yusuf wrote: The Boss will make big fuss about .net
Then the boss needs to read up on it and make form and educated opinion. The size of the runtime means nothing when it's productivity in writing code that's far more important. Ask him if he knows how memory management works in the .NET CLR. Does he know how it works in Delphi? Then compare the two.
Oh, and this reading is not just for the boss. It should be for you too, so you can explain it to him...
I agree with Dave.
bbranded wrote: Does anyone have any tips for memory optimization?
The best optimization tip, assuming the functionality requirements warrant it: add lots of code and functionality, and rejoice when multiplying the source by 1000 makes the memory footprint grow by a much smaller factor.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
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modified on Sunday, June 12, 2011 9:03 AM
Thanks for the info guys. I remember reading a blog post about it, but failed to be able to cite it to the senior dev.
I understand what you're laying Luc. Neato.
you're welcome.
Luc Pattyn [Forum Guidelines] [My Articles]
- before you ask a question here, search CodeProject, then Google
- the quality and detail of your question reflects on the effectiveness of the help you are likely to get
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This isn't a solution as such - but an observation. When an .Net application is minimized, the reported RAM useage in task manager decreases dramtically. I found this with an app that I did that ran in the tray mostly. On launch I forced it to minimize before placing it in the tray and all the clients stopped moaning!
Also, make sure you've compiled it as 'Release', not debug if you're just testing/running the exe rather than an install, that can make a difference too.
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn)Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia)
Hi everyone,
I use Regex for splitting a string. Now i have 2 Questions:
1. I have e.g the string "something || anything && anotherthing" and I want to split it into string[3] ={ something, anything, anotherthing }; is there an easier way than to use 2 Regex like Regex("||") and Regex("&&") and split it first with one Regex and then each element with the other?
2. I have heard that when you split a string you can leave the splitsequence (like in the example before "||") to one of the stringsresults. How can I do that?
Thanks for your help!
If you have the same delimiter between strings, then the easiest way is to use Split() method of string class.
string str = "aaa::bbb::ccc";
string[] splittedStrings = str.Split("::");
But, if the explression is more difficult, then Regex is a good solution
Why not just use the following regex: "( \|\| )|( && )" It finds either and can be used in your split.
Somehow that is not working...
I tried
Regex reg = new Regex("(\\|\\|)(&&)");
string input = "something || anything && anotherthing";
but it isnt Spliting it even once
Try again with the correct string
Regex reg = new Regex("( \|\| )|( && )");
Oh there was an | between the brackets...
Thanks a lot, and this also solves Question 2
I have a little Stored Procedure (SQL Server 2005), which returns some tables. Now, I'm getting those tables in the DataSet in my code. The problem is that I'm not getting TableName of none of the tables. All I get is a default naming convention "Table", Table1", Table2" ....
What is the way to get the TableName from SP? How can I basically know which table represents which select in the SP?
What do you mean: "you can't"? There has to be some proper way to get tables named then counting them in the SP and then reading them like myDataSet.Tables[5]. And what if SP has been changed? Will I have to recompile the whole project? BTW, If I can't then why do I need this property "TableName" at all?
modified on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 1:55 AM
Maxim Langman wrote: There has to be some proper way to get tables named
There isn't. There can't be.
Maxim Langman wrote: then why do I need this property "TableName" at all
You don't.
Hi evryone
I have some C# question
1. how to make event and use him ?
2. how to transfer file from computer1 to computer2 (in LAN - in share folder)
I try whit File.Copy, but it isent work
thank's for any help
1. There are many great articles around on CodeProject and elsewhere. A search here and on google should yeild many results. I also have an article here[^] aimed at beginners to events.
2. .NET applications without some work cannot access network shares etc with good reason. You can do it using impersonation (and spplying valid credentials of a user that has permissions to access the share) or physically altering the .NET runtime security policy on each machine that requires it.
DaveBTW, in software, hope and pray is not a viable strategy. (Luc Pattyn)Visual Basic is not used by normal people so we're not covering it here. (Uncyclopedia)
1. In order to create an event in your call you should do declare two things:
a. Declare public delegate
b. Declare public event which is an instance of this delegate
public delegate void ClickHandler(int Param1, int Param2);
public event ClickHandler Click;
Then when you want to fire this event you just call it:
private void foo(){
Click(argument1, argument2);
2. File.Copy should work if you map the drive
It's not so useful in VB.NET, but it's used when accessing the bitmap contents in memory using pointers. It's good for C# and managed C++, but VB.NET has no use for it since there is no pointer support in VB.NET.
If you want an example, there is a good series of Image Processing articles by Christian Graus that shows how to use it. Just search the articles for "Image Processing for Dummies".