thank you but it didd not help!!!
any sugestes
how i can know if the process die normally or abnormally in c#(if there is boolean variable in c# to it)?
Use the FormClosing of your main form. It's EventArgs will tell you the reason;
Being one of these;
* ApplicationExitCall
* FormOwnerClosing
* MdiFormClosing
* TaskManagerClosing
* UserClosing
* WindowsShutDown
I are troll
Yes. Use the above if you are using a windows app
Use "AppDomain.CurrentDomain.ProcessExit" event otherwise. which will get called on th eprocess exit.. This is for the full appdomain
i'm writing a c# code similar to the windows task manager, and i need to konow if each process in it closed normally or not, how i can do this in c#?
The task-manager just sends messages to the application, and if it doesn't proces them it 'assumes' that the application is dead.
I doubt that the taskmanager gets the exit-reason of each application.
I are troll
how to get user and sys cpu time of a process in c#?
how to get total cpu usage of each process in c#?
the quieter u become more u hear
I am working on a door lock system. i want to read data from each reader.
if coming data is valid card no. then i have to give 'Gy'[G is address of reader] command to that particular reader. i am using axWinsock1 component and using timer control to read data from
reader . it continuously reading from 'G' reader.
private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
lbl_time.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
string cmd = "G0";
byte[] msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd.ToString());
Object objData = new System.Object();
axWinsock1.GetData(ref objData, 8, 1024);
string strData = (string)objData;
if (strData.Trim() != "0")
timer1.Enabled = false;
txtDataRx.Text = txtDataRx.Text + "Input Time : "+ System.DateTime.Now.ToString();
txtDataRx.Text = txtDataRx.Text + " Card No. : "+ strData;
cmd = "Gy";
msg = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd.ToString());
txtDataRx.Text = txtDataRx.Text + "Door Open";
timer1.Enabled = true;
catch(Exception se)
//MessageBox.Show ( );
string msg = se.ToString();
hi dear
i am also working in same RFID passive card using door open system
i have card reader and passive card when i show my card that reader read.
here we are using TCP/IP and c# asp.net
when i show the card the cardId or details i want to display into my asp.page
so i want write event or delegates if u have coding pls mail me its my mail Id jagamca.cs@gmail.com
card reader to machine
machine to card reader via tcp/ip c# asp.net
how to we fire event or delegate
getting data from reader to asp.net page please if you have send me the tcp/ip method
I try these code, but doesn't work,
string file = @"e:\test.log";<br />
<br />
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.Read);<br />
FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); <br />
throw an exception:
System.IO.IOException: The process cannot access the file 'e:\test.log' because it is being used by another process..
how to solve this?
Glad to discuss with you and best wishes.
FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.ReadWrite);
FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
thanks for your reply, i have tried this, throw the same exception.
i nearly tried all 'FileAccess', 'FileShare' combination
Glad to discuss with you and best wishes.
well, I check this and its working without any error
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
Sorry for my mistake, i create a test project like the first message, and it works.
but in my real project, it always throw the exception...
I wrote a singleton mode class, Logger class, to write log to file.
This logger class has 'LogLevel' property, the actions like in log4net.
then, i wrote a unit test class to test its LogLevel property setting will work.
I use the first FileStream in Logger class, then
I use the second FileStream in Logger Unit Test class, to check log message is corrent.
the second FileStream always throw that exception.
Glad to discuss with you and best wishes.
glad, you got it work
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
i want to learn OOP concepts any article or toutorial point to above is highly appericated
where i can learn OOP concepts
Best Regards
I have a console application to convert XML to HTML through XSLT.
When I try to execute this exe from server (intranet) I encound the following exception:
Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed..
Please advice.
Are you running the application from a network share ? It seems to be fixed in .Net 3.5 SP1. In previous versions it would crash if ran from a share due to the default low trust behavior.
Prior to .Net 3.5 SP1[^]
.Net 3.5 SP1[^]
Yes I run the exe from shared folder. And I use .Net 3.5 sp 1 - and still facing this problem.
This is due to CAS. Code access security in .Net. There are restrictions set for each zone (You could see it in intranet option or .Net configuation Cosole in control panel). Usually it is Organiasation wide. or enterprose wide settings. and governed by policies by network managers. You can also change this usign caspol.exe, a net command line tool. But better is to either copy it to your local machine or Remote login to that server. rather than accessing it through shared drive