i want to add the water mark on video file during the capture .
so how could i do the same?
pls help me.
The same way that you would use to add subtitles
There is no "modify video files"-class in .NET that I'm aware of, and "video files" are available in lots of file-formats. What's your starting-point?
I are troll
Hi All,,
I Want To Get All Foreign Key From A Table And the Referenced Table Of This Foreign Key,,
How I Can DO That???
Thanks All;;;;
It depends on the database you're using ? If you're using SQL Server, I know it's possible to come up with SQL that queries the system tables for this sort of info.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I Use SQL Server 2005 ,,
but I Don't Know the Query,,
Please u can get it For Me Now>???
thanks a lot
would be my best guess.
var question = (_2b || !(_2b));
I am using Directx.Capture for Video Recording & Image Capturing.
Now I want to manage color at the time of Video Recording.
How can I do this?
Manage it how ? Change the colors on the screen ? Why not do this in post processing ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
I want to change the background color during recording.
As we can set the colors in tv.
I am working with WindowsApplication in VS.NET 2005
I have listed the folders in a drive...for eg:
C:\projects\ports.ports folder in turn contains 10 other folders namely 10000,10001 etc...
I have created a separate application for the client and server to communicate...I have compiled the server application and copied the exe file into folder 10000 and i have included the client as a function in Form1.cs.
In my tool i.e. VS.NET 2005, i have written code to list exe files in a folder.So it gives me Server.exe with a button click.I wanted to run this exe file...I used Start() to do so. The exe file opens when i click start button.
Now i want to send a message from the client to the server(i.e .exe file opened with a button click).Is it possible to do this?
I had a try with this...When i click send button to send message from the client to the exe ,the exe closes...I have not closed the socket in side th code...I dont know why that happens...
Please help me out with this...Thanks for any help in advance.
Please urgent help i need from you.....
I am doing project in C#.....I am doing identifying text spam. For that i have to extract the text from an image in C#...Please help me how to do this in C#?
Please reply me....
I've given you an answer about 15 minutes ago. If you have any questions about my answer, feel free to reply to my answer and ask them
Could you tell me where is your answer?
Please to do not re post the question again
Bharat Jain
i need source code for extracting text from an image if anyone knows reply
to samratd636@gmail.com
You posted this same question less than 10 minutes ago. Have you read and understood the link I gave you there?
This is an indication. They don't like (your) answers
You are a retard.
There, I replied. Happy ?
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
can you please help me in extracting text from an image in c#...
please... reply.. soon..
Look into optical character recognition and neural networks. OCR will allow you to extract the text, and the neural networks will allow your program to learn from its mistakes (and it will make them!). I think that there are components out there which automate this for your programs
Contact your rentacoder client. Tell them you are a liar and a fraud, and that you bid for jobs you have no idea how to do, then expect to get a detailed solution to a complex problem by asking in a public forum. I very much doubt the little you're being paid is enough to buy an OCR library.
Christian Graus
Driven to the arms of OSX by Vista.
1. Google for OCR.
2. Use a meaningful subject.
3. Poeple here help because they like to; they are not being paid for it. Please don't say your problem is urgent; it is considered rude.
in my application i create a socket with the port no 7575 which is a well known port. but the problem is i'm not sure if this will be blocked when an anti virus software installed. so what i want is to prevent this risk by setting the port not to be blocked in any anti virus software.means with out touching the anti virus software, need to do it only through my application.any idea ?
First of all, ports are blocked in general by firewalls. If the user is running Vista, you can use the COM interface of Windows Firewall to unblock a port. On the other hand, this unblocks the port for every application. Why not just use a different port (I use 65535, there's a list on the internet of the ports each application uses [an RFC I think] so you could also just choose one not on that list)