Hi all,
How could I transform
\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Local Settings\\Temp\\image0.jpg\" to
"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\image0.jpg"
P.S This is a string inside of tag. The \\ in file path made it failed to locate the .jpg file.
modified on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 12:12 AM
If its a string then you can use replace command.
1. Replace \\ with \
2. Replace \" with "
i hope it will work in most of the cases.
Thanks for the reply.
aaCog wrote: 1. Replace \\ with \
The question is how should I represent
\\ in
string.replace("\\", '\' )
without escape sequence? Same thing with \"
LiYS wrote: string.replace("\\", '\' )
it wont work, either both params are type of string or char. No way for one string and another char
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
string saves \ as \\, so I dont think you can change it in a string variable however if you gonna write in text file or displaying in textbox or anyother control then you can try with string.Replace("\\\\", "\\")
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
Xmen wrote: string.Replace("\\\\", "\\")
That's another approach I've tried with no luck. The .replace() seems don't take \\\\ as \\
It would be nice if you explain your main requirement
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
It's a string inside of tag. The \\ in file path made it failed to locate the .jpg file.
like this ? code
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
Xmen wrote: like this ? code
Its hard to tell, because I dont know how you setting this path in src Attribute...
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
Xmen wrote: Its hard to tell, because I dont know how you setting this path in src Attribute...
Like this:
imageNode.SetAttributeValue("src", strpath);
where "strpath" is "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\image0.jpg"
try this
imageNode = document.createElement('img');
imageNode.src = strpath;
128 bit encrypted signature, crack if you can
i dunno what your application is doing,
but try using "/" instead of "\".
See if it works.
Perhaps try in your declaration using the @ char before the string ? e.g.
string _fileUrl = @"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Administrator\\Local Settings\\Temp\\image0.jpg\";
I have a datagridview including columns: MedicineName, Contry, Quantity, .., Total.
When I want to type a word ( ex: "B" ) into a cell of MedicineName column then appearing a list conntaint: "B1","B2","B6" ( note that "B1 B2 B6 " exist in list) then it allow to choose a item from the list. The list is disappeared and also that all has value which chosen.
Thank you very much!!
My input is
Deep Well, landscape [1,1]
and I need to parse at the comma so I will have "deep well" as 'WellType' and then after the space so that "landscape" will be 'WellOrientation'. Sounds easy. The catch is sometimes 'WellType' will have a space, and other times it will not. Also, Orientation can be all kinds of things not just landscape. And the [1,1] is fine no issues with that.
My current expression is
And this my output is:
WellType: Deep
WellOrientation: W
Now Im pretty sure i know the problem, which is a first for me. [^,]* is saying keep going until you reach a comma, but then i have \s, which says stop at the space. Because the input has both a comma and a space im getting this output.
any ideas on how to get this working?
How about this:
^ ^
should also work
a programmer traped in a thugs body
No, it doesn't, because of the whitespace. You also left off the second asterisk.
But "(?'WellType'.*),\s(?'WellOrientation'.*)" does.
I have written a C# console-application that depends on a number of environment variables. These variables are set in a *.bat file.
I would like to run that file and have the variables set in my application's environment.
Unfortunatly that doesn't work, a least not by using System.Diagnostics.Process.
Am I missing something? Any Idea?
Thanks for any help.
Try using the System.Environment class. It has several static methods that should help solve your problem.
I know System.Environment.
It allows me (among other things) to set and retrieve enviroment variables.
But I need to use the *.bat file because it is not under my control and I don't otherwise know the values it will set.